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Практическая работа 3-4 курс. СПО. Деловой английский язык.

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«Практическая работа 3-4 курс. СПО. Деловой английский язык.»

Инструкционная карта № 56

на выполнение практического занятия по дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
для обучающихся 3 курса всех специальностей

Тема: Паспортный контроль.


-Образовательная: ознакомление с новой темой, навыки письма, умение работать со словарем.

- Воспитательная: прививать студентам любовь и уважительное отношение к английскому языку, толерантность к иноязычной культуре.

- Развивающая: развивать навыки работы со словарем; повышать интерес к английскому языку; расширять кругозор студентов. Развивать умение анализировать, обобщать, выделять главное в процессе учебной деятельности, работать в коллективе и самостоятельно.

Норма времени: 2 акад. часа.

Оснащение рабочего места: англо-русский и русско–английские словари, раздаточный материал (инструкционные карты, словари), комплект инструкционно-технологических карт, посадочные места по количеству обучающихся; рабочее место преподавателя.

Компетенции, умения и навыки, которыми должны овладеть обучающиеся:



  1. Брейгина М.Е. О контроле базового уровня обученности // Иностранные языки в школе. - №2 -1991.

  2. Временный государственный образовательный стандарт, -общее среднее образование. Министерство образования РФ и лаборатория обучения иностранным языкам, Россия, академия образования, М., 1993.

  3. Денисова Л.Г., Симкин В.Н. Об итоговом контроле обученности иностранным языкам // Иностранные языки в школе. - №2 1995.

  4. Королева О.Л., Пыстина Н.В. Использование тестирования в старших классах. // Контроль в обучении иностранным языкам в средней школе: Кн. для учителя: Из опыта работы / Ред.-сост. В.А. Слободчиков. -М.: Просвещение, 1986.

  5. Голицинский В.Г. «Практическая грамматика английского языка»

  6. “Oxford Student’s Dictionary of Current English”, A.S.Hornby

  7. “English for Colleges”, T.A.Karpova, Москва

Вопросы для актуализации опорных знаний:

  1. What do you know about the Degrees of Comparison? (with Examples)?

Ход работы.



When the plane arrives at the Heathrow airport the passengers get out of the plane and go into the building of the airport. After passing along endless corridors they get to the passport control point called Immigration. There are two gates. One is for passengers from EC (European Community) countries. And the other gate is for passengers from all other countries. After queuing up for some time Mr. Lvov and the group come up to the queue marshal who signals what officer is free. And each person goes to the counter indicated.

Here is a typical talk between the English Immigration officer and a Russian businessman:

Russian: Good morning.

Officer: Good morning, sir. May I see your passport and landing card, please?

Russian: Certainly. Here you are.

Officer: Thank you.... What's the reason for your visit to the UK?

Russian: I'm on a business tour to attend a training programme.

Officer: And how long are you staying here?

Russian: A week or so.

Officer: Have you got a return ticket?

Russian: Yes, certainly. Here is my ticket.

Officer: May I see the invitation of the company who will re­ceive you here?

Russian: Just a minute I'll ask our Group Leader to present it .... Here is the invitation.

Officer: Thank you .... Everything is OK. Here is your passport, ticket and the invitation.

Some Russian businessmen have difficulty in speaking with the English Immigration officers and answering then questions. Usually English officers do not like strangers to help them with interpreting. In such cases the officers ask their own interpreters for help. Most probably these interpreters are staff members of Immigration. For some Russian businessmen of the group it was the first experience with Englishmen and the only words they could say were:

I am sorry. I do not speak English.

Others could say a few words, like these:

I have come as a businessman for training. I shall stay in England for eight days. I shall stay at Sherlock Holmes hotel in London.

Words and expressions



четырнадцать (числ.)




контроль, проверка

to get out of

выходить из



to pass along a corridor

пройти по коридору




пункт, место

passport control point

паспортный контроль

to be called

вызывать, приглашать


ворота, зд выход

European Community

Европейское Сообщество



to queue up

стоять в очереди

queue marshal

распорядитель очереди

to signal

давать сигнал


чиновник, работник



to indicate


the counter indicated

указанная (им) стойка

landing card

карточка прилетевшего в страну пассажира



the United Kingdom

Англия/ Великобритания/

(U.K./ UK/ the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

Соединенное Королевст­во Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

to be on a business tour

совершать деловую по­ездку

to attend


a week or so

около недели

to ask


to present

представлять, давать



to have difficulty in do­ing something

испытывать затруднение в чем-то



to interpret

переводить (устно)

They do not like strang­ers to help them

Они не любят, когда по­сторонние лица хотят помочь

in such cases

в этих случаях

most probably

скорее всего

staff member

штатный сотрудник


единственный, только

the only words

единственные слова

like these

такие, как

a few words like these

несколько слов, таких как

to come

приезжать, приходить

I have come as a busi­nessman

Я приехал в качестве бизнесмена


1. Underline the sentences true to the text:

• The plane arrives at the Heathrow airport.

