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План - работы с отстающими детьми

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«План - работы с отстающими детьми»



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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

«Computers: pro and cons»

Алисултановой Беневши Давудовны

в 9 - ом классе

План – конспект внеклассное занятие в виде дебаты среди учащихся 9-го класса «Компьютер хорошо или плохо»

Дата : 12.04.2019 г


Good morning, dear colleagues. Glad to see you.

- Today we’ll have a debate-lesson. First of all, let’s revise the rules of the debates. Let’s read them:

*Work as a team and always support each other.

*Listen to your opponents carefully.

*Make notes while your opponents are speaking to keep track of their ideas.

*Try to answer your opponents’ questions giving reasons for your opinion.

*Be polite and disciplined during the debate.

*Never interrupt each other.

*Don’t speak longer than the set time limit

Now we are living in the technical world. We are surrounded by different technical inventions. One of these inventions is the computer. Many people can’t imagine their life without the computer. Other people don’t use computers because they are dangerous for our health. Which point of view is more preferable?

So let me open the debate. The floor is given to the first speaker of Proposers.

Time: 3 minutes.

Speech 1 (Речь 1): первый участник стороны «За» предлагает тему и выступает с первым аргументом своей команды.

- Good afternoon, Honorable Jury, Time-Keeper. Good morning, dear colleagues.

- Let me introduce myself and my team. I am (___________________________________), the first speaker. The second speaker in our team is (_____________________________________________). And the third speaker is (___________________________________________________________)

- Today it’s hard to imagine our lives without the computer and the Internet. The computer is absolutely marvelous!.... Nowadays people use the computers in different spheres of activity, so it is a very useful invention which makes our life easier every day. Computers have greatly improved the quality of our life.

Our team supports the idea computers are really useful

Now let me introduce our points of view.

Our first argument is… the computer is the center of our life. We use computers to find necessary information and learn something. For example, we can learn different languages or learn how to play different musical instruments.

Our second argument is ..the latest advances in information technology make people think that schools of the future will use computers instead of printed books, they have certain advantages over traditional paper volumes. In my opinion, students will be widely using computers for studying in the future. To begin with, computers can store lots of books in their memory and modern software allows us to find quickly the necessary information. Besides, with the interactive programs on computers studying will be much more exciting. What is more, electronic books will not degrade overtime like their printed counterparts.

Time-Keeper: Your time is over. Thank you. Now the floor is given to the second team.

Speech 2: первый участник стороны «Против» высказывает противоположную точку зрения своей команды

. Opposer 1

Good morning.

I’d like to introduce myself and our team. I’m (__________________________________), the first speaker. This is (_______________________________________________), the second speaker and (___________________________________________________) is our third speaker.

We agree with the statements given by the Proposer’s. speaker. But we can’t agree with the motion of the debate.

Firstly….unfortunately some people keep no measure in using computers. Children and teenagers are addicted to computer games and don’t have time for studying or reading books. Some of them prefer online chatting to face to face communication with their friends. Computer harms our psychological state and eye sight.

The second argument of Proposer’s. team doesn’t seem to be convincing either. On the other hand, lots of disbelievers argue that computers will not replace printed books because a printed book is better for human eyes than a computer screen. In addition, books are cheaper and easier to use since they do not need electricity or the Internet connection.

Time-Keeper: Your time is over. Thank you. Now the floor is given to Proposer’s. team

Speech 3: второй сторонник высказывает второй аргумент.

We cannot agree with this because modern computer screens emit no radiation and allow us to read even in low light conditions. Of course we will have to pay for electricity but I think it will be cheaper than to pay for printed books, which are very expensive nowadays. More than that, I would like to consider… the computer is necessary for our job. Many corporations and companies, where you work or want to work, demand your knowledge of the computer.

Time-Keeper:. Thank you. What can you say?

Speech 4: второй противник – второй контраргумент.

But there is another point of view. A lot of people are sure that the computer damages our health and intellect. For example, it is dangerous for our vision, and many people suffer from their obesity because they have to sit for a long time in front of the computer at their offices..

