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План-конспект открытого урока в 7 классе "Покупки"

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План-конспект открытого урока в 7 классе "Buying clothes"

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«План-конспект открытого урока в 7 классе "Покупки"»

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“Средняя школа № 1 г. Мозыря”

План-конспект открытого урока в 7 “А” классе "Buying clothes"

Учитель английского языка Потапенко В.Б.



Дата: 14.10. 2015

Класс: 7 ”А”

Тема: Покупка одежды

Место урока:9/12

Тип урока: урок развития ЗУН

Вид урока: традиционный

Формы работы: коллективная, индивидуальная, парная.

Используемые методы: словесный, иллюстративно – наглядный, коммуникативно – ориентированный, метод критического мышления, метод модульного обучения, метод использования ИКТ, метод коллективного взаимодействия.

Цель урока: развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: формировать знания о нормах речевых отношений в стране изучаемого языка в сравнении с родной страной; развивать умения выражать основные речевые функции: предложить, попросить, переспросить; создать условия на уроке для развития навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух, извлекать основную и главную информацию, развивать умения выбрать из услышанного то, что необходимо для использования в устном высказывании;

Развивающие: развивать фонематический слух, способность к логическому изложению содержания высказывания, развивать слуховую память; содействовать развитию умений применять полученные знания в нестандартных условиях; способствовать развитию умений творческого подхода к решению практических задач;

Воспитательные: формировать навыки самостоятельной работы, формировать готовность к общению на разных уровнях, воспитывать терпимое отношение к ошибкам других, культуру взаимоотношений со сверстниками как на уроке, так и вне урока.

Оборудование: колонки, компьютер.

Дидактическое оснащение: план урока, учебное пособие ,, Challenge 2” R. Fastovets, T. Demenchuk, T. Demianenko, I. Maier, электронный тест, видеоролики.

Ход урока:

I.Организационно-мотивационный этап:

1. Приветствие учителя и организационный момент (5 мин.):

Teacher (T): Good afternoon, boys and girls.

Pupils (P): Good afternoon, teacher. We are glad to see you.

Teacher (T): I am glad to see you too. Sit down, please. As you see there are a lot of guests at our lesson. Let’s greet them, saying “Good afternoon”. Thank you. I hope everything will be fine at our lesson.

2. Сообщение задач урока:

Teacher: I’d like you to look at the blackboard and decode the phrase. Try to guess the topic of our today’s lesson. (“At the department store”).

a- 1 f- 6 k-11 p-16 u- 21 z- 26. 1.20. 20.8.5.

b- 2 g- 7 l-12 q-17 v-22

c- 3 h- 8 m-13 r-18 w-23

d- 4 i- 9 n-14 s-19 x-24

e- 5 j- 10 o-15 t-20 y-25

Pupils: The topic of our today’s lesson is “At the department store”.

Teacher: Yes, you are right. Today we are going to the department store and we will learn how to buy clothes and food in English language. During the lesson we will revise your active vocabulary, listen to the dialogues and watch a video. After that you will make up your own dialogues and present us. Let’s start.

II.Операционнопознавательный этап:

1. Warmup (2 мин.).

Teacher: Answer my questions.

1. Do you like shopping?

2. What shops do you usually go to?

3. What do you buy there?

4. What departments are there in the Belarus store?

5. Where do you buy tea, coffee and sugar? (At the supermarket)

2. Sing the song (2 мин.).

Teacher: Now I’ll give out the cards of the song “At the Supermarket”. Let’s sing it all together to make our lesson fine and funny.

At the Supermarket

If you need milk, or if you need bread,
Then there’s a place where you should head.
At the supermarket you can buy everything
When you do your grocery shopping.

You can buy vegetables, you can buy fruit,
You can buy cans if fresh doesn’t suit.
At the supermarket you can buy everything
When you do your grocery shopping.

You can buy flour if you like to bake,
Or you can buy readymade cookies and cakes.

You can buy ice-cream and frozen peas,
You can buy yoghurt and you can buy cheese.

At the supermarket you can buy everything
When you do your grocery shopping.

You can buy oil and you can buy rice,
You can buy noodles that taste very nice,
At the supermarket you can buy everything
When you do your grocery shopping.

