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Our college (demonstrative lesson)

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Our college is one of the best educational institutions in our region. Every student highly appreciate his or her college and proud of it. 

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«Our college (demonstrative lesson)»

Метод проектов на занятии по теме "Наш колледж"

Для проведения занятия был выбран метод проектов, который позволил активно использовать как коллективно-групповые, так и индивидуальные формы. Всё занятие проходит в виде заочного диалога – ответов на письма друзей из Канады и Англии. В ходе занятия был задействован мультимедийный проектор. Преподаватель выступает в роли консультанта-координатора.

Ход занятия по дисциплине «Английский язык» по теме «Наш колледж»:

1. Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you! Are you O.K? I’m very glad to hear it.
Today we are going to have our final lesson on the topic «College». Today’s lesson we’ll speak about our college. Last lessons we spoke our college, our classrooms and labs, teachers, students activities, time – table but we couldn’t discuss all information so we decided to make up projects, projects, about our college. It was very difficult task but I think it was interesting. You knew a lot of information about history of college, about the present day of college, you thought about the future, you wanted to retell about non – academic activity of our students.

2. By the way, our pen friends M.Mcgraph from Canada and Phillip Batt from England wanted to know about our college as much as possible. What projects did you prepare for this lesson?

But before listening to the projects tell me, please, why did you enter our college? Why did you choose the specialty of biochemical production?
– I like chemistry (it is very interesting)
– Our college is the best in our town.

3. So first of all we’ll begin to listen first project the history of our college. Sveta found this information in our museum.

I. Project «The history of our college»

(The student tells this topic)

T: Of course our college is not the oldest school in our country. But we knew that our history began in difficult times after the Great Patriotic war. Our country needed in good, specialists. But many years have passed. What is our college today? We are ready to listen to Marina with her project. The present day of our college. Marina prepared her creative work with photos. You are welcome, Marina.

II. Project «The present day of our college»

(The student tells this topic)

T: Thank you very much, Marina. Show us your creative work. Your work is very good.

Test: And now do you know the rooms of our college? I shall give you these cards where you can see the names of 5 rooms: student’s canteen, an assembly hall, a gym hall, a library, a laboratory. I’ll read a small text describing one of these room, you should listen very attentively and point the number of the text under the name of the room. Do you understand? O.K. Let’s start.
Task-text «What room is it? » So, thank you. Collect you cards and give me.

III. Project «Our departments»

(The student tells this topic)

– How many departments are there in our college?
– What are they?
– What department do you study at?
– What year are you in?
– What group do you study at?
– What is your class mistress?
– What is your head girl?

– This project we’ll present in small creative works .The task is to think the symbol of each our department and explain it. Before this work you will discuss very thoroughly and then you’ll do. I’ll give you 10 minutes. Now, your time is up. I’d like to listen to you. First of all look at this figure. You can see how many students study at each department. The most students study at biochemical department – 50 %, (it is your department and it is very popular), then assembling and technical exploitation of industrial equipment and so on.
– Who is the first to retell? (the presentation of departments’  symbols)

T: So, my dear students, speaking about departments we shouldn’t remember about our teachers. Studying at these departments you get knowledge from our teachers.
There are 49 teachers in our college. 2 teachers are Honored and 13 honorary workers of secondary special education. You can see the photo of teachers.

– Do you like teachers of college?
– What are they like? (They are very kind and clever, attentive and sympathetic, mysterious and punctual, tolerant and artistic, merry and the experts in their subjects.)
– And what do they look like?

IV. Project «Our teachers»

– How did Kirill imagine the portrait of our teacher? Let’s see.

(The student tells this topic. A collective portrait of college teacher)

– Thank you, it very interesting. What subjects are taught in your department? You study many subjects. They are difficult but interesting. In your studying you will learn of necessary and important things for your future specialty. Now I give you the cards where it is written the name of subject. Don’t show it! Describe the subject but don’t name it! And all students should name the subject. So, I shall give you 5 minutes. Will you translate? You see a line word. (there are 8 words) What is the keyword? (teacher) Yes, it is right. The teachers teach these subjects.

V. Project «The student of college»

(The student tells this topic)

– What information about our students did you find? We should like to listen to you.
– Very good information about the students. And I know Lena make up project about your group as wallpaper. Let’s show to us.
– Project our group
– Thank you very much. I see you knew a lot of information. But speaking about the students we are to speak about their non-academic activity. This project was prepared by Kirill. You are welcome.