Time-Keeper: - Thank you. Now the floor will be given to the second team. You team will support the idea. But would you like to take time-out to discuss questions? If yes, you can use 2 minutes to consult each other.

Объявляется перерыв 1-2 минуты для того, чтобы учащиеся подготовили свои речи-протесты.

Time-Keeper: time is out, the floor is given to the second team.

Speech 5: Команда «Против» высказывает два собственных опровержения на два утверждения команды «За» и резюмирует свои собственные две причины.

It believed that… there are some disadvantages just like that fact that your sight is getting worse every day and you can't see well. Also some people net profit dependents on computer games and do a lot of bad things like stealing or even murders.

Besides unfortunately some people keep no measure in using computers. Children and teenagers are addicted to computer games and don’t have time for studying or reading books. Some of them prefer online chatting to face communication with their friends. Computer harms our psychological state and eye sight.

The problems connected with the computer are serious, and we should do everything possible to solve these problems.

So we think that people should use computers carefully and they shouldn't spend much time playing computer games.

Time-Keeper: Your time is over. Thank you. Now the floor is given to Proposer’s. team

Speech 6: Команда «За» высказывает два опровержения на два отрицательных аргумента команды-противника и резюмируют собственные две причины.

It goes without saying that…Computers have already become a very important part of our daily life. Nowadays it's very hard to do a lot of different things without computers' help. If you want to find any information you don't need to go to the library and search books. You just open the internet and search! Also computers help us to avoid boredom with computer games.

On the other hand, Nowadays computer is one kind of Mass Media. People who don’t have TV or radio may use the computers which is in Internet clubs. Our life would be boring without computers. It’s hard to believe that one device can provide people with entertainment, news, education, music.

Thirdly, the computer is a means of people’s communication. We can talk with our friends, whom we haven’t seen for a long time, using different programs, such as Skype and ICQ. Also, we can make a lot of new friends with the help of the computer.

In conclusion,we think although there are some drawbacks to computers, their efficiency makes them a great invention!

So we think computers are really useful if we don’t use them excessively.


Please, vote for the decision.

+ I agree Computers are very important. First of all they make our lives easier. Computers help us at school, university, at work. It’s faster to write something on computer, than by hand, it’s more convenient to send emails than letters by post. I often use computer in my studies, for example, if I need to read a book I can easily download it from the Internet. I also use Internet to search for information I need for school.

  • From my point of view Computers are very dangerous for us they can take over our lives by forcing us to do things which are not really harmless for our health.

+ I believe that computers are really useful . I like watching movies very much. But I don’t like these movies shown on TV and the choice is not so wide. Using my computer I can find any movie I like and moreover I can watch films in English.

  • But I disagree. Unfortunately some people keep no measure in using computers. Children and teenagers are addicted to computer games and don’t have time for studying or reading books. Some of them prefer online chatting to face to face communication with their friends. Computer harms our psychological state and eye sight.

    + I am in favour of computers. Computer and Internet help me to communicate with my friends who live in other countries and find new friends. It would be difficult to stay in touch with them without computer, but with the help of it we can send emails to each other, share photos, music and so on.

+ Another positive aspect of computers is that they are very useful for people who need a help. For example, if you are given a homework and you do not really know how to do it, you can just turn on your computer and go to znanija.com to ask for a help or an explanation. The final benefit of computers is that they are extremely convenient and easy to use.

  • I am against the idea. Many people whose jobs are connected with computers complain on health problems such as headaches, backache, poor vision. Moreover, spending a lot of time at the computer results in eating a lot of foods which in its turn leads to the obesity.

+ It seems to me that Computers do their jobs efficiently, fast, and productively. No doubt they have made our lives much easier. I’m for computers.


So we can summarize that modern technologies and computers in particular have both positive and negative effects on people’s life. And in order to live in a harmony people must find a proper balance. They should remember a computer was initially created to help people make their lives easier not to ruin them.
In conclusion, I think although there are some drawbacks to computers, their efficiency makes them a great invention!

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