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Патриотическое воспитание во внеурочной деятельности

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Конференция - один из научно-познавательных видов патриотической работы во внеклассной деятельности. И участие детей в таких мероприятиях позволяет укреплять нравственные идеалы, патриотические чувства учеников и любовь к нашей Родине.

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«Патриотическое воспитание во внеурочной деятельности»

Патриотическое воспитание во внеурочной деятельности

Краеведческий материал играет особую роль в патриотическом воспитании, изучение регионального компонента способствует развитию уважения и любви к своей малой Родине. В рамках патриотического воспитания значительную роль играет конференция, на которой, в рамках проекта ко дню Победы, учащиеся могут на английском языке приготовить презентации и небольшие доклады о своих близких, а также земляках, которые приближали победу на фронте и в тылу.

Так один из учащихся старшей школы в 2015 году собрал и обобщил информацию о героических бабушках одной из моих коллег и выступил на школьной конференции, посвященной 70-летию Великой победы. Представляю вашему вниманию его выступление.

Soldiers in white gowns

The Great Patriotic War was one of the most difficult and bloody wars Russia ever had. Now there are thousands of books devoted to that War, the heroism of its soldiers, generals, partisans and people who worked to help our army to fight against fascist Germany. We all remember the prize Great Victory was won! I chose this important theme not occasionally. It’s actual nowadays. That horrible war became a history. Several generations grew and they didn’t hear the sounds of bombs. But we mustn’t forget those days: four years of expectations and hopes, four years of deaths and revivals. This year our country will celebrate the 65th anniversary of Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War. We’ll honor all veterans: the dead and still alive! We’ll say them many thanks for their courage and patriotism in defending our Motherland against fascists’ aggressors.

Do we remember soldiers and officers who wore both white gowns and military uniforms? I tried to ask this question to my classmates and only some of them answered they had read something about those heroes – medical nurses and doctors during that horrible war. The main aim of my work is to remember again the contribution of our medical workers to the Great Victory over fascism sixty five years later.

There were more than 200 000 of doctors and over 500 000 of nurses, medical assistants and instructors in the army and in the fleet. They saved 10 million defenders of our Motherland.

They fought for our Motherland heroically! There are 52 medical workers among 11 635 Heroes of the Soviet Union. Also a lot of them were awarded different orders and medals for their courage. We mustn’t forget the name of Vera Koshcheeva, the Hero of the Soviet Union, and the participant of the battle near Dnepropetrovsk.

Our people worked in the hospitals, first-aid posts as doctors, nurses everywhere they were needed. War years changed the life of our town very much. At the first days of the war over 20 medical workers of our region decided to join our army to fight against enemy. Hundreds of gunners, motorcyclists, nurses were prepared by our social organizations during the war period in our native place. Sixty girls from elder classes were taught as medical nurses by schools of Birobidzhan.

Wartime was difficult for the whole country and for the medical school as well. Thanks to our historian, the founder and the curator of the Birobidzhan Medical college museum Ephim Kudish, today we can learn a lot about the heroism of our medical specialists, graduates of the Medical school during the war and after it. Most of doctors and their students left for the front. Understanding the special situation of that time a group of teachers of a medical school continued to work selflessly. But in spite of difficulties they did the main thing – the preparation of medical specialists. Our local medical school prepared more than 800 medical nurses and assistants.

Many graduates perished as heroes in the battles against fascists. They were Adlivankin Vladimir, Tmur Boris, Ephim Lingolts, and Gustovski Alexander.

The first graduates of the Medical school in 1937-38 made a great contribution to the saving, treatment of our soldiers and officers. They were A. Zlotnikov, M. Neiman and

O. Greenshpun who finished the Military faculty of the Moscow Medical Institute after the war. Those strong men were given high awards for their brave work during the war period. After the war they were very successful specialists in medicine.

In February, 1942 nearly all Medical school leavers left for the front. It’s not necessary to explain why it was so. Most of students became servicemen. Alexander Avtuhov was a good example of it. In 1942 he became a medical instructor of a secret company. Alexander fought heroically. He was awarded several medals and orders. After the Great Patriotic War

A. Avtuhov returned to his native village in Birobidzhanski District and worked there as a medical assistant. Then he finished the Medical Institute in Khabarovsk. After the institute he was working as a head doctor in the Birokan hospital for a long time. He had to work as a surgeon, a general practitioner and a pediatrician. Later he headed our regional hospital in Birobidzhan and also he taught surgery in our Medical school. Some years later Alexander was invited to the Regional hospital in Khabarovsk to lead it. Our Motherland estimated his work as a great surgeon. Alexander Ephremovich was given a title of a Well-deserved doctor of the Russian Federation and was awarded different orders for his great contribution to the Russian Public health service.

Some yeas ago I learnt that our English teacher Julia Rizvanovna Sadrieva had two grandmothers –Rose Ivanovna and Maria Ivanovna, who had taken part in that war. She told us very interesting story of their lives. These two heroic women - nurses were participants of fighting events against Military Japan in August, 1945. They were only 19 years old. In 1942 they entered our Medical school and finished the course of nurses. When the war against Japan started two sisters were sent to serve in the 33-d hospital on the base of Red-bannered Amur flotillia. The hospital was located on the several boats such as “Kirov”, “Ordzhonikidze” and “Mayakovski”. They were moving along the Amur River. Sisters did everything they could to help the wounded. Rose and Maria saved a lot of soldiers and officers. Also they got across the Amur River near Tunzyan, took part in the fighting against Japanese solders to free Fujuan. Maria Ivanovna told us that they hadn’t had time to be afraid of something because they had had to help soldiers and officers. They tempered their characters, showed their courage there.

One day they found a hard wounded sailor who lost a lot of blood. Maria became a donor of that young man. She saved him but his leg was amputated. He was from Birobidzhan, but they couldn’t know his name. Later in 1981 they met him during the meeting of veterans of the Red-bannered Amur flotillia. His name was Pozdnyakov. It was a great surprise for sisters. Sisters Rose and Maria were awarded orders and medals for their bravery in the war against Japan. Also they were given a paper with gratitude from I. Stalin for their heroic participation in the war. After the war sisters continued working as nurses. They have several awards for their honest work in the sphere of care of Public Health. Several articles in our local newspapers were devoted to their courage and selflessness during the war period and after it. They received congratulations from the President of our country D. Medvedev. They have been the members of the Committee of veterans and have sung in the choir of veterans for many years. They were always the guests of our Medical College. Unfortunately, they are not alive now. Rosa Sadrieva died in 2009. Maria died last year.

I have seen a lot of photos and documents telling about our doctors and nurses –graduates of our Medical school who participated in the war, have read a book named “Soldiers in white gowns” written by E. Kudish. Also I have learnt a lot of interesting things from newspaper articles and pictures belonging to Maria and Rosa Sadrieva. I understood the importance to share my impressions with my schoolmates. You know that our nurses and medical specialists were real patriots, heroes of the Great Patriotic War. They saved the lives of Soviet people and gave hope for those who had lost it.


  1. Е. И. Кудиш. «Солдаты в белых халатах». Биробиджан. 1995.

  2. Е. И. Кудиш. «Биробиджанскому медицинскому колледжу- 70 лет». Биробиджан. 2005.

  3. Документы и фотографии из личного архива сестер М. И. и Р.И. Садриевых.

  4. Публикации из газет «Биробиджанская звезда» 1970 г., 1975г., «Биробиджанская неделя» 2002 г., 2005 г.

  5. Фотоиллюстрации из архива музея Биробиджанского медицинского колледжа.


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