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Организационный момент

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План - конспект практического занятия по теме "Search and Use of Necessary Information in a Monologue/ Поиск и использование необходимой информации для составления монологического сообщения"

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Материалы практического занятия позволяют развивать такие речевые умения, как чтение, письмо, аудирование и говорение (диалогическую и монологическую речь). В то же время на занятии используется профессионально ориентированный материал, необходимый для выполнения служебных обязанностей в реальной профессиональной деятельности

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«План - конспект практического занятия по теме "Search and Use of Necessary Information in a Monologue/ Поиск и использование необходимой информации для составления монологического сообщения"»



Тема: Search and Use of Necessary Information in a Monologue/ Поиск и использование необходимой информации для составления монологического сообщения



  • Обеспечить повторение и закрепление лексики и речевых оборотов для использования в профессиональной сфере

  • Обеспечить усвоение новой лексики

  • Создать условия для отработки умений в чтении, письме, говорении и аудировании по теме

  • Проверить умение находить в незнакомом тексте нужную информацию


  • Создать условия для развития коммуникативных навыков через диалогическую и монологическую речь

  • Создать условия для развития памяти, внимания, воображения

  • Содействовать формированию  самостоятельной познавательной деятельности

  • Содействовать развитию умений осуществлять рефлексивную деятельность


  • Способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, в группе, в коллективе

  • Содействовать развитию эстетического вкуса, культуры речи

  • Содействовать развитию интереса  к изучению иностранного языка

Тип занятия: комбинированное

Оборудование: презентация к занятию, тексты для чтения и перевода на английском языке, карточки с заданиями на английском и русском языках, видео ролик «устройство и принцип действия сепаратора»


(На доске: дата, тема)

I Вводная часть (Introduction)

    1. Организационный момент

Приветствие. Рапорт дежурного. Объявление темы, цели и задач занятия

    1. Введение в языковую ситуацию

1.2.1 Речевая разминка:  List 5 things you should do before you find a job in a shipping company (фронтально)

  1. Read announcements

  2. Tell my friends and other people that I want a job

  3. Send covering letters to crewing companies

  4. Have interviews

  5. Have all the documents and certificates ready

1.2.2 Актуализация опорных знаний.

Просмотр студенческого видео фильма - “The Importance of English for Seafarers” и выполнение заданий

  1. Match the descriptions of the scenes with their numbers (индивидуально)


Scene 1

  1. The dialogue between the Master and Customs Officer

Scene 2

  1. The dialogue between the Chief Engineer, Inspector/ Supervisor and the Motorman

Scene 3

  1. The dialogue between the Master and helmsman

Scene 4

  1. The dialogue between the Chief Engineer and Motorman

1 – d; 2 – a; 3 – b; 4 – c

CARD 2 (индивидуально)

  1. Tell about the situations using the following words and expressions

1 – to be sad; days off; to sign a wrong contract (The seaman is not happy. He is _________ . He has no ______. He could not __________ and signed _________.)

2 – sandwiches and coffee; cigarettes or chocolate; to be full (The Master receives the _________ Officer and suggests him ________. The _______ Officer refuses as he is not ________. He did not take _______________ with him as his pockets are already _____________ with presents.)

3 – a set of manuals; new equipment (The Chief Engineer receives the ___________ who asks him about _______________ for the ________________. And the Chief Engineer could not _____________ it at proper place.)

4 – to happen; to strike; Mayday signal; to sink (The helmsman asks the __________ what could _________ if a large ____________ strikes their ship. The Captain answers that nothing would happen to the iceberg. And suddenly the Captain gives the ___________ signal because the iceberg seems to strike _______ and she is ________.)

1.2.3 Проверка домашнего задания

Ролевая игра: A Chief Engineer meets an Inspector on board. The Inspector wants to know everything about ship’s equipment designed for prevention pollution of sea water with oil in accordance with MARPOL regulations. (Работа в парах)

1 пара (конструирование диалога из данных реплик и его воспроизведение): Make a dialogue by using its phrases in right order


2 пара (работа с опорой на текст, восполняя пробелы): Fill in the gaps with necessary phrases and present a dialogue


Inspector: Does your ship ____________________ (1) carry ballast water in her oil fuel tanks?

Chief Engineer: No, never.

I.: What separating or ___________________ (2) do you have on board?

Ch. E.: She is fitted with the separating equipment capable of producing ______________________(3) not exceeding 15 ppm.

