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План-конспект открытого мероприятия по английскому языку для 5- класса “Your game” («Своя игра»)

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Цели мероприятия:

  • Обучающие: вспомнить языковой материал изученных модулей(1-6) учебника Spotlight 5;
  • Развивающие: развивать навыки коллективной работы, логическое мышление, речевую реакцию, навыки устной ситуативной речи;
  • Воспитательные: прививать интерес обучающихся к английскому языку.

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«План-конспект открытого мероприятия по английскому языку для 5- класса “Your game” («Своя игра»)»

План-конспект открытого мероприятия

по английскому языку для 5- класса

Your game” («Своя игра»)

Цели мероприятия:

  • Обучающие: вспомнить языковой материал изученных модулей(1-6);

  • Развивающие: развивать навыки коллективной работы, логическое мышление, речевую реакцию, навыки устной ситуативной речи;

  • Воспитательные: прививать интерес обучающихся к английскому языку.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, 2 презентации к двум раундам игры (синий и красный), филворд из игры «Волшебный карандаш» для финальной игры, флажки для капитанов команд.


-Вступительное слово учителя: Good morning, dear participants and guests of ‘Your game’. Today 3 teams of the 5-B Form will compete for the status of the best one.

I want you to present your teams.

Now let me introduce you my assistant Kolya. He will tell you the rules of the game:

  • The game consists of 3 rounds: blue, red and final.

  • There are 4 topics and 5 questions in each topic, so there are 20 questions in each round.

  • The captain of the team chooses the topic and the price of the question.

  • The captain raises the flag to answer only after the signal! Then the captain answers or gives the flag to the member of his team to answer.

  • If the answer is not correct, the turn goes to another team. If it is right the team continues to choose the next question.

  • Don’t shout, or your points will go away.

  • Besides there are two special sectors: Happy Chance, and Cat in a bag.

  • When you choose Happy Chance, your team will get free points.

  • When you choose Cat in a bag, your team may give the question to another team.

  • Wish you good luck and let the best win!

I wish you good luck and let the best win!

Let’s start the game.

Topics and questions

Blue round

School days

5 Name five subjects

Maths , Geography, History, English, Art

10 Fill in: He … in grade 5.

He is in grade 5.

15happy chance You’ve got 15 points.

20Sector «Cat in a bag». Put the letters in the correct order to make a word: S U M C I


25 Match the words:

Information Technology

Physical Education

School subjects

Countries and nationalities

5Where are you from?

I am from Russia.

10Call numbers:

99, 32, 48, 15

15Say the words in the plurals:

children boxes

women boys


20«Happy Chance».

25 Name the nationalities

1 Russia—Russian, 2 Japan—Japanese, 3 The USA—American, 4 The UK—British, 5 Canada--Canadian

My home, my castle

5 Name five rooms: A living room, A kitchen, A hall, A bedroom, A bathroom

10 Fill in:

There are armchairs in the living room.

15 Make up 3 sentences:

There is a sofa in the bedroom.

Next to the sofa there is a wardrobe.

There is a computer on the table.

20 Name 5 items of furniture

A bed, A sofa, A cupboard, A table, A chair, An armchair

25 Choose the correct answer:

There is an armchair next to the fireplace.

Family ties

5 Name 5 members of the family.

Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather

10 — fill in

Tom is tall with fair hair.

15 «Happy Chance»

20 Choose the correct answer:

This is my mother. Look at her.

25 Tell 5 sentences about your family.

Red round

That’s me!

5 Which one is not correct?

This helmets, these man, that books

10 — “Happy chance”

15 Say the words with sound [s]

Helmets, aunts, stamps, mistakes, apricots

20 Listen to the dialogue and answer:

  • Who’s got a new bike?—Tim

  • What’s Amy’s present?—digital camera

25Tell about your favorite cartoon character:

  • name

  • who the character is

  • what the character does

Countries and nationalities


Russia—Russian, Yemen—Yemeni, France—French, Portugal—Portuguese, Bulgaria—Bulgarian

10 NAME 5 English-speaking countries

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States

15 Name 4 parts of the UK and their people

Scotland—Scottish, Wales—Welsh, Ireland—Irish, England—English.

20 «Happy Chance»

25 Which one is the symbol of England?


World animals

5 What is wrong?

We hunts, he run, I doesn’t go

10 Match:

15 Divide the words into 2 boxes:

20 Choose the odd words

Elephant, Insect, Lion, Giraffe, Zoo

25 Complete the names of the animals:

Giraffe, Elephant, Monkey, Parrot, Bear

Round the clock

5 «Happy Chance»

10 Match:

15 «Happy Chance»

20 Divide into 2 boxes.

25 What’s the time?

1 It’s twelve o’clock.

2 It’s half past eight.

3 It’s a quarter past six.

4 It’s three o’clock.

5 It’s a quarter to seven.

6 It’s half past nine.


Let’s count the points. The winner is the Team _____. Our congratulations to you! As the special Prize the winners will get the excellent marks.


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