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План- конспект урока "Travelling"

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  План- конспект урока английского языка по теме " Путешествие" разработан для учащихся 8 классов в школах с углубленным изучением английского языка.Основные задачи урока: Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся. 

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«План- конспект урока "Travelling"»


Teacher: Zhilkina

Grade: The 8th form

The theme: « Travelling».

The aim of the lesson: The development of communicative competence.

Objectives of the lesson:

  1. Teaching :

-To teach the pupils to work independently in groups and individually.

  1. Developing:

-To develop listening comprehension;

-To develop creative activity, memory, imagination;

-To develop abilities of comparing and translation.

3) Up-bringing:

-To arouse pupils' interest in the English speaking countries;

-To arouse love to English lessons.

The course of the lesson

  1. Organization moment. (3 min)

  1. Physical exercise

Hello, my name is Joe.
(Children do physical exercise.)

  1. Greeting.

Teacher: Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you!

Pupils: (Looking at the cards) Good morning teacher! We are glad to see you too!

Teacher: Children, please, answer my question, but don’t repeat your friends’ answer.

Is it clear?

Pupils: Yes, of course.

Teacher: Please, let’s start. How are you feeling?

(Children answer teacher’s question in different variants.)

  1. Definition of the theme of the lesson.
    Teacher asks children about the education and children answer the questions.

Teacher: Now, at the board. Would you mind to guess the theme of our lesson?
Children: (Looking at the cards theme) Yes! That’s a good idea! The theme of our lesson is “Travelling”

  1. Talking about main aims of the lesson.

Teacher: Children! Look at these verbs! Now can you select the main aims of your lesson?
Children: (Looking at the board and read the given verbs.) They are: to speak, to read, to translate, and to write.

  1. Phonetic exercise. (5 min)

Teacher: I hope you are feeling well. Would you mind doing the phonetic exercise?
(Teacher hands in dialogues.)

Pupils: Oh, it’s good idea.
Teacher: Let’s play roles.


Travel agent: What can I do for you?
Molly: I would like to fly to London next week.
Travel agent: What day are you planning to leave for London?
Molly: On Friday, the 6th of December. By the way, I don’t want a night flight.
Travel agent: There are two flights to London on that date.
Molly: Are there are any British Airways flights?
Travel agent: Yes, the flight at 8.50 is with

British Airways. Where would you like to seat?
Molly: Non-smoking, please. Is it a non-stop flight?
Travel agent: Yes.
Molly: What airport does the plane land at?
Travel agent: Heathrow Airport.
Molly: How much will it be?
Travel agent: 700 dollars. How will you pay?
Molly: By American Express credit card.
Travel agent: Happy journey, madam.
Molly: Thank you very much.

Teacher: Good! Now work in pairs. Play this dialogue in roles.
(Children read this dialogue in pairs.)

  1. Giving the home task. (2 min)

-to learn the dialogue “MAKING AIRPLANE RESERVATION” by heart;
to learn 8 sentences from the beginning of the topic “TRAVELLING”;
-to learn the words by heart;
-to be ready to answer the questions by the topic “TRAVELLING” .

  1. School talk based on the topic “TRAVELLING” (The new theme). (10 min)

Teacher: Children, don’t forget that your home task is to learn the sentences from this topic, so now I’ll give you cards to work on the topic in order to fix this material.

  1. Find the sentences concerning with the new theme.

People began to travel ages years ago. We have light well-equipped laboratories where we do scientific work and make careful observations. They are on the first and second floors. Schemes and tables can be seen on the classroom walls. The first travelers were explorers who wanted to discover new lands and to find wealth. Their journeys were very dangerous. We are taught to be skillful at knitting and cooking at our Handcraft lessons. Our workshops for wood work and metal work, our home economics room are on the ground floor. Nowadays travelling is not as dangerous and much more convenient. We try to develop our body strong, healthy and fit in out P. T. lessons. Usually boys dream of setting a record in swimming, boxing or fighting and girls try to show their good results in gymnastics.

Millions of people all over the world travel every day. The favorite place in our school is an Assembly hall. Here we hold our meetings, parties, concerts or celebrate great holidays. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns. They travel to enjoy picturesque places just for a change of scene. It is decorated with beautiful curtains in a modern style. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.. Near the stage there is the piano. Very often, when students present their creative work, a swift melody is heard or different plays are performed, because our students are very talented and active.

