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Планета на которой мы живем

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«Планета на которой мы живем»

Test: It’s a wonderful planet we live on

  1. 1. Choose the correct form of the verb.

My friends … in Paris sinse 2012


b. were living

c. have been living

d. lived

2. …. Of visiting Disney Land since 2010

a) dreamt

b) was dreaming

c) have been dreaming

d) dream

  1. Choose the right answer.

  1. Do you often read tabloids?

  1. No, I haven’t read them for a long time

  2. Yes, I had read them often

  3. No, I have read them for a long time

  4. No, I don’t read them for a long time

  1. Do you still play football?

  1. Yes, I hadn’t played it often

  2. No, I haven’t played football for ages

  3. No, I have played it for a long time.

  4. Yes, I do not played it for a long time.

  1. Mark the adverb

  1. Flood

  2. Wet

  3. Often

  4. Research

  1. Match the expression to the right translation

  1. Space day a. ключевая проблема

  2. Scientific exploration b.космическийкорабль

  3. Space travel c.важные достижения

  4. a key problem d.ДеньКосмонавтики

  5. a spaceshipi. исследовать космос

  6. important achievements f.космическое путешествие

  7. do research into space g.научноеисследование

v. Make the sentences using the following words.

1. leads/Russia/of/in/areas/many/researches/space

2. made/in /Galileo/the/first/the/ telescope/century

3. time/Since/that/been/celebrated/Russia/in/Space Day/12th/as/April/of/has/the


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