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План-конспект открытого урока в по английскому языку в 7 классе на тему: “ Healthy lifestyle”

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«План-конспект открытого урока в по английскому языку в 7 классе на тему: “ Healthy lifestyle”»

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План-конспект открытого урока в по английскому языку в 7 классе на тему:

“ Healthy lifestyle”, проведенного в рамках межрегиональном семинаре «Создание интеллектуальной обучающей среды с целью развития культуры мышления на уроках гуманитарного цикла».

Учитель английского языка I квалификационной

категории Баширова Г.Р.

Май, 2016 года

План-конспект открытого урока в 7 классе на тему «Здоровый образ жизни»

Тема: « Здоровый образ жизни».

Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков



1. Закрепление лексических единиц по теме «Здоровый образ жизни»

2. Развитие всех видов речевой деятельности

3. Формирование навыков общения в заданной ситуации


1. Развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме урока. Повторение употребления условных предложений)

2. Развитие памяти, мышления, внимания, языковую догадку

3. Развитие умения обобщать и делать выводы


1. Воспитывать навыки и привычки культурного, здорового образа жизни

2. Воспитывать умение работать в сотрудничестве


УМК М.З. Биболетова «Enjoy English» 7 класс, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, карточки для заданий, докторский халат и принадлежности

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент урока.

Good morning! At our lesson we are going to continue working at our theme “A healthy lifestyle”. We shall discuss good and bad habits people have and we’ll learn some information about healthy food. At first answer my question, please. What should people do to be healthy and to keep fit?

  1. Актуализация лексических навыков по теме.

  1. That’s right. And now I’d like you to remember proverbs and sayings about health. Look at the screen and put the words in the logical order.

  • 1. wealth, is, good, above, health.

  • 2. healthy, fit, to, eat, food, keep.

  • 3. an apple, keeps, a doctor, a day, away.

  • 4. early, to rise, to bed, early, man, keeps, wealthy, wise, healthy, and.

  • 5. sound, in, body, mind, a sound. (слайд 2)

2) Match proverbs with their equivalents. (слайд 3 с пословицами на соотнесение пословиц)

Well, let’s prove that it is cool to follow healthy lifestyle. What do people do to keep fit? Discuss in your groups (Continuous Round Robin) I’ll give you 2 min.Спросить по 1 ученику из каждой группы.

As you’ve said, people should eat a variety of foods. What products help us to be healthy and to keep fit? (слайд 4) изображение

- Корзина полезная и вредная еда.

- Why are these products so useful? (Rally Robin)(изображение продуктов витаминов)

( о каждом витамине говорит 1 ученик)

  1. Развитие навыков чтения.

Now it’ time to learn some information about healthy food and do the test. (Rally Coach)

Take your handouts and read the short text.

  1. Food gives us energy, makes us grow and helps to stay healthy. We need to eat something from all the food groups every day. Fruit and vegetables, grains (крупа) and potatoes, fats and sugar, meat and protein (белок) and dairy (молочные продукты).

  2. Fruit and vegetables give us lots of vitamins and minerals and help us grow and stay healthy. We should eat more fruit and vegetables every day.

  3. Potatoes and grains, like bread and rice, give us the energy we need. Half of what we eat every day should come from this group.

  4. Fats and sugars are things like oils (масло), sweets, biscuits, chocolate and ice cream. These foods give us energy and they are important for our nervous system. But too much of this food can make you fat and can be bad for your teeth. You should not eat more than two sweets or fatty things a day.

  5. Meats and proteins are foods like chicken, fish, duck, eggs, nuts and beans. These foods give us important minerals and help us to build our bodies. We need to eat a little of this food every day.

  6. Dairy foods are things like milk, yoghurt and cheese. These foods give us calcium

which helps to make our teeth and bones strong. You should eat some of these foods every day. But you can also get calcium from dried fruit (сухофрукты).

Now read the statements on the screen and say if they are true or false. (слайд 8)

  • 1. Food gives us energy and makes us grow.

  • 2. Sweets give us lots of vitamins and minerals.

  • 3. cereals, bread and potatoes give us energy we need.

  • 4. Fats and sugars are important for our nervous system.

  • 5. it is good for your teeth to eat a lot of sweets

  • 6. You should eat a lot of chocolate.

  • 7. Meat and proteins give us important minerals and help to be healthy.

  • 8. Dairy foods are things like chicken, fish and eggs.

  • 9. Dairy foods help to make our teeth and bones strong.

  • 10. We should eat a variety of foods.

  1. Динамическая пауза Песня Релаксационный момент. (слайд )

To be healthy people should also have positive emotions. Music can help us to get them and to relax. Let’s sing!

  1. Актуализация грамматических навыков. (слайд 9)(Timed Pair Share)

We have to change some of our habits to be healthy. Lynne has also changed recently

This is Lynne a year ago.

And this is Lynne now.

What did Lynne use to be like? What is she like now? Use these words and word combinations.

  • Be a coach potato

  • Be physically inactive

  • Have junk food at school

  • Skip breakfast

  • Spend a lot of time in front of a TV set

  • Eat healthy food at school

  • Be a physically fit person

  • Limit screen time

  • Do regular exercise

  • Start the day with healthy food

And what about you? How have you changed?

  1. Развитие навыков аудирования.

As you know the bad habits are very dangerous for our health. And to be healthy people should give up them. Now I’d offer you to listen to the information about bad habits and fill in the table. (слайд 5)

Text script:

Bad habits are very dangerous for our health. They can damage our body and our mind greatly. There are three main bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

People who smoke always have a cough. Their teeth are yellow and skin is unhealthy. Smoking often leads to a cancer of lungs.

People who drink alcohol usually have a headache. Drinking alcohol is very bad for heart. Such people always have slow reactions, less memory and they are very aggressive.

The most dangerous habit is taking drugs. The beginners usually have unclear speech and slow reactions. They don’t live in a real world and like it. But then such people have blood and brain diseases. Taking drugs leads to the death.

What are the three main bad habits?

What does smoking lead to?

What does drinking alcohol lead to?

What does taking drugs lead to?

It would be better if people do sports. Do you do any sports? What is your favourite sport? How often do you do sports?

Физкультминутка. (слайд) People do sports.

VII. Well, if people don’t observe the rules they may have some health problems.

What problems would you have if …?(слайд)

VIII. Формирование навыков диалогической речи. Составление диалога «Consulting a doctor»

However sometimes we need to consult a doctor if you feel bad.

IX. Рефлексия.Заполнение анкеты. Билетик на выход

What are my good health habits?
What are my bad health habits?
What are my tips for staying healthy?
Do I choose a healthy lifestyle?

X. Итог урока. Задание на дом.

Thank you for your good work. Now we know how to be healthy and to keep fit. Use the rules of being healthy and be healthy and happy. Your home task is exercise 2, page 66 in your Activity Books. Good-bye.


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