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Презентация "DOUGH"

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Preparation of certain types of confectionery products, in addition to flour, other components are added to the dough, which we will discuss today. So, for the preparation of biscuit cake mix, which is used for making cakes, rolls and cakes, almond cake, sugar cookies, flour is added starch, to make our products crisp. Basically use potato or corn starch

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«Презентация "DOUGH"»



Content Dough components Techniques Kneading machine


  • Dough components
  • Techniques
  • Kneading machine
The process of making and shaping dough is a precursor to making a wide variety of foodstuffs, particularly breads and bread-based items, but also including biscuits, cakes, cookies, dumplings, flatbreads, noodles, pasta, pastry, pizza, piecrusts, and similar items. Doughs are made from a wide variety of flours, commonly wheat but also flours made from maize, rice, rye, legumes, almonds, and other cereals and crops used around the world.
  • The process of making and shaping dough is a precursor to making a wide variety of foodstuffs, particularly breads and bread-based items, but also including biscuits, cakes, cookies, dumplings, flatbreads, noodles, pasta, pastry, pizza, piecrusts, and similar items. Doughs are made from a wide variety of flours, commonly wheat but also flours made from maize, rice, rye, legumes, almonds, and other cereals and crops used around the world.
SOME DOUGH COMPONENTS   Preparation of certain types of confectionery products, in addition to flour, other components are added to the dough, which we will discuss today. So, for the preparation of biscuit cake mix, which is used for making cakes, rolls and cakes, almond cake, sugar cookies, flour is added starch, to make our products crisp. Basically use potato or corn starch.


Preparation of certain types of confectionery products, in addition to flour, other components are added to the dough, which we will discuss today. So, for the preparation of biscuit cake mix, which is used for making cakes, rolls and cakes, almond cake, sugar cookies, flour is added starch, to make our products crisp. Basically use potato or corn starch.

Techniques   Techniques used in dough production depend on the type of dough and final product. For yeast-based and sponge (such as sourdough) breads, a common production technique is the dough is mixed, kneaded, and then left to rise. Many bread doughs call for a second stage, where the dough is kneaded again, shaped into the final form, and left to rise a final time (or proofed) before baking.  Kneading is the process of working a dough to produce a smooth, elastic dough by developing gluten.  This process is both temperature and time-dependent; temperatures that are either too hot or too cold will cause the yeast to not develop, and rising times that are either too short or too long will affect the final product.


  • Techniques used in dough production depend on the type of dough and final product.
  • For yeast-based and sponge (such as sourdough) breads, a common production technique is the dough is mixed, kneaded, and then left to rise. Many bread doughs call for a second stage, where the dough is kneaded again, shaped into the final form, and left to rise a final time (or proofed) before baking. Kneading is the process of working a dough to produce a smooth, elastic dough by developing gluten. This process is both temperature and time-dependent; temperatures that are either too hot or too cold will cause the yeast to not develop, and rising times that are either too short or too long will affect the final product.
Doughs for biscuits and many flatbreads which are not leavened with yeast are typically mixed but not kneaded or left to rise; these doughs are shaped and cooked directly after mixing. While breads and other products made from doughs are often baked, some types of dough-based foods are cooked over direct heat, such as tortillas, which are cooked directly on a griddle. Fried dough foods are also common in many cultures. Pancakes, waffles, some kinds of bar cookies such as brownies, and many cakes and quick breads (including muffins and the like) are often made with a semi-liquid batter of flour and liquid that is poured into the final shape, rather than a solid dough. Unlike bread dough, these batters are not stabilized by the formation of a gluten network
  • Doughs for biscuits and many flatbreads which are not leavened with yeast are typically mixed but not kneaded or left to rise; these doughs are shaped and cooked directly after mixing.
  • While breads and other products made from doughs are often baked, some types of dough-based foods are cooked over direct heat, such as tortillas, which are cooked directly on a griddle. Fried dough foods are also common in many cultures.
  • Pancakes, waffles, some kinds of bar cookies such as brownies, and many cakes and quick breads (including muffins and the like) are often made with a semi-liquid batter of flour and liquid that is poured into the final shape, rather than a solid dough. Unlike bread dough, these batters are not stabilized by the formation of a gluten network
KNEADING MACHINE The dough is kneaded in special kneading machines, all the necessary components are added to it.


The dough is kneaded in special kneading machines, all the necessary components are added to it.


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