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Презентация 11 класс к учебнику Spotlight "Living in the street"

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«Презентация 11 класс к учебнику Spotlight "Living in the street"»

living in the streets Егор Мичурин

living in the streets

Егор Мичурин

Homelessness Exploring the challenges faced by individuals living on the streets and the societal factors contributing to homelessness.


  • Exploring the challenges faced by individuals living on the streets and the societal factors contributing to homelessness.
Causes of Homelessness Understanding the root causes of homelessness, including poverty, lack of affordable housing, mental health issues, and substance abuse.

Causes of Homelessness

  • Understanding the root causes of homelessness, including poverty, lack of affordable housing, mental health issues, and substance abuse.
Impact on Health and Well-being Examining the detrimental effects of homelessness on physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

Impact on Health and Well-being

  • Examining the detrimental effects of homelessness on physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.
Community Responses Highlighting various community initiatives, shelters, and support programs aimed at addressing homelessness and providing assistance to individuals in need.

Community Responses

  • Highlighting various community initiatives, shelters, and support programs aimed at addressing homelessness and providing assistance to individuals in need.
Policy Solutions Exploring policy measures and government interventions focused on homelessness prevention, affordable housing initiatives, and healthcare access for vulnerable populations.

Policy Solutions

  • Exploring policy measures and government interventions focused on homelessness prevention, affordable housing initiatives, and healthcare access for vulnerable populations.
Global Perspective Comparing homelessness trends, statistics, and government responses across different countries to gain insights into international approaches to tackling the issue.

Global Perspective

  • Comparing homelessness trends, statistics, and government responses across different countries to gain insights into international approaches to tackling the issue.
Sharing personal accounts and testimonies from individuals who have experienced homelessness, shedding light on their struggles, resilience, and journey towards stability.

Sharing personal accounts and testimonies from individuals who have experienced homelessness, shedding light on their struggles, resilience, and journey towards stability.

Advocacy and Awareness Promoting advocacy efforts, awareness campaigns, and social movements dedicated to raising awareness, fighting stigma, and advocating for systemic change to end homelessness.

Advocacy and Awareness

  • Promoting advocacy efforts, awareness campaigns, and social movements dedicated to raising awareness, fighting stigma, and advocating for systemic change to end homelessness.
Building Empathy Encouraging empathy, compassion, and community support towards individuals experiencing homelessness through education, outreach, and inclusive policies.

Building Empathy

  • Encouraging empathy, compassion, and community support towards individuals experiencing homelessness through education, outreach, and inclusive policies.
Conclusion Summarizing the key takeaways, emphasizing the importance of collective action, and encouraging continued efforts to address homelessness through a multifaceted approach.


  • Summarizing the key takeaways, emphasizing the importance of collective action, and encouraging continued efforts to address homelessness through a multifaceted approach.


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