The text does not say at what airport the plane arrives.

The plane arrives at the Gatwick airport.

• The passport control point is very close to the entrance into the building of the airport.

The passport control point is not close to the entrance.

• The passport control point is called Passports.

The passport control point is called Passport Control.

The passport control point is called Immigration.

• There are three gates at the passport control point.

There is only one gate at the passport control point

There are two gates at this point.

• There are very few passengers and the group comes to the officers in no time.

There are very many passengers and the Russians have to queue up.

• There is only one English officer at the point.

There are two English officers at the passport control point.

There are a few English officers at the point.

• When the officer is free he invites another passenger to come.

It is the queue marshal who indicates to the passenger what immi­gration officer is free.

• English Immigration officers usually ask Group Leaders or other Russians for help if they have difficulty in speaking with Russians.

English Immigration officers usually speak Russian.

English Immigration officers usually ask their own interpreters for help when they have difficulties in speaking with Russians.

2. Translate into Russian:

Some Russian businessmen have difficulty in speaking with the English Immigration officers.

They have difficulty in answering questions.

Usually English officers do not like strangers to help them with interpreting.

In such cases the officers ask their own interpieters for help.

Most piobably these interpreteis are staff members of Immigration.

3. Read the following:

• these intepreters

these officers

these businessmen

the gate

• One of the gates is for passengers from European Community countries.

The other gate is for passengers from all other countries.

What's the reason for your visit to the United Kingdom?

Here is the invitation.

4. Insert articles:

After queueing up for some time Mr. Lvov and .. group come up to ... queue marshal who signals what Immigration officer is free. And each person goes to .. counter indicated. For some Russian busi­nessmen of ... group it was ... first experience with Englishmen. They had some difficulty in speaking with ... Immigration officers.

5. Insert prepositions:

Some Russian businessmen have difficulty ... speaking .. English Immigration officers and answering their questions. Usually English officers do not like strangers to help them ... interpreting. ... such cases the officers ask their own interpreters .. help.

6. Translate into English:

Извините, я не знаю английского.

Я приехал на обучение.

Я из России.

Я бизнесмен.

Я пробуду в Англии 8 дней.

Я остановлюсь в отеле.

Вот мой паспорт.

Вот мое приглашение.

Одну минуту, я попрошу помочь мне руководителя группы.

7. Make short dialogues:

• Example

— May I see your passport, please?

— Yes, certainly Here it is.


return ticket

the invitation of the English company the invitation of the English sponsors landing card

• Example

  • back — обратно

— May I have the card back?

— Yes, certainly. Here you are.

have the passport back

have the ticket back

have the invitation back

have another form

have another card

Вопросительные предложения

Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite)

Do you speak English?

Does he/ she speak English?

Do they speak English?

What foreign language do you speak?

What foreign language does he/ she speak?

What foreign language do they speak?

Настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous)

Are you staying in London long?

Is he/ she staying in London long?

Are they staying in London long?

Where are you staying in London?

Where is he/ she staying in London?

Where are they staying in London?

Вопросительные слова

what — что, какой

how long — как долго, сколько времени

when — когда

where — где, куда

who — кто

why — почему

8. Say how the following questions are formed:

What's the reason for your visit to the United Kingdom?

Where are you staying?

Are you staying in London?

When are you leaving?

What company is inviting you?

Who is inviting you?

Are you with the Group?

Is there a leader of the Group?

Where is your Group Leader?

9. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones?

— Good morning

— Good morning, sir. May I see .. card, please?

— Certainly. Here.

— Thank you. What's the reason ...?

— I'm on a business . . programme.

— And how long are ..?

— A week ...

— Have you got ...?

— Yes, certainly. Here ...

— May I see ... receive . ?

— Just a minute, I'll .. Group Leader ... Here is ...

— Thank you. Everything is... Here is ...

Подведение итогов занятия. Анализ проделанной работы

Вопросы для актуализации опорных знаний:

What did you learn today?

What new information have you got?

What are the positive and negative sides of the lesson?

Форма предоставления отчета: письменно в тетради.



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