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План-конспект нестандартного урока-представления по теме "Досуг" 3 класс

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Данный урок демонстрирует, как можно увлекательно и интересно повторить лексико-грамматический материал по теме "Досуг" в 3 классе. Надеюсь, идея ритмизированной сказки увлечёт вас также, как меня и моих учеников.

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«План-конспект нестандартного урока-представления по теме "Досуг" 3 класс»



Практические задачи: 1. Организовать повторение лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Досуг».

2. Организовать инсценизацию ритмизированной сказки.

Воспитательные задачи: 1. Воспитывать у учащихся позитивное отношение к иноязычной культуре.

2. Воспитывать у учащихся культуру общения.

3.Формировать творческое отношение и интерес к изучению английского языка.

Развивающие задачи: 1.Развивать кратковременную память, языковую реакцию учащихся, умение самостоятельно планировать речевой поступок.

2.Развивать культуру общения в ситуациях.

3.Развивать навыки восприятия иностранной речи на слух.

4. Развивать творческое отношение и познавательный интерес к изучению английского языка.

Средства обучения: классная доска, карточки для работы в парах, тематические рисунки, карточки с буквами английского алфавита, с буквосочетаниями, магнитофон, плакаты, декорация замка, открытки.


І. Начало урока.

Организационный момент

Т.Good morning! Nice to see you! Sit down , please.

What date is it today? Look at the blackboard, please. Today is Tuesday the twenty-first of October. Say this date all together, please.

Фонетическая зарядка.

T. Hi! How are you?

P1. I am fine.

T. How is your mother?

P2. She is fine.

T. Say hello to your mother.

P2. Yes, sure.

T. How are your friends?

P3. They are fine.

T. Say hello to your friends.

P3. Yes, sure

T. I see that you are all from different countries. (У каждого ученика имеется бейджик с изображением флага той страны, которую он представляет.) So let’s get acquainted with each other. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. ( Ребята задают друг другу вопросы по цепочке.)

P1. What’s your first name?

P2. Kate.

P1. How do you spell it?

P2. K-A-T-E.

P1. How do you pronounce it?

P2. Kate.

P1. Where are you from?

P2. I am from England.

Сообщение плана урока.

T. Today, children, we are going to travel through the Kingdom of English Fantasy. And I shall be your guide during this trip. The Kingdom of English Fantasy is a wonderful country. It has many lands: Letter Land, Reading Land, Speaking Land, Writing Land, where we shall read, speak and write. And, of course, it has got the Royal Palace, where the King and the Queen live, but it is very far from here.

First of all, we shall visit the Letter Land.

Основная часть.

Задача 1. Организация повторения лексико-грамматического материала.

1. Повторение букв английского алфавита.

T. Do you know the English ABC? Let’s see. What is for A? B? C? D? …

(Учитель показывает картинки с изображением предметов и букв.)

Pupils. A is for apricot. B is for bird. C is for city. D is for dog. E is for eagle. F is for fox. G is for giraffe. H is for hen. I is for I. J is for jam. K is for kitten. L is for lion. M is for monkey. N is for nose. O is for oak. P is for pig. Q is for question. R is for rabbit. S is for star. T is for tiger. U ends you. V is for volley-ball. W is for Winnie-the-Pooh. X is for X-ray. Y is for yacht. Z is for zebra.

T. Now it’s the time for the song about the English ABC.

Pupils sing a song. A,B,C,D,E,F,G

H,I, G, K, L, M, N, O, P,

Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, -(2 times)

X, Y, Z.

Oh, well you see

Now I know the ABC.

2.Обобщение правил чтения.

T. We are ready to go to the Reading Land. Read these combinations of letters, please.

P. sh, ch, oo, th, ea, ee, er, or.

T. And now read the following words paying attention to the words which have no these sounds. Say these words all together.

Ch – chess, bench, school;

Sh – shelf, she, short;

Oo – cartoon, door, balloon;

Th – birthday, thanks, mother;

Th – father, brother, thick;

Ea, ee – read, speak, head, green;

Er – her, Germany, sister.

3. Организация диалогического высказывания.

