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Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Prepositions of place, time and Тема урока: direction.

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to be able to speak about  cultural heritage of Kazakhstan; To be able to use prepositions of place, time and direction correctly.

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«Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Prepositions of place, time and Тема урока: direction.»

18 Сабак / Урок № 18

Сабақ жоспары / План урока

Пән/ Дисциплина: English

Топ / Группа: АЖ-117 Күн / Дата: 02.11

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Prepositions of place, time and Тема урока: direction.

Сабақтың мақсаты/ Цель урока: to be able to speak about cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

Білімділік/ Образовательная

To be able to use prepositions of place, time and direction correctly.

Дамытушылық /Развивающая: to develop their speaking, reading skills and literacy;

Тәрбиелік /Воспитательная to bring up the feeling of respect to the cultural heritage of our country.

Сабақтың түрлері/ Тип урока ___combined______________________________________________

Әдіс- тәсілдер/ Методы _____practical

Материалдар, оқу-әдістемелікәдебиет, аңықтамалықәдебиет / Материалы, учебно-методическая литература, справочная литература

English for grade 10 by Ayapova T.

Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнектіқұралдар / Оборудование, наглядные пособия

К-18, ҮМ-19

Пәнаралықбайланыс / Межпредметные связи


Сабақбарысы / Ход урока

Сабақкезеңдері /

Этапы урока

Оқытушыіс-әрекеті /

деятельность преподавателя

Оқушыларіс-әрекеті /

деятельность обучающихся

Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнектіқұралдар / оборудоние, наглядные пособия

  1. Үйымдастыру-мақсаттықкезені / Организационно-целевой этап

Ұйымдастыру кезеңі/Организационный момент.

Сабақ мақсатын қою/Постановка цели занятия.

Оқу жұмысының мотивациясы/Мотивация учебной деятельности.

Сабақта оқу жұмыстарын ұйымдастыру/Организация учебной работы на занятии

Greet the students. Ask them about their mood, feelings.

Ask about the day, date.

Mark the absent students.

In order to create working atmosphere students say wishes to each other.

Students answer the questions of the teacher.

Say about their mood, feeling.

Say the day and date.

Say who is absent.

Students say the wishes to each other.

‘I wish you … ’ handout

2. Операция-танымдықкезеңі / Операционно-познавательный этап

2.1 Үй тапсырмасын тексеру/

Этап проверки домашнего задания:

Home work:

Exercise 63.3. Are these sentences OK? Correct the sentences where necessary.

Students show their homework;

Say the rules of pronouns and possessive case of noun.

2.2 Жаңа материалды белсенді меңгеруге оқушыларды даярлау кезеңі / Этап подготовки обучающихся к активному усвоению нового материала (актуализация):

Today we’ll talk about cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. And prepositions of time, place and direction.

Before reading the text ‘Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan look at the words in bold and translate them.

Ss look at the picture and answer: It’s a symbol of “Kazakhstan-2050′′ strategy.

2.3 Жаңа білімді меңгеру /

Этап усвоения новых знаний:

Students read the text

Students answer the questions.

Prepositions of time:


April/June; 2010/1985;


In the morning/afternoon;


Sunday(s)/ Monday(s);

25 April/ 6 June;

New Year’s day; Monday morning; my birthday; a weekday;


8 o’clock; midnight; the weekend; Christmas / Easter.

Prepositions of place:


England; London; in the north; kitchen; in the water/a car/ a shop/ a garden;


Addresses; at an event (at the party); at a house; at the top/bottom; at the end (of);

ON (surface):

Surface (on the floor);

Road/river: Paris is on the Seine.

On a floor: His office is on the 1st floor.

On a horse/ on a bike

Exercise 96.1. Write at/on/in.

Exercise 96.2.

Students read the text.

Ss learn the grammar. We don’t use prepositions with last/this/next/every

Ss give their examples:

Angela works in a shop/ in a bank/ in a factory.

I had a swim in the river.

Where’s David? In the kitchen. / In the garden.

There’s somebody at the bus stop/ at the door.

The car is waiting at the traffic lights.

Julia is working at her desk.

There are some books on the shelf and some pictures on the wall.

Don’t sit on the grass.

There’s a stamp on the envelope.

Ss do exercises 96.1-96.2



2.4 Жаңа білімді бекіту /

Этап закрепления новых знаний:

Exercise 99.1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Ss do Exercise 99.1. Use in/at/on.


3. Рефлексивтібағалаукезеңі / Рефлексивно-оценочныйэтап

3.1 Үй тапсырмасы бойынша мәлімет беру кезені/

Этап информации обучающихся о домашнем задании:

Home work:

Exercise 96.5. Write at/in/on if necessary.

Exercise 99.2. Put in in/at/on.

Students write down their homework.


3.2 Сабақты қорытындылау

I’m very pleased with you. Keep it up! See you next time.

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!

ҮM (PM)-19 “Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.”

Pre-reading task:

Translate the words in bold.


Cultural heritage is the object of careful attention in Kazakhstan. The year 2003 was significant in the development of culture. In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan the president of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev ordered to elaborate and start realization of the special State program “Cultural heritage”.

The realization of the program was started in 2004 and supposed for two years. Later there were worked out another two stages of the program: 2007- 2009 and 2009- 2011.

The State program “Cultural heritage” became the basic document in the sphere of development of spiritual and educational activity, providing of preservation and effective use of cultural heritage of the state. Kazakhstan was the first of the CIS-countries to start realization of such scaled project.

The aims of the “Cultural heritage” are studying, restoration and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the state, revival of historical and cultural traditions and propaganda of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

The State program “Cultural heritage” is realized according to several thematic trends:

  • Reproduction of historical and cultural and architectural monuments that are of special importance for national culture;

  • Archeological research;

  • Scientific works in the sphere of cultural heritage of the Kazakh;

  • Generalization of the century-old experience of national literature and writings.

From the moment of adoption of the program in 2004 there were finished restoration works at 51 monuments of history and culture, archeological researches of 39 ancient settlements and barrows were held.

Answer the questions:

  1. What did the president of Kazakhstan order in his Address to the people?

  2. When did the realization of the program start?

  3. What are the aims of the ‘Cultural heritage’?

  4. What works were held from the moment of adoption of the program?

  5. What are the thematic trends of the state program?

К-18 “Prepositions of place, time and direction.”


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