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Презентация "Fears and phobias" Spotlight 9, module 7 a

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Презентация к уроку по