I.: What type of control system have you got?

Ch. E.: Our control system includes 15 ppm alarm and ________________(4) for discharges in special areas.

I.: What is the maximum ___________(5) of the system?

Ch. E.: 1.5 / h

I.: Is the ship provided with ___________________(6)?

Ch. E.: Yes, we’ve got 2 tanks for oil residues with the total capacity of 10 . And there is also ___________ (7) for the discharge of residues to reception facilities, fitted with a standard discharge connection.

I.: Will you show your International Oil Prevention Certificate?

Ch. E.: Here you are. By the way, ___________________(8) was held a month ago.

I.: I see your ship is equipped in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution form Ships. And who _________________(9) the equipment?

Ch. E.: The fourth Engineer.

I.: I’d like him to show me your equipment working.

  1. automatic stopping device d) effluent with oil content g) oil residue tanks

  2. under normal conditions e) a pipeline h) the annual survey

  3. throughput f) is responsible for i) filtering equipment

A key

Inspector: Does your ship under normal conditions (1b) carry ballast water in her oil fuel tanks?

Chief Engineer: No, never.

I.: What separating or filtering equipment (2i) do you have on board?

Ch. E.: She is fitted with the separating equipment capable of producing effluent with oil content (3d) not exceeding 15 ppm.

I.: What type of control system have you got?

Ch. E.: Our control system includes 15 ppm alarm and automatic stopping device (4a) for discharges in special areas.

I.: What is the maximum throughput (5c) of the system?

Ch. E.: 1.5 / h

I.: Is the ship provided with oil residue tanks (6g)?

Ch. E.: Yes, we’ve got 2 tanks for oil residues with the total capacity of 10 . And there is also a pipeline (7e) for the discharge of residues to reception facilities, fitted with a standard discharge connection.

I.: Will you show your International Oil Prevention Certificate?

Ch. E.: Here you are. By the way, the annual survey (8h) was held a month ago.

I.: I see your ship is equipped in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution form Ships. And who is responsible for (9f) the equipment?

Ch. E.: The fourth Engineer.

I.: I’d like him to show me your equipment working.

3 пара (рассказ диалога наизусть)

II Основная часть

2.1 Работа с текстом профнаправленности с целью поиска нужной информации (Т. И. Иваненко «Профессиональный английский для судовых механиков рыбопромыслового флота», 2016, с. 258)

2.1.1 Read the text carefully and enumerate the control panel buttons and their functions

На доске:



  1. separator “START” button

to start a device



  1. separator “START” button

to start a device

  1. separator “STOP” button

to stop the device operation

  1. Separator “EMERGENCY STOP” button

to stop the device operation in an emergency situation

  1. “DISCHARGE” button

for turning on the separator drain mode (in AUTO mode)

  1. “BRAKE” button

for stopping separator

  1. Separator “PURIFICATION” and “CLARIFICATION” operation mode buttons (1 and 2)

For the purification and clarification processes operation

  1. “ON” button

For starting feed pump

  1. “FUEL INLET” pushbutton

Opening product supply to the cleaning system

  1. “OPERATING WATER” button

to open operating water feed valve to the separator

  1. “SEPARATOR/ OPEN” button

To open separator opening water supply valve (in “MANUAL ”mode)

  1. “SEPARATOR/ CLOSE” button

To open separator closing water supply valve (in “MANUAL ”mode)

  1. “HEATING” button

To open the valve feeding steam to the product and water heater

2.1.2 Match the English and Russian words in the both columns


  1. brake

  2. operating water

  3. stop

  4. pressure gauge

  5. mode switch

  6. steam feed valve

  7. start

  8. refilling of separator bowl

  9. controller

  10. impurity

  11. operating water supply valve

  12. power

  13. temperature controller

  14. R.P.M.

  15. feed pump

  16. drain mode

  17. mnemonic diagram

  18. back pressure

  19. feeding of steam

  20. emergency stop

  21. at the separator inlet

  1. питание

  2. пуск

  3. остановка

  4. аварийная остановка

  5. режим разгрузки

  6. тормоз

  7. переключатель режима работы

  8. частота вращения

  9. на входе в сепаратор

  10. плотные частицы

  11. противодавление

  12. манометр давления

  13. регулятор

  14. питающий насос

  15. рабочая вода

  16. пополнение барабана сепаратора

  17. клапан подачи рабочей воды

  18. клапан подачи пара

  19. индикатор температуры

  20. мнемосхема

  21. подача пара


1f; 2o; 3c; 4l; 5g; 6r; 7b; 8p; 9 m; 10 j; 11q; 12a; 13s; 14h; 15n; 16e; 17t; 18k; 19u; 20d; 21i

2.1.3 Revising of Grammar rules: Participle I and Participle II - презентация

2.1.4 Analyse Participles I and II in the text- презентация

  1. Arranged below is the selected separator monitoring and control units.

  2. “WATER CONTENTS, % INLET” display showing the water content in the product at the separator inlet.