T. And now we are in the Speaking Land. All boys and girls of this Land can speak English. Can you speak English, children? Let’s see. Take these cards, please. Match the questions and the answers and make up your own dialogues in pairs. You have one minute for preparation. ( Звучит музыка, дети составляют диалоги. ). См. приложение.

T. Act your dialogues out, please. Nice work.


T. Let’s have a rest. Recite a mime poem, please.

Pupils. Let’s play sports.

Let’s have fun.

We can jump,

We can run.

We like football,

We can swim.

Let’s play team games,

Let us win!

T. It seems to me that we are near the Royal Palace. There are many beautiful flowers here. What colour are they?

Pupils. Brown and blue and green and white

Green and white, green and white.

Brown and blue and green and white

Black and red and yellow.

T. There are many wonderful animals here. What animal do you like best of all? ( Учитель показывает картинки.)

P. I like animals big and small

But I like a … best of all.

4. Организация написания поздравительной открытки.

T. Dear children I’ve got happy news! The King and the Queen have a baby. The Princess was born! Let’s write a birthday card for the Princess. So now we are in the Writing Land.

Look at the separate parts of the birthday card and make up the card, using the phrases in the logical order.

Best wishes, Happy birthday to you! Dear Princess,

(your name)

Задача 2. Организация инсценизации ритмизированной сказки “ The Sleeping Beauty”.

На переднем плане класса находится декорация замка. Группа детей занимает место с одной стороны класса. Это хор и музыканты (Jazz Chant Group). В руках у них – музыкальные инструменты: ёмкости с пуговицами, деревянные ложки, звоночки. Инструменты будут отбивать ритм джазового ритма одновременно с многоразовым повторением отдельных слов, которые проговаривает хор.

T. The King and the Queen invited us to the birthday party. I shall report on the events in the Royal Palace. Let’s go to the Palace.

Jazz Chant Group: Long live the King! Long live the Queen! Long live the Princess!

T. Are you happy?

King: We are happy. Our daughter was born.

Queen: Let our guest come on.

(Fairy 1 enters)

Fairy 1: Happy birthday to you!

Jazz Chant Group: Happy birthday to you, dear Princess (3 times).

Fairy 1: All the land is so blessed

But you are the best!

I present the little Princess with a gift of beauty (gives her a rose).

Jazz Chant Group: A gift of beauty (3 times).

Queen: Many names we chose. Now we shall call her Rose.

(Fairy 2 enters).

Fairy 2: Happy birthday to you!

Jazz Chant Group: Happy birthday to you, dear Princess (3 times).

Fairy 2: Oh, your eyes are so blue.

In your future, Little Princess,

There’s much fun for you.

I present the little Princess with a gift of fun (gives her a toy).

Jazz Chant Group: A gift of fun (3 times).

(Fairy 3 enters).

Fairy 3: Happy birthday to you!

Jazz Chant Group: Happy birthday to you, dear Princess (3 times).

Fairy 3: I have a gift for you too:

There’s love in the future

And surprises, just few.

I present the little Princess with a gift of love (gives her a paper heart).

Jazz Chant Group: A gift of love (3 times).

Wizard: Why didn’t you invite me to the party?

Jazz Chant Group: Why didn’t you invite her to the party?

Wizard: When she turns 16, a spindle sharp,

Will make her sleep and break your hearts.

One hundred years of dreamless sleep –

Here’s the promises I shall keep.

Jazz Chant Group: She’ll keep (3 times).

Queen: Oh, no , my poor child!

Jazz Chant Group: Poor, poor child!

( Fairy 4 enters).

Fairy 4: All of you listen to me.

I have a magic gift for thee.

She’ll nap, not sleep.

The dream of bliss

Will send our Princess

The true love’s kiss.

Jazz Chant Group: The true love’s kiss (3 times).

King: Thank you, dear fairies, for your good wishes.

Jazz Chant Group: Very, very good wishes.

T. Specially for you from the Royal Palace. To be continued.

Scene 2.

T. Good news! Happy news! Today’s Princess` sixteenth birthday. Welcome to the Palace for the royal celebrations. Here is the Princess.