  1. Answer my questions.

(There are under the topic “TRAVELLING” on the lists.)

  1. The work on vocabulary.

Choose the words which belong to the new theme:

To bring up, Assembly hall, dangerous, specialized school, ancient, wealth, hike, form teacher, a break,
to discover, a term, scene, picturesque, knitting, scientific, convenient, ways of life, journey, three-stored.

  1. The work on cards “IT’S A PLEASURE TO TRAVEL” (5 min)

Teacher: Children, now I’ll give you cards. Look through them and answer my questions in four .
(Teacher hands in the cards)

  • Do you like to travel?

  • Are you fond of travelling?

  • Do you enjoy travelling?

  • Would you like to travel?

  1. School talk based on the 2nd part of the topic “MY SCHOOL” (15 min)

Teacher: Children, don’t forget that your home task was to prepare for the retelling of the text. Before you will be check-up, I want you to revise this text.

  1. Revision.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. У нас есть светлые, хорошо оборудованные лаборатории, где мы занимаемся научной работой и делаем тщательные наблюдения.

2. Они расположены на первом и втором этажах.

3. На стенах в классах можно увидеть схемы и таблицы.

4. На уроках труда мы учимся искусному вязанию и приготовлению пищи.

5. Наш цех для деревообработки и металлообработки, а так же класс внешней экономики расположены на первом этаже.

6. Мы стараемся развивать наше тело сильным, здоровым и подтянутым на уроках физкультуры.

7. Обычно мальчики мечтают установить рекорд по плаванью, в боксе или борьбе, а девочки стараются показать хорошие результаты в гимнастике.

8. Любимое место в нашей школе это актовый зал.

9. Здесь мы проводим наши встречи, вечеринки, концерты или отмечаем праздники.

10. Его украшают красивые шторы в современном стиле.

11. У сцены стоит пианино.

12. Очень часто, когда студенты представляют свои творческие работы, слышна стремительная мелодия или другие пьесы, потому что наши ученики очень талантливые и активные.

13. Мне следует напомнить вам, что наша школа является специализированной школой английского языка.

14. Поэтому, если вам интересны английская или американская литература мы советуем вам посетить библиотеку, которая расположена на первом этаже.

15. Мы уделяем большое внимание английскому языку.

16. Подводя итог, у нас есть все возможности продолжить наше обучение в университетах, и мы горим желанием получать знания в разных областях науки.

17. Мы ценим помощь и советы наших учителей.

(Children translate the sentences)

  1. Text control.

Teacher: Now I will check you. I give you 1 minute to revise it one more time.

(Teacher checks the best students and then they help to check the rest)

  1. Preparation to the retelling of the 3rd part of the text. (8 min)

  1. Answer the questions.

  • Is your school’s number is 38?

  • What does your school famous for?

  • Is it private school?

  • Is it state school?

  • Where does your school situated?

  • How can the author get to the school?

  • How long does it take?

  • Do you go the school 5 days a week?

  • How long do lessons last?

  • At what time does the first lesson start?

  • At what time are classes over?

  • How long do breaks last?

  • What do you do during your breaks?

  • How many terms do you have?

  • Are your holidays between the terms?

  • What can you say about your summer holidays?

  • When does your school year begin?

  1. Translate sentences from Russian into English.

1. Наши учителя всегда полны новых идей и они вовлекают нас в создание проектов или участие в предметных олимпиадах.

2. Хотя мы принадлежим к разным поколениям, мы прекрасно ладим.

3. Наша школа известна не только в нашей стране, но и за рубежом ее высоким качеством образования, научной работой учителей и учеников, совместной работой учителей, родителей и учеников и ее строжайшей дисциплиной.

4. Наша школа расположена в новом районе, не далеко от Площади Республики.

5. Я хожу в школу 5 дней в неделю.

6. Уроки заканчиваются после обеда, без десяти два

7. Во время перемены мы ходим обедать в столовую

8. У нас есть 4 четверти в году.

9. Летние каникулы самые долгие.

10. Учебный год начинается 1го сентября и заканчивается в мае.

  1. Summarizing. (2 min)
    This lesson was great! But at the end of our lesson I have one more task for you. Please answer my question:

  • What was the first our task today?

  • What did we do after the first task?

  • Ok, and one more question: What is your home task?

(Children answer the questions)

Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye!
Children: Goodbye!


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