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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

План-конспект урока английского языка по теме "Animals and birds on different continents (животные и птицы на разных континентах)" 5-й класс

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Цель: Расширение страноведческих знаний обучающихся о континентах и животных через использования интернета и других технологий.

Задачи: тренировать учащихся применять усвоенный лексический материал в новых ситуациях общения в монологической и диалогической речи;

•  развивать навыки аудирования с полным пониманием прослушанного;

•   развивать навыки чтения про себя текстов, содержащих большой процент незнакомой лексики, с целью извлечения необходимой информации;

•    развивать умения самостоятельно обобщать материал, выделять смысловые группы, выстраивать логические связи.



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«План-конспект урока английского языка по теме "Animals and birds on different continents (животные и птицы на разных континентах)" 5-й класс»

План-конспект урока английского языка по теме "Animals and birds on different continents (животные и птицы на разных континентах)". 5-й класс

Цель: Расширение страноведческих знаний обучающихся о континентах и животных через использования интернета и других технологий.



• Формировать коммуникативную компетенцию обучающихся

• Формировать информационную культуру и компетентность школьников (поиск, отбор, переработка, упорядочивание информации)


• тренировать учащихся применять усвоенный лексический материал в новых ситуациях общения в монологической и диалогической речи;

• развивать навыки аудирования с полным пониманием прослушанного;

• развивать навыки чтения про себя текстов, содержащих большой процент незнакомой лексики, с целью извлечения необходимой информации;

• развивать умения самостоятельно обобщать материал, выделять смысловые группы, выстраивать логические связи, определять алгоритм работы, систематизировать весь предлагаемый материал.


• воспитывать бережное отношение к животным,

• развивать умение вести беседу, умение слушать и слышать

• способствовать формированию положительной мотивации учения

Оснащение урока: фотографии и картинки с видами животных, индивидуальные карточки для контроля аудирования и чтения; презентация PowerPoint, задания и информация для урока на электронных носителях, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор.


I. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие.

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am very glad to see you today!

Children: Good morning! We are glad to see you too!

Teacher: Sit down, please!

2. Сообщение темы и цели урока. Целеполагание.

T: I see you are ready. So let’s start our work. The world is a large place. During our lessons we have spoken much about continents and landmarks, countries and nationalities. We made booklets about our world. Today, we continue to travel across the continents and learn new facts about our world. But, what we will learn about… Let’s look at our screen. (слайд 1 )Who guess? What is the topic of our lesson today?

P: Animals

T. Which animals?

P: Wild animals.

P1: Animals from different continents.

T: Can you see only animals?

P: I see birds.

T: So the theme of our lesson is

P: Animals and birds on different continents. (слайд 2)

T: Yes, you are right. The theme of our lesson is animals and birds. The aim of our lesson is to get to know more about them using Internet and other technologies.

What would you like to do to learn about animals and birds in our lesson?

Let’s choose. На доске предложения о том, что мы будем делать на уроке. Ученики выбирают.

T: I’d like to sing songs about animals and birds.

What else will we do in the lesson?

I’d like to read texts about animals and birds.

I’ d like to listen to the stories about animals and birds.

I’d like to learn new words.

I’d like watch a video about animals and birds.

I’d like speak about animals and birds.

I’d like write about animals and birds.

I’d like do different exercises about animals and birds.

I’d like to make our booklets.

T: We have a lot of work today and I hope you will work hard, learn more and get goods marks. During our lesson you will do a lot of different interesting tasks: read, listen, write but don’t forget about your booklets. We continue to make them. Today you will work with worksheets (Приложение №1.) where you will write all about animals. Then you will put this information into your booklets.

I. Основная часть

1. Активизация уже имеющихся знаний по теме.

T: But firstly let us remember what animals and birds do you know?

Дети по очереди называют животных.

2. Введение новой лексики.

T: Look at the screen. (слайд 3). This is Mike’s granddad. He’s from America. But he likes travelling very much. Now you can see his photos of animals from different continents. What animals do you know? (слайд 4)

T: Well, I see you know a lot of these animals, but some of them have difficulties in pronunciation. So repeat these words after me. (Children repeat after the teacher)

T. Well done. In a minute try to learn as many new words as you can.

T: Let us see how many animals have you learnt. What’s this? На экране слова ученики произносят по одному слову. (Слайд 5- 15)

T: What is this?

P: It is a camel. Etc.

3. Формирование навыков восприятия и понимания на слух. (Приложение №2.)

Now you will listen to Mike’s granddad’s stories about animals. Listen twice and try to write as many information as you can about animals you will listen about in your worksheets.

Let us check. What information have you got into your worksheets?

4. Чтение. Работа с текстами.

T: We continue to learn about animals and now you will work in pairs with fact sheets. Read about animals and fill the information into your worksheets.

Pair 1-Cheetah

Pair 2- Koala

Pair 3- Kangaroo

T: Let us see what have you known about...

Во время проверки 1 пара читает информацию из своих таблиц, остальные учащиеся слушают и заполняют свои рабочие листы.

5. Физкультминутка.

T: Now read a short song. What animals is the song about?

P: The fish, the crabs, the sharks, octopuses, the dolphins and the jellyfish.

T: Where do they live?

P: in the ocean

T: What do they do?

The fish go gulp, gulp, gulp..(. глотать.) All day long

The crab in the ocean go pinch, pinch, pinch...(щипать). All day long

The sharks in the ocean go chomp, chomp chomp..(грызть). All day long

Octopuses in the ocean have 8 arms, have 8 arms, have 8 arms. And wave all day long

The dolphins in the ocean go leap, leap, leap...( прыгать). All day long

The jelly fish in the ocean go wobble, wobble, wobble ( качаться). All day long

T: Let us listen to this song, have a short rest and dance with our animals.

6. Видео о животных.

Now we are going to Africa. You will watch a video about animals, which live in Africa very attentively and try to understand as much as you can. After watching, you should fill in your worksheets.

Informative video about camel | animal facts – camel

Let’s see what have you learnt about camels?

III. Обобщение. Заполнение буклетов.

Now cut your worksheets and put the information about animals into your booklets.

How many animals have you got in your booklets?

T: Let us see. What animals do you have? Where do these animals live?

Ps: The eagle lives in the mountains in North America.

IV. Домашнее задание

T: So your home task will be to prepare a small story about other animals. Write down your homework, please.

V. Подведение итогов урока

T: And in conclusion, I would like to sum up our work. We have read, written and spoken much today about animals. What did you like to do most? What new have you learnt? Your marks…

Thank you very much! The lesson is over! Good-bye!

Приложение №1


This is a ___________

Koalas eat_________

They are____and____in colour.

They live _________.


This is a __________

Rhinos eat__________

They are _____and___ in colour.

They live ________.


This is a ___________. Penguins eat________.

They are ______ and________ in colour.

They live ____________

They ________

This is a _______ Eagles eat____

They are _____ and____ in colour.

They live _________.


This is a ___________

Kangaroos eat_______.

They are _______ and _________ in colour.

They live ________.


This is a __________

Cheetahs eat_______

They are __ and________ in colour.

They live _________.


This is a ___________

Camels eat_________

They are________ and _________ in colour.

They live _________


This is a _________.

Octopuses eat_______

They are ______ and _________ in colour.

They live­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________.

They .

This is a __________.

Pandas eat_________

They are _______ and _________ in colour.

They live­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________

There are pandas in the world.

This is a __________

Whales eat_________.

They are ______ and _________ in colour.

They live­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________


Приложение № 2


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