  3. Group of controls of back pressure at the side of the purified product outlet from the separator.

  4. “FEED PUMP” pressure gauge showing product pressure after the feed pump.

  5. “FUEL INLET” pushbutton for opening product supply to the cleaning system.

  6. “SEPARATOR/ OPEN” button to open separator opening water supply valve.

  7. “SEPARATOR/ CLOSE” button to open separator closing water supply valve.

  8. “TIME, min” setter used in draining sludge from the separator by time in automatic mode.

  9. “HEATING” button to open the valve feeding steam to the product and water heaters.

Participle I

Participle II

2.2 Аудирование видеофильма An Oily Water Separator and How does It Work

2.2.1 Study the vocabulary

  1. сontaminant

  2. soot

  3. rust

  4. sewage

  5. to skim off

  6. a coalescer 

  1. dense


  1. specific gravity

загрязняющее вещество, загрязнитель



сточные воды

скачивать шлак, снимать пену

коалесцирующее устройство, коагулятор



удельный вес

2.2.2 Listen to the text and decide if the statements are true or false

An Oily Water Separator is a device that does just that: separates oil from water. It must also have the ability to separate contaminants as well. So, most of these contaminants include cleaning products, soot from combustion, rust, sewage and other things that may be harmful to the ocean. The goal of the oily water separator is to produce clean water for discharge.

A typical oily water separator consists of three basic components: the separator unit, the filter unit and the oil content monitor and control unit. Well, every oily water separator may differ mechanically based on its manufacture. The signs behind it is simple. Oil is less dense than water and can be separated and removed by relying on its differences in specific gravity. The oily bilge water passes through multiple stages: first to remove solids, then a coalescer where oil and water are broken apart to allow it to be skimmed off and then at final stage to remove any residual oil and sludges not eliminated in previous steps. Oily water separators must be fitted with an oil content monitor. This simples water going overboard to ensure oil content is less than 15 parts per million. If it passes this check the monitor allows the water to be discharged. If the oil content is higher than15 parts per million the oil content monitor activates an alarm and a flow is stopped by an automatic shut off valve.





  1. An Oily Water Separator is a device that does just that: separates salt from water.


  1. So, most of these contaminants include cleaning products, soot from combustion, rust, sewage and other things that may be harmless to the ocean.


  1. The goal of the oily water separator is to produce clean water for discharge.


  1. A typical oily water separator consists of three basic components: the centrifugal unit, the filter unit and the oil content monitor and control unit.


  1. Oil is less dense than water and can be separated and removed by relying on their coincidence in specific gravity.


  1. The oily bilge water passes through multiple stages: first to remove solids, then a coalescer where oil and water are broken apart to allow it to be skimmed off and then at final stage to remove any residual oil and sludges not eliminated in previous steps.


  1. Oily water separators must be fitted with an oil content monitor.


  1. If the oil content is lower than15 parts per million the oil content monitor activates an alarm and a flow is stopped by an automatic shut off valve.


2.3 Развитие монологической речи

2.3.1 Look through the plan and choose the material for every point (презентация)


  1. What is an oily water separator?

  2. What is its main goal?

  3. What are its main units?

  4. What is the requirement for the content of oil in clean water for discharge?

  5. What Convention requirements must ships’ separators meet?

2.3.2 Tell us about oily water separator using the following words and phrases (презентация)

Firstly – во-первых; in order to – для того, чтобы; actually – вообще-то; it is important to remember – важно помнить, что; moreover более того; in conclusion – в заключение

III. Заключительная часть

    1. Рефлексия


Now I can / can’t …

  1. - describe an oily water separator and its operation

  1. - understand Participles I and II and use them in my speech

  1. - communicate with an Inspector on the this theme

    1. Подведение итогов












    1. Выдача домашнего задания: add some important facts on the operation of an oily water separator and give you point of view on the theme


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