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Политическая система

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Данная разработка содержит задания теста для учащегося с ОВЗ по теме: "Политическая система" (УМК Кузовлева, Лапа, Перегудовой и др.)

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«Политическая система»


Political Systems

I. Match the definitions:

1. a government

A) the majority

2. to rule

B) representatives

3. to pass

C) the country

4. to vote on

D) branch

5. to elect

E) a bill

6. legislative

F) programme

7. to delay

G) a president

8. to give

H) a new law

9. represent

I) a government programme

10. the House of

J) the royal assent

II. Fill in the gaps:                                          

   laws     appoints      branches     signs  

  1. The Queen can't vote on the bills, she ____ the bills.

  2. The President can veto ____ passed by Congress.

  3. There are three main____ of power.

  4. The President of the Russian Federation ____ the Chairman of the Government.

III. Quiz

  1. What is the official name of the country?

a) England b) Great Britain c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  1. The UK is … .

    a) a constitutional monarchy b) a republic c) a federation

  1. Who is the official head of state in the UK?

a) the Prime Minister b) the President c) the Queen

  1. Who is the head of the government in the UK?

a) the Prime Minister b) the President c) the Queen

5. How many Houses does the Parliament consist of?

a) one b) two c) three

6. Who is the head of the government in Russia?

a) the Prime Minister b) the President c) the Chairman of the Government

7. The Russian Federation is … .

    a) a constitutional monarchy b) a republic c) a federation

    8. Who elects the President of the Russian Federation?

    a) the Federal Assembly b) people c) deputies

    9. What are the main colours of the Russian flag?

    a) gold, red and blue b) gold, green and red c) white, blue and red

    10. Who guarantees the basic rights of the people in Russia?

    a) the President

    b) the Chairman of the Government.

    11. What is the name of the American Parliament?

      a) the Administration b) Congress c) the Federal Assembly

      12. How is the US President elected in America?

    a) by all men and women over 18;

    b) only by white men over 18;

    c) only by white men with property;

    d) by women over 18.


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