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Отработка грамматических структур Present/Past Simple, , Present/Past Progressive

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Задания на закрепление грамматики: Present/Past Simple, Present/Past Progressive

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«Отработка грамматических структур Present/Past Simple, , Present/Past Progressive»

Раскрой скобки и вставь правильную форму глагола: 1) My sister ….. (clean) the kitchen now. 2) I often ….. (buy) food on Fridays. 3) Nick …. (not/go) to the Caucasus last year. 4) Look out! Who….. (watch) you? 5) My grandfather usually ….. (work) in the garden in the morning. 6) I ….. (do) my homework last Monday. 7) Sometimes Maria ….. (cook) lunch for herself. 8) Sorry! I … (be late). 9) The manager is busy. He …..(talk) with a customer. 10) I ….. (be) in the Crimea last summer. 1
  • Раскрой скобки и вставь правильную форму глагола:

1) My sister ….. (clean) the kitchen now.

2) I often ….. (buy) food on Fridays.

3) Nick …. (not/go) to the Caucasus last year.

4) Look out! Who….. (watch) you?

5) My grandfather usually ….. (work) in the garden in the morning.

6) I ….. (do) my homework last Monday.

7) Sometimes Maria ….. (cook) lunch for herself.

8) Sorry! I … (be late).

9) The manager is busy. He …..(talk) with a customer.

10) I ….. (be) in the Crimea last summer.


II .Сделай предложения вопросительными: 1) I forgot my umbrella. …………………………………………   ? 2) My mother called me 10 minutes ago. ………………………...  ? 3) The alpinist is climbing the mountain. ………………………… ?   4) I go to the gym every day. ………………………………………? 5) My cat is sleeping in his basket. ……………………………………?

II .Сделай предложения вопросительными:

  • 1) I forgot my umbrella. …………………………………………   ?
  • 2) My mother called me 10 minutes ago. ………………………...  ?
  • 3) The alpinist is climbing the mountain. ………………………… ?  
  • 4) I go to the gym every day. ………………………………………?
  • 5) My cat is sleeping in his basket. ……………………………………?
Сделай предложения отрицательными:  1) My elder sister plays the violin every day ………………………….. 2) Boys are playing football at the stadium. …………………………… 3) I do shopping twice a week. …………………………………………. 4) I flew to Dublin last year. ..................................................................... 5) My parents went to China last winter. ..................................................  
  • Сделай предложения отрицательными:

  • 1) My elder sister plays the violin every day …………………………..
  • 2) Boys are playing football at the stadium. ……………………………
  • 3) I do shopping twice a week. ………………………………………….
  • 4) I flew to Dublin last year. .....................................................................
  • 5) My parents went to China last winter. ..................................................
Check yourself 1) is clean ing 2) buy 3) did not go 4) is watching 5) works 6) did 7) cooks 8) am late 9) is talk ing 10) was 1) Did you forget your umbrella? 2) Did your mother call you 10 minutes ago?3) Is the alpinist climb ing the mountain? 4) Do you go to the gym every day? 5) Is your cat sleep ing in his basket? 1) My elder sister doesn’t play the violin every day. 2) Boys are not playing footbal at the stadium. 3) I don’t do shopping twice a week. 4) I didn’t fly to Dublin last year. 5) My parents didn’t go to China last winter.
  • Check yourself
  • 1) is clean ing 2) buy 3) did not go 4) is watching 5) works 6) did 7) cooks 8) am late 9) is talk ing 10) was
  • 1) Did you forget your umbrella? 2) Did your mother call you 10 minutes ago?3) Is the alpinist climb ing the mountain? 4) Do you go to the gym every day? 5) Is your cat sleep ing in his basket?
  • 1) My elder sister doesn’t play the violin every day. 2) Boys are not playing footbal at the stadium. 3) I don’t do shopping twice a week. 4) I didn’t fly to Dublin last year. 5) My parents didn’t go to China last winter.


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