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План - конспект по английскому языку в 10 классе " Advantages and disadvantages of living in a private house."

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План - конспект  по английскому языку в  10 классе " Advantages and disadvantages of living in a private house."

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«План - конспект по английскому языку в 10 классе " Advantages and disadvantages of living in a private house."»

План - конспект по английскому языку в 10 классе

Тема/проблема: Advantages and disadvantages of living in a private house.

Практическая цель: совершенствование навыков чтения, понимание читаемого.

Образовательная цель: повышение культуры учащихся.

Воспитательная цель: совершенствование навыков речевого этикета, умение работать в команде.

Развивающая цель: развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления, умения анализировать, формирование ассоциативных связей.

Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование навыков говорения.

Лексический материал: advantages, disadvantages, a private house, a detached house, to look onto, suitable.


1. Английский язык 10 класс: учебн. Пособие / Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г. Наумова, Н.В. Демченко. Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2011.

2. Бушуева, Э.В. Английский язык в 10 классе (с электронным приложением) / Э.В. бушуева, Н.В. Юхнель. Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2015.

3. Шимук, Л.В. английский язык: лексико-грамматический практикум.10-11 классы/ Л.В. Шимук, Л.К. Боброва. Минск: Электронные ресурсы, 2011.

4. Зубрилина, Е.В. Английский язк. 10 класс/ И.В. Зубрилина // Электронный образовательный ресурс: (www|// moodle.edu.by)

5. Раздаточный материал (текст)


Задача этапа







Речевая зарядка

Введение в


иноязычного общения

Соверщенстование спонтанной речи учащихся

- Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you! How are you today?

Before starting the lesson, answer my questions, please

What day is it today?

What is the date today?

Tell me about the weather. Do you like the weather like this and why?

What season is it? Do you like autumn? Why? What season do you prefer?

Fine! And now, tell me, please, who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

Thanks a lot for asking my questions!

– Explain the meaning of some proverbs. Find equivalents in Russian.

1. A house is not a home.

2.Men make houses, women make homes.

3. The house is a fine house, when good folks are within.

4. Grace your house and not let that grace you.

5. Curiosity is ill manners in another’s house.

– Make your own proverb about a house. Explain its meaning.

Ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя.

Ученики объясняют значение пословиц, составляют свои пословицы.



Проверка д\з

Выяснение степени усвоения домашнего материала, определение недостатков в знаниях, их причины, ликвидирование обнаруженных недочетов.

- First of all, let’s check your homework. What was your homework?

Дети отвечают д\з


Предтекстовой этап

Постановка коммуникативной задачи.

Снятие лексических трудностей.

– Today we are going to speak about advantages and disadvantages of living in a private house. We are going to read the text about it. But first of all pay attention on the blackboard!

(новые слова записаны на доске.)

A detached house – собственный дом

To throw a party – устроить вечеринку

To mow the lawn –косить лужайку

To undercut trees – подрезать деревья

Suburb – окраина

To point out – отметить

An yard – двор

Pollution – загрязнение

_ Compose 2-3 sentences with new words.

Дети читают новые слова, составляют предложения.


Текстовой этап

Совершенствование навыков чтения.

– Read opinions of 2 people about advantages and disadvantages of living in private house.

Advantages and disadvantages of living in private house.

1. Sarah, 22

Living in detached house has disadvantages and advantages. In my opinion the most important advantage is independence. When you live in detached house you don't need to worry about what your neighbours will tell when you throw a party with loud music. On the other hand this independence can be disadvantage. When you leave for holiday, nobody takes care about your house. You can easily be robbed, because everyone can see that there in nobody at home.

Second advantage is a lot of place to live. In detached house usually you have more space than in block of flats. You have your own garden, you always have place to park your car, but you have to do everything yourself. You have to mow the lawn, to undercut trees, to fix everything in your home by your own. Of course you can hire someone who does these thinks but for some people it is serious disadvantage.

However, in detached house you can feel like in your own castle. Nobody disturbs you, but also nobody helps you too. You house usually is in the suburb. There is cleaner air and prettier environment then in the centre of cities where usually blocks of flats are built. In suburb, you need to have your own car, because usually there is no bus stop and you have to walk for a few kilometres to the nearest one.

I don`t live in detached house but I think it a good place to live and to my mind living there have more followers than opponents.

2. Kevin, 16

Living in a private house has both advantages and disadvantages. Among the pros of a private house I would point out its location. Usually they are located in quiet residential areas with parks, far from the noise and pollution of busy streets. They offer access to your personal yard, and you can have a fruit garden or a swimming pool. You can enjoy the freedom and privacy, as you can do what you want and when you want without worrying to disturb your neighbours.

 The main disadvantage of such kind of a dwelling is its cost. Private houses are usually very expensive unless they are located “in the middle of nowhere». And maintenance is pretty expensive. You have to pay huge bills for electricity and other utilities. Perhaps, these are the main reasons why not so many people can afford owninghouse. 

Another disadvantage is that private houses are usually distant from main city infrastructure. If you need to go to a store, a hospital or any other places, you can’t just go there on foot. Owning a car becomes a must in this case. To sum up, I would like to say, that the question of possessing a private house has two sides: positive and negative. Before buying a house people should decide what advantages and disadvantages are essential for them and choose something that will meet their needs and wishes best of all.

Дети читают и переводят текст


Послетекстовой этап

Контроль понимания прочитанного. Совершенствоание навыков говорения.

– Which point of view appeal to you the most? Prove it!

– Compare advantages and disadvantages of Kevin and Sarah.






Ученики отвечают на вопросы, сравнивают точки зрения героев с помощью таблицы.


Проведение мини-дебатов

Совершенствование умений диалогического и монологического высказывания.

–Hold a debate on the best place to live.

Work in 2 grops. One should be proposing the motion; the other should be opposing it.

a) Brainstorm the main points of your speech. Think of facts to support your ideas.

b) Choose a speaker for your group. The speaker should say what they are going to say; make 3 ponts about the motion; support each point with facts; say what they have said.

Here are some phrases to give your reasons

Well, the thing is

I got a point

Let me explain

But the point is

I see your point but

On the one hand

But on the other hand

I think

I believe

I stand

In my view/ opinion

Personally I believe

The way I see it

I’d just like to say

Обучаемые пытаются убедить друг друга в правильности своей точки зрения.


Домашнее задание

Объяснение д\з

– Compose 15 sentences about advantages and disadvantages of living in a private house.

Ученики записывают д\з, задают вопросы



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