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Поурочный план по английскому языку 3 класс на тему "My music"

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Поурочное планирование для 3 класса на тему "Моя музыка". Урок начинается с кластера, ассоциаций на тему  музыка. Что такое музыка? В итоге делаем вывод, дается определение и жанры музыки. Далее учащимся предложены новые слова, ученики проговаривают с учителем и для   запоминания  проводится игра "День и ночь".   Затем идет групповая работа . Учащиеся должны прочитать текст  и  ответить на вопросы. В конце урока делается  вывод.  Что изучили, что было полезно для вас...

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«Поурочный план по английскому языку 3 класс на тему "My music"»

School: №3 Long term plan unit: Art & Music


Teachers‘ names: Kulyash Bazylbekova

Grade: 3

Number present:


Topic of the lesson: My Music

Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to

3.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information

3.S8 express basic likes and dislikes

3.W3 write short phrases to identify people, places and objects

3.R4 begin to use with support a simple picture dictionary

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • practice topic-related vocabulary with visual support.

  • read and listen to the short story;

  • Understand a short text with considerable support

Most learners will be able to:

  • use most of the active vocabulary in the speech;

  • do the tasks with minimum support using visuals.

  • Understand a short text with little support

Some learners will be able to:

  • use most of the active vocabulary in the speech with no support

  • complete most of tasks correctly with no support using visuals. Use them in sentences to describe different music orally / in written form and help partners to do the same

  • Understand a short text without support

Assessment Criteria

The student has achieved the objectives if:

3.R4 – they use pictures to understand a short text

3.W3 – write at least 3 sentences (with 1 minor allowed per sentence) describing music

Value links

Life-long learning, appreciation of the arts, Patriotism & Internationalism

Previous learning

Musical instruments, some verbs (dance to it, keep a beat, etc.)

Cross – curricular links

Music, Art

Use of ICT

Computer, Projector, SMART board

Global Citizenship (incl. intercultural awareness)

How can we describe music from different countries?

What musical instruments are used to make this music?

Kazakh culture

How can we describe Kazakh music?

What musical instruments are used to make Kazakh music?

Pastoral Care

The teacher will support the students’ development in a holistic manner – mentally, socially, cognitively, emotionally

Health and safety

The teacher will do a safety check to eliminate potential hazards before the lesson starts. The teacher will be familiar with the emergency procedures.


Planned activities






Greeting, Objectives & Daily Question

Say “Hello” Instruction: - Listen and sing the song with the recoding

Please tell me each missing letter.






What word is come out? How do you think what subject of our lesson is today?

So, you see the word MUSIC, and the subject of our lesson is “My music”. How do we say the words My music in Kazakh language? Менің музыкам, Жарайсындар, достар! And how do you think what are you doing at the lesson today? Answer of children.

Today we will speak about different styles in music, the kinds of music teenagers prefer. The students have prepared some projects and we are going to listen to them

Thursday, April 11, 2019

My Music

Revision new words

“Flashcards game” Instruction: - Close your eyes - Open your eyes (after my signal) - Say what is missing - Look at the picture (Teacher shows pictures very fast) - Say the word Note: Pictures are on the board. Students close their eyes, and then teacher hides one card. After the signal students open their eyes and say the name of missing musical instrument Differentiation: by scaffolding (Teacher use visual aids)

Song “Hello” Adapted from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVcKp3bWH8

PPT – Slide 1


6 min



B rainstorming. What style do you like? What is your favorite music? What words do you associate with the word ‘music’?




Do you like to listen to music?

What is music?

What kind of music is popular in our country?

What kind of music do you like?


15 min


Practice. Reading

Pre reading task:

Work with new words. Look at the pictures. Listen to the teacher. Repeat words after the teacher. Read the words. Pictures and words are on the board

Differentiation: by scaffolding (Teacher present new vocabulary through both auditory and visual means)

And now please look at the screen and let`s revise some sounds which we meet in the text.

After reading

Working in group

Questions for group:

  1. Describe Kazakh music. Kazakh music is __________________

  2. How many types are there in instrumental Kazakh music? Kazakh instrumental music has _________ types. They are_________________________.

  3. What woodwind instruments has Kazakh music got? Kazakh music has got _.

A learner

  • Read the text

  • Less able leaners: Answer the questions

  • More able leaners: Retell the text


-I feel myself …..


The best

Bad (Why?)


Didactical material

5 min


  • And know please open the book at page 65, ex.2. Listen, point and repeat. And point to the musical instruments and say.

  • Example: The drum is a percussion instruments.

Texts for Station Reading

Handouts for kids


3 min


Reflect, Revisit Learning Goals & Check with Questions

  • Have the teacher helper re-read the learning goals for the day

  • Ask students to reflect on if they feel they have achieved the learning goals

  • Smiling feedback (If you think that you have worked well today and you have no questions, go to the happy smile with the word “Super!”. If you need help or you have questions about the lesson, then go to sad smiles with the word “Help” or “?” sign)

PPT the last slide

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support?

How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

***See in text notes about specific differentiation techniques

In general:

  • Allow for flexible groupings and cooperative learning, depending on the appropriateness to the task

  • Allow for extra time for students needing it, when appropriate

  • Give extra text or visual support to students needing extra English support

  • Create small learning groups for students needing extra support or enrichment with the co-teacher, when appropriate

  • Encourage high-performing students to lead activities and support others during challenging tasks

  • Provide interesting puzzles, texts etc. to those students who finish early

  • Use open-ended tasks and questions so students may take their learning in their own directions

  • When possible, allow for student choice of task

Informally throughout the lesson and specifically through:

3.S3 – they use 3-5 new adjectives to describe Kazakh music

3.W3 – write at least 3 simple, guided sentences describing Kazakh music.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?


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