King: Happy birthday to you!

Queen: Many happy returns of the day!

Princess: Thank you very much!

T. Now I’d like to ask some questions to the Princess.

- Are you happy?

- Yes, I am.

-What’s your hobby?

- Music and dancing.

- OK. Let’s dance and sing.

Clap, clap, clap your hands.

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet.

Stamp your feet together.

Spin, spin, spin around.

Spin around together.

Sing, sing, sing a song.

Sing a song together.

Dance, dance, dance a dance.

Dance a dance together.

T. Oh, and here is the Wizard!

Wizard: This is the present I promised you.

This bunch of flowers is for you.

Princess: Oh, a spindle sharp! I am falling asleep.

Scene 3.

Prince: I’ve lost my way. I have never been here.

Jazz Chant Group: Help! ( 3 times).

T. Are you happy?

Prince: Are you crazy? I’ve lost my way. What is it?

T. It’s the Royal Palace.

Prince: It’s beautiful! But where are the people?

T. They are sleeping.

Prince: Who is this sleeping beauty?

T. This is Princess Rose.

Prince: She is beautiful. ( Comes to the Princess and kisses her).

Princess: How long I’ve been sleeping.

Jazz Chant Group: How long we’ve been sleeping.

Princess: Who are you?

Prince: I am Prince Dan.

Oh, you are so pretty,

Your eyes are so blue,

Your lips are so rosy,

Oh, Princess, I love you.

Princess: My feelings are quite new

My heart will give the answer

Oh, Prince, I love you too!

T. All fairies, all friends

The Queen and the King

On Princess` birthday.

The kingdom will sing.

T. Happy end. Specially for you from the Royal Palace.

Окончание урока.

Т. What can you do now, children?

You have made a lot of progress today. So all of you get only good and excellent marks.

Put down your homework


  1. What is your name?

  1. Where are you from?

  1. Nice to meet you!

    1. Nice to meet you!

    1. My name is Slava.

    1. I am from Ukraine.

  1. Hi! How are you?

  2. Where are you from?

  3. Can you read?

  4. Can you write?

  5. Can you fly?

    1. Yes, I can.

    2. I am fine.

    3. No, I can t.

    4. I am from Italy.

    5. Yes, I can.

  1. Nice to see you, Chris!

  1. What is your hobby?

  1. Do you like painting pictures?

  1. OK. Let’s watch cartoons.

    1. Then we can paint pictures.

    1. Nice to see you, Nastya!

    1. No, I don t.

    1. I like watching cartoons.

  1. Hello, Vova!

  2. Do you play sports?

  3. Do you play cricket?

  4. What is your favourite sport?

  5. OK. Let’s play football.

    1. I like to play football.

    2. Hi! Dan!

    3. Yes, I do.

    4. No, I don t. We don t play cricket in Ukraine.

  1. Hi! How are you?

  2. I am fine. What is your first name?

  3. How do you spell it?

  4. How do you pronounce it?

  5. How old are you?

  6. Where are you from?

  7. Do you like playing games?

  8. Can you play tennis?

  9. Can you play golf?

  10. What is your favourite sport?

  11. What is your hobby?

  12. What don t you like?

  13. Nice to meet you!

    1. Julia.

    2. J-u-l-i-a.

    3. Fine! How are you?

    4. I am 8.

    5. I am from France.

    6. No, I can t.

    7. I like to play volleyball.

    8. Yes, I can.

    9. Yes, I do.

    10. I like listening to music.

    11. I don t like riding a bike.

    12. Nice to meet you!

    13. Julia!!!

  1. Hi! How are you?

  1. I am fine. How is your mother?

  1. How is your father?

  1. How are your friends?

  1. How is your English?

    1. She is fine.

    1. He is fine.

    1. Fine! How are you?

    1. It s fine.

    1. They are fine.

  1. What s your first name?

  1. How do you spell it?

  1. How do you pronounce it?

  1. Nice to meet you!

    1. Nice to meet you!

    1. Larisa.

    1. L-a-r-i-s-a.

    1. Larisa!!!


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