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Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung.

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Pneumonia - acute infectious inflammation of the lower respiratory tract with mandatory involvement of lung tissue (alveoli, bronchi, bronchioles).  

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«Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung.»



Content:   - What is pneumonia  -Pathogenesis of pneumonia  -Symptoms of pneumonia  -Treatment of pneumonia  -Complications of pneumonia  -Features of nutrition and lifestyle for the treatment and prevention of pneumonia

Content: - What is pneumonia -Pathogenesis of pneumonia -Symptoms of pneumonia -Treatment of pneumonia -Complications of pneumonia -Features of nutrition and lifestyle for the treatment and prevention of pneumonia

What is pneumonia: Pneumonia - acute infectious inflammation of the lower respiratory tract with  mandatory involvement of lung tissue (alveoli, bronchi, bronchioles).

What is pneumonia:

Pneumonia - acute infectious inflammation of the lower respiratory tract with mandatory involvement of lung tissue (alveoli, bronchi, bronchioles).

Pathogenesis of pneumonia RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIENCY.  hypoxic: А) Violation ventilating ventilation-perfusion ratio – occurs a decreasing the saturation blood oxygen. Б) violation of diffusion of gases through an alveolar and capillary membrane because of edema and or a cellular infiltration. INFECTIOUS TOXICOSIS. Violation of regulation of function of vitals – blood circulations, digestion, a cerebral cortex, etc.

Pathogenesis of pneumonia

  • hypoxic:
  • А) Violation ventilating ventilation-perfusion ratio – occurs a decreasing the saturation blood oxygen.
  • Б) violation of diffusion of gases through an alveolar and capillary membrane because of edema and or a cellular infiltration.
  • Violation of regulation of function of vitals – blood circulations, digestion, a cerebral cortex, etc.
Symptoms of pneumonia The main symptoms of pneumonia are fever with a rise in temperature to 38-39.5 degrees C, cough more often with the departure of abundant sputum, dyspnea with physical exertion and at rest. Sometimes patients may experience discomfort or pain in the chest.

Symptoms of pneumonia

  • The main symptoms of pneumonia are fever with a rise in temperature to 38-39.5 degrees C, cough more often with the departure of abundant sputum, dyspnea with physical exertion and at rest. Sometimes patients may experience discomfort or pain in the chest.
Complications of pneumonia -Inflammation of the pleura; -Pulmonary edema; -Lung abscess; -Respiratory disorders.

Complications of pneumonia

-Inflammation of the pleura;

-Pulmonary edema;

-Lung abscess;

-Respiratory disorders.

Treatment of pneumonia Treatment Probably in house conditions. Hospitalization of children with a serious condition in a disease debut, with serious background conditions and according to epidemiological and social indications are subject. Mode – restriction of physical and emotional activity. A diet for children of chest age: the frequent dosed-out feeding. For children of advanced age – easily food on appetite.

Treatment of pneumonia

  • Treatment Probably in house conditions. Hospitalization of children with a serious condition in a disease debut, with serious background conditions and according to epidemiological and social indications are subject. Mode – restriction of physical and emotional activity. A diet for children of chest age: the frequent dosed-out feeding. For children of advanced age – easily food on appetite.
Features of nutrition and lifestyle for the treatment and prevention of pneumonia The regime is bed, in the stage of recovery - half-bed. Categorically you can not smoke. Sufficient liquid intake is necessary. Recommended rates - not less than 2.5-3 liters per day. In the daily diet should be a sufficient number of proteins and carbohydrates and vitamins, especially A, B and C.

Features of nutrition and lifestyle for the treatment and prevention of pneumonia

The regime is bed, in the stage of recovery - half-bed. Categorically you can not smoke. Sufficient liquid intake is necessary. Recommended rates - not less than 2.5-3 liters per day. In the daily diet should be a sufficient number of proteins and carbohydrates and vitamins, especially A, B and C.

 Most patients benefit from breathing exercises.  Before you do breathing exercises, consult your doctor if you can do it. In a number of conditions, for example, with abscess of the lungs, certain diseases of the heart, breathing exercises are contraindicated.

Most patients benefit from breathing exercises.

Before you do breathing exercises, consult your doctor if you can do it. In a number of conditions, for example, with abscess of the lungs, certain diseases of the heart, breathing exercises are contraindicated.

Thank you for your attention!!!

Thank you for your attention!!!


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