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Пассивный залог (продвинутый вариант)

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В 10 классе, занимаясь по УМК Spotlight,  мы опять возвращаемся к пассивному залогу. 

Я немного изменила свою презентацию, добавила некоторые слайды, а также в конце каждой презентации у меня теперь закрепляющие упражнения. К ним, кстати, через несколько уроков можно вернуться, чтобы убедиться, что уж пассивный залог усвоен на "отлично"!

Мои ученики справились с упражнениями хорошо, хотя немного "поплавали" с употреблением нужных предлогов. 

Всем коллегам удачи!

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«Пассивный залог (продвинутый вариант)»

Passive Voice МБОУ СОШ №20

Passive Voice


Content The Use Formation  Intransitive Verbs Useful Tips Tenses Positive, Negative, Interrogative Other Structures Dependent Prepositions Exercises


  • The Use
  • Formation
  • Intransitive Verbs
  • Useful Tips
  • Tenses
  • Positive, Negative, Interrogative
  • Other Structures
  • Dependent Prepositions
  • Exercises

The Use 1. We don’t know who the subject  is, or it’s not important. Somebody  cleaned  the room . The room was cleaned. 2. When it is obvious who the subject is because it is the person who usually does it: The cleaner cleaned  the room . The room was cleaned. Passive  Voice

The Use

1. We don’t know who the subject is, or it’s not important.

Somebody cleaned the room . The room was cleaned.

2. When it is obvious who the subject is because it is the person who usually does it:

The cleaner cleaned the room . The room was cleaned.



Formation  Active sentence: Subject + Verb + Object Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin* in 1928 Passive sentence: Subject + Be + Past Participle Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 *[ˌpenɪ'sɪlɪn]


Active sentence:

Subject + Verb + Object

  • Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin* in 1928

Passive sentence:

Subject + Be + Past Participle

  • Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928


Intransitive Verbs Some verbs don’t need an  object . Some sentences are complete without an object . John  slept well.  The Jonson's  live far away.

Intransitive Verbs

  • Some verbs don’t need an object . Some sentences are complete without an object .

John slept well.

The Jonson's live far away.

Useful Tips It the active sentence begins with ‘no-one’ or ‘nobody’, the passive sentence will be negative Nobody  watched  TV . TV  was not watched . A preposition between the verb and the object in Active Voice goes after the verb in Passive. I am looking for  the textbook . The textbook is being looked for .

Useful Tips

  • It the active sentence begins with ‘no-one’ or ‘nobody’, the passive sentence will be negative
  • Nobody watched TV .
  • TV was not watched .
  • A preposition between the verb and the object in Active Voice goes after the verb in Passive.
  • I am looking for the textbook .
  • The textbook is being looked for .
Tenses in Passive Voice Tense Active Passive

Tenses in Passive Voice




Tenses in Passive Voice Tense Active Passive

Tenses in Passive Voice




Positive, Negative & Interrogative Active Passive He  sings  a song .  He  does not sing a song . Does   he  sing  a song ? A song   is  sung by him .  A song   is  not sung by him .  Is   a song sung by him ?

Positive, Negative & Interrogative



He sings a song . He does not sing a song .

Does   he sing a song ?

A song   is  sung by him . A song   is  not sung by him . Is   a song sung by him ?

Passive Voice in Other Structures Do  – to be done 1. Be going to I ’m going to do it. . It  is going to be done . 2. Have to I  have to do it. . It  has to be done . 3. Used to I  used to do it. . It  used to be done. . 4. Modals ( can, may, must etc.) I  must do it. . It  must be done. . Passive  Voice

Passive Voice in Other Structures

  • Do – to be done

1. Be going to

  • I ’m going to do it. .
  • It is going to be done .

2. Have to

  • I have to do it. . It has to be done .

3. Used to

I used to do it. . It used to be done. .

4. Modals ( can, may, must etc.)

I must do it. . It must be done. .



Dependent Prepositions: ‘by’, ‘with’, ‘of’ The wall is painted with yellow paint. Thy wall is painted by a painter. The table was made of wood. means Passive  Voice doer material means material doer of the action

Dependent Prepositions: ‘by’, ‘with’, ‘of’

  • The wall is painted with yellow paint.
  • Thy wall is painted by a painter.
  • The table was made of wood.






  • means
  • material
  • doer of the action

Dependent Prepositions: ‘with’ and ‘for’ The air was replaced with nitrogen*. Are you popular with your students? Her help was taken for granted. filling Passive  Voice among belief filling belief among * ['naɪtrəʤən]

Dependent Prepositions: ‘with’ and ‘for’

  • The air was replaced with nitrogen*.
  • Are you popular with your students?
  • Her help was taken for granted.






  • filling
  • belief
  • among

* ['naɪtrəʤən]

Exercises: fill in the gaps  A big tree was blown down …. the strong winds. The room was filled …. smoke. She is often mistaken …. her sister. A spoilt child is rarely popular …. other children. My shirt is made …. silk. The radio was invented …. Marconi. Some eastern dishes are eaten …. fingers. Passive  Voice

Exercises: fill in the gaps

  • A big tree was blown down …. the strong winds.
  • The room was filled …. smoke.
  • She is often mistaken …. her sister.
  • A spoilt child is rarely popular …. other children.
  • My shirt is made …. silk.
  • The radio was invented …. Marconi.
  • Some eastern dishes are eaten …. fingers.



Exercises  A big tree was blown down by the strong winds. The room was filled with smoke. She is often mistaken for her sister. A spoilt child is rarely popular with other children. My shirt is made of silk. The radio was invented by Marconi. Some eastern dishes are eaten with fingers. Passive  Voice


  • A big tree was blown down by the strong winds.
  • The room was filled with smoke.
  • She is often mistaken for her sister.
  • A spoilt child is rarely popular with other children.
  • My shirt is made of silk.
  • The radio was invented by Marconi.
  • Some eastern dishes are eaten with fingers.



Exercises:  translate Я родился в бедной семье. Меня учили в бедной школе. После учебы меня послали на практику в Африку.  Вначале я не был популярен среди населения. Затем меня полностью приняли. После года работы меня вызвали в Москву. Перед отъездом жители подарили мне дорогие часы. Passive  Voice

Exercises: translate

  • Я родился в бедной семье.
  • Меня учили в бедной школе.
  • После учебы меня послали на практику в Африку.
  • Вначале я не был популярен среди населения.
  • Затем меня полностью приняли.
  • После года работы меня вызвали в Москву.
  • Перед отъездом жители подарили мне дорогие часы.



Exercises:  translate I was born to a poor family. I was taught in a poor school. After study, I was sent to Africa for practice.  I was not popular with the citizens at the beginning. Then I was accepted fully. I was required to Moscow in a year of working. I was gifted with an expensive watch by the citizens before departure. Passive  Voice

Exercises: translate

  • I was born to a poor family.
  • I was taught in a poor school.
  • After study, I was sent to Africa for practice.
  • I was not popular with the citizens at the beginning.
  • Then I was accepted fully.
  • I was required to Moscow in a year of working.
  • I was gifted with an expensive watch by the citizens before departure.



"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.“

Albert Einstein

«Не все, что считается важным, можно посчитать, и не все, что можно посчитать, считается важным»


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