You can buy fish and you can buy meat,
You can buy chicken that’s ready to eat!
At the supermarket you can buy everything
When you do your grocery shopping.

At the supermarket you can buy everything
When you do your grocery shopping.

3. Vocabulary revision (6 мин.).

Teacher: Very well. And now we should revise your active vocabulary. Take your seats near the computers. Match the words with the correct definitions.

chemist’s, newsagent’s, go window shopping, tight, smart, fashionable, department store, DIY store/home centre, boutique, to try smth on, baggy, chain store.

1. A very large shop that sells equipment and tools for repairing and decorating your home (do-it-yourself);

2. A very small shop on a street, which has an open window where you can buy magazines, cigarettes, pens.

3. A small shop selling fashionable clothes;

4. These clothes fit your body very closely;

5. A shop that sells medicines, beauty and baby products;

6. One of group of shops that have the same name &are owned by the same company;

7. To look at the things that are shown in the shop windows without intending to buy anything;

8. A very large shop which is divided into several big parts, each of which sells one type of things such as clothes, furniture, kitchen equipment;

9. These items of clothing are designed to be big and they hide the shape of your body;

10. These clothes are in a style that is popular at the moment;

11. Some of this kind is wearing good quality clothes and looks as if they have taken a lot of care about how they look;

12. To put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and looks nice.

4. Listening (10 мин.).

Teacher: And now I’d like you to watch a short video and listen to the conversation.

Say if the girls liked doing shopping.

-Did the girls like doing shopping?

Teacher: Listen to the conversation once again and make the dialogues putting the phrases in the correct order. Read your dialogues.

Let’s go shopping

-Excuse me. May I see that jacket, please?

-Yes, of course.

-Do you have it in red?

-No, I am sorry. We have it only in grey, in white and in black.

-Oh, that’s Ok. May I try it on?

-Yes, of course. What size do you take?

-I usually take medium.

-This is medium. Go try it on.

-Ok, thank you.

-You are welcome.


-How is it?

-It’s a bit too long. Do you have a shorter one?

-Yes, we do. How is it?

-It’s shorter. But it’s a bit too large.


-Do you have a smaller one?

-Yes, we do.



-How is it?

-It’s a bit too small. Do you have a bigger one?

-Yes, we do.


-How is it?

-It’s beautiful. How much is it?

-It’s on sale! It’s only one thousand.

-Really? I’ll take it.

-Go take it.


At the supermarket.

-Excuse me.

-Yes, please.

-May I have natto, please.

-Yes. How many would you like?

-All of them.

-All of them? Ok.

-How much is it?

-That’s one million.

-I’ll take it.

-Ok. Take it.

5. Moving activity “Macarena” (3 мин.).

6. Speaking (3 мин.).

Teacher: On the left below are phrases we often use in the shops. Match each one to the correct assistant’s reply on the right.

a) Can I try this jacket on? 1. Of course, if you have some kind of bank card.

b) Does this jacket suit me? 2. Size 50, please.

c) Does this jacket fit me? 3. I’m afraid we don’t give refunds.

d) Can I pay by cheque? 4. Certainly, there is a fitting room over there.

e) I’m afraid I only have a $10 note. 5. Red ones, size 22.

f) Can I exchange this? 6. It’s a little too long. Try a smaller size.

g) Can I have my money back? 7. If you have a receipt.

h) Shall I help you, sir? 8. Yes, I’m trying to choose a suit.

i) What colour would you prefer? 9. That’s all right. I can change it.

j) What size do you wear? 10. Yes, it’s just the right colour and the style for you.

Teacher: Make up a similar conversation. Use the cards I have given you. (9 мин.)

1. You are in a department store. Use the following words: try on, jacket, smart, baggy.

2. You are in a department store. Use the following words: try on, long, tie, handsome.

3. You are in a department store. Use the following words: try on, tight, dress, smart.

4. You are in a shoe shop. Use the following words: try on, cheap, old-fashioned, trainers.

III. Рефлексивно – оценочный этап:

1. Рефлексия (5 мин.).


- Did you like our today’s lesson?

- What did you like most of all from our lesson?

- What did you learn from this topic?

2. Домашнее задание: make up your own dialogues.

3. Выставление отметок с комментариями.

Teacher: Your marks are… Thank you very much for your hard and creative work.

The lesson is over. Good bye.


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