VI. Project «Non-academic activity»

(The student tells this topic)

– Thank you. What can you say about your activity?
– Let’s try to know what do you like most of all. I’ll give you cards, read the task very attentively, make up the dialogue, then summarize your partner’s answers and express  the opinion of your partner in topic. I’ll give you 5 minutes. Now your time is up. Who is the first to answer? I see each of you is an interesting person. I wish you success in your activity! Be energetic and active; try to be in the center of student life.
– I think it is time to speak about the pride of our college Natasha prepared this report.
– The pride is our traditions, holidays, actions and graduates. I agree with you, a great ship asks deep waters. We are strong with our traditions and graduates.

VII. Project «The future of college»

(The student tells this topic)

– It is very interesting, Helen. I think your dream will come. I wish all your dreams may come true. My dear students we have got a film about our college, but it is in Russian. We have a possibility to send this film our pen friends. Let’s translate the sentences from Russian into English.

– And I see you can speak and write about our college. I hope you can give a full information of it. And now let’s compare the past and the present day of our college. Complete the link list.

– So, our lesson is over. Thank you very much for today’s work. You are very hardworking students. Your marks…
– I wish you success. Do you like our lesson?
– Good bye, students!

Мини-проекты студентов к занятию

1. History.

Our college was founded in _________ as a chemical-pharmaceutical technical school on the base of the chemical plant. There were 2 classrooms and 2 laboratories. 60 students studied in it. The first director was ______________________. The first teacher was _______________________. In _________ our school was named chemico-technological school. In _________ our school was granted the name of polytechnic college. Now our director is ___________________.

2. The Present day of College.

Today our college occupies two buildings. It runs full - time and extra - mural departments. There are several departments at our college: biochemical, silicate, ecology, management, marketing, mechanical, pharmaceutical, social work.

Our college has 45 classrooms, 11 laboratories, 3 computer rooms, a lecture hall, an assemble hall, a large gym hall and a small gym hall, a library and a reading hall, workshops. Our studies begin at 9 o’clock; usually we have 6 hours a day. We have a lunch break at 12 o’clock. Our classrooms and laboratories are large and light. Our labs have modern equipment. The academic session lasts 10 months. Every day we attend lectures and have practice. Some of our students live in the hostel. It is not far from college. Our hostel is very cozy.

3. The student of our college

The student of our college is the best student in our town! Our student doesn’t only study successfully but takes an active part in non-academic activities!

There are 700 students in our college: 440 girls and 260 boys! Our students live in our town and in villages: 530 students from our town and 170 students from other towns and villages. Our students are from 15-20 years old: from 14-16 years old - 180 students and from 17-20-520 students.

The collective portrait of college student is:

He is clever

 He is well read

He is frank.

He is witty

Our student is nice.

Our student is very easy to deal with.

Our students carry out research work every year. They take an active part in republican Olympiad in informatics and chemistry. They try to do well because they want to be the best specialists.

4. Departments

Our college has 6 departments.

1. Biochemical production. We are students of it. We consider that biochemical production is very important for our country. We want to create new medicines and produce them; we believe our future work will be useful and necessary for people. After college we can work at food factories and plants, at different laboratories.

2. Assembling and technical exploitation of industrial equipment. The students of this department like to repair and they want to modernize our production. They can work at different plants and factories.

3. Environment protection and rational use of natural resources. These students like nature, they want to protect environment of our planet. They want our planet is clean. They can work at plants, laboratories solving the pollution problems.

4. Social work. The students of this department like the work dealing with children and old people. Old people and children need in care and attention. The students want people be merry and happy and not to cry.

5. Marketing. The students of these departments want to work at different plants, shops, offices. They want market in our country has income and it is successful.

6. Pharmacy. The students want to prepare medicines, which give health to people. They can work at chemist’s shop.

5. Poem “My college”

My college is the best

And teachers are good there

We go to college not to rest

But to learn clever thoughts and ideas.

Many subjects are taught in our college;

They are literature, English, biology,

Physical education, mathematics and physics

History and information technology.

We are the first year students

Future technicians of biochemical production

Chemistry is our favourite subject

We’ll get a good profession and

Believe we’ll be the best specialists.

Line word “Subjects”

Mathematics (We do sums, our task is very difficult but interesting, we count numbers, we learn to add, divide, multiply and subtract.)

English (We read, translate, learn dialogues, make up dialogues and know about the traditions and customs of Britain)

Russian (We do grammar exercises, we learn our native language)

Chemistry (It is our favourite subject. It is important subject in our department. We learn new and interesting things about substances.)

History (It is very interesting subject. It retells us about past events of our country.)

Information technology (It is very important and necessary subject for modern specialists. We learn to work on the computer.)

Literature (We read the classic books, retell and analyze them. We write reports about the biography of great writers).

Physics (It is important to know this subject for future specialists. We learn important laws of nature, motion, power, electrical phenomena and many interesting things.)

The key word is teacher.


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