Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Buying food"

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Целью урока является формирование грамматических навыков употребления слов some/any, совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения по теме " Food", развитие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка. Продолжительность этапов урока оправдана, переход от одного этапа к другому осуществляется в соответствии с логикой. Для достижения целей урока используются информационные технологии. Вводимый лексический материал соответствует возрасту учащихся и их интересам. Новая лексика содержит сведения о еде. Для осуществления первичного закрепления и контроля усвоения грамматического материала учащимся предлагается выполнить отдельные упражнения с со словами some и any. Для активизации языкового материала в речи учащихся, учитель предлагает составить диаграммы с использованием новых лексических единиц, использовать изученные слова при ответах на вопросы. Учитываются и воспитательные возможности учебного материала (вопросы о здоровой пище и о пище вредной для здоровья)

Просмотр содержимого документа
«урок Ремша»

Teacher– Ремша Татьяна Евгеньевна

Средняя школа №2 г. Акколь, Акмолинская область

Subject – English

Grade - 6

The theme of the lesson- Buying food

Aims of the lesson: Students will be able

-to learn the new grammar some/any

-to improve reading and pronouncing skills of the new words;

-to speak about healthy and unhealthy food

-to develop the interest of learning English

Visual aid: an interactive board, cards, pictures.

Outline of the lesson

1. Organization moment

a) greeting

b) everyday questions

2. Presentation of the theme and aims of the lesson

3. Phonetic support (slide2)

My brother buys black bananas by the bunch

4. Warm-up (slide3-4)

Students speak about their favourite food.

Exercise 1 p. 53 Food quiz, think of (work in groups):

  • One red fruit, one green fruit, one yellow fruit.

  • Three kinds of food which are made from milk

  • Three things people have for breakfast.

  • Four kinds of vegetable from which we can make salad

Possible answers:

Apple / pear / lemon

Yogurt / cheese / cream

Eggs / bread and butter / coffee

Cucumber / tomato / carrot

Exercise 2 p. 53 Students ask and answer the questions in pairs, teacher listens to some

student’ answers.

5. New lesson

Make posters in groups (1 poster-healthy food, 2 poster-unhealthy food)

Look at the baskets and discuss in pairs which basket has healthy food and which basket has

unhealthy food exercise 3 p. 54

Then students read the sentences in exercise 4 p. 54 and circle the right number.

Answers: a.1, b.2, c.1, d. 2, e. 2, f. 1.

Teacher asks students to look at the sentences (exercise 5 p. 54) and complete the rules with

some, any or a/an.

Answers: a. a/an, b. some, c. any.

They should give examples from exercise 4

6. Relax

7. Vocabulary

Exercise 6 p. 54 study the words

Flavour altogether vanilla strawberry

8. Reading and speaking

Exercise 7 p. 54 Students read and practice the conversation in open and closed pairs.

Comprehension check exercise 8 p. 55

Teacher asks some students to act out the conversation and make similar dialogues using the

words and expressions in exercise 9 p. 55

9. Pronunciation

The pronunciation of the cluster th exercise 10 p. 56 after practicing these sounds students put

the words in the correct column exercise 11 p. 56

10. Word building

Students match the nouns to make compound nouns exercise 12 p. 56

11. Consolidation of the lesson. (slide5)


Drinks: tea …

Vegetables: tomatoes …

Fruits: apples …

Other food: cheese …

12. Reflection (red apple – I understand the theme of the lesson, yellow apple – I don’t understand any things, green apple – I understand nothing)

13. Home task p. 57 exercise 13 give a definitions of the words.(slide)

14. Marks

15. The end of the lesson

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your job.

Good bye, see you next time.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«buying food»

Buying food

Buying food

Phonetic support My brother buys black bananas by the bunch

Phonetic support

My brother buys black bananas

by the bunch

Which is your favorite food?

Which is your favorite food?

My favourite food is… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

My favourite food is…







Exercise 1 p. 53 Food quiz, think of :

Exercise 1 p. 53 Food quiz, think of :

  • One red fruit, one green fruit, one yellow fruit.
  • Three kinds of food which are made from milk
  • Three things people have for breakfast.
  • Four kinds of vegetable from which we can make salad
Healthy and unhealthy food

Healthy and unhealthy food



Word building  traffic  swimming  concert  tooth  shopping  pine  post  writing light pool hall brush list apple card paper

Word building

















Continue Drinks: tea…. Fruits: apples Vegetables: tomatoes…. Other food: cheese…


  • Drinks: tea….
  • Fruits: apples
  • Vegetables: tomatoes….
  • Other food: cheese…

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Continue Drinks: tea…. Fruits: apples Vegetables: tomatoes…. Other food: cheese…


  • Drinks: tea….
  • Fruits: apples
  • Vegetables: tomatoes….
  • Other food: cheese…

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Continue Drinks: tea…. Fruits: apples Vegetables: tomatoes…. Other food: cheese…


  • Drinks: tea….
  • Fruits: apples
  • Vegetables: tomatoes….
  • Other food: cheese…

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Continue Drinks: tea…. Fruits: apples Vegetables: tomatoes…. Other food: cheese…


  • Drinks: tea….
  • Fruits: apples
  • Vegetables: tomatoes….
  • Other food: cheese…

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Home task:  p. 57 exercise 13 give a definitions of the words.

Home task:

p. 57 exercise 13

give a definitions of the words.

Thank you  for  good job

Thank you


good job


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