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Презентация "Достопримечательности Лондона"

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«Презентация "Достопримечательности Лондона"»

Sights of London Completed :Litvinova Dana, Knysh Liza and Onishchuk Katya

Sights of London

Completed :Litvinova Dana, Knysh Liza and Onishchuk Katya


The "London Eye" is one of the newest attractions of the city, however, it has already managed to fall in love with residents and tourists. The Ferris Wheel was built in 2000 to mark the beginning of the new millennium. Today it's hard to imagine London without this impressive attraction. The Ferris wheel cabins are made of glass in such a way that the brave souls who dared to ride on it had the opportunity to survey the city from all sides.

Another iconic landmark of London. The Tower Bridge, built in 1894, has been improved more than once for the convenience of residents and tourists. It offers a wonderful view of London and the River Thames.

Another iconic landmark of London. The Tower Bridge, built in 1894, has been improved more than once for the convenience of residents and tourists. It offers a wonderful view of London and the River Thames.

 Trafalgar Square   The geographical center and the main square of the city, in the heart of which stands the 50-meter column of Nelson. It is worth coming here for the sake of the National and Portrait Galleries, wonderful fountains and spontaneous exhibitions of London artists.

Trafalgar Square The geographical center and the main square of the city, in the heart of which stands the 50-meter column of Nelson. It is worth coming here for the sake of the National and Portrait Galleries, wonderful fountains and spontaneous exhibitions of London artists.

 National Gallery   The National Gallery is located right on Trafalgar Square. The National Gallery has an excellent collection of Western European paintings from the 13th to the 19th centuries. In addition, interesting workshops and lectures are held here, which will help you learn more about the history of the works presented in the gallery.

National Gallery The National Gallery is located right on Trafalgar Square. The National Gallery has an excellent collection of Western European paintings from the 13th to the 19th centuries. In addition, interesting workshops and lectures are held here, which will help you learn more about the history of the works presented in the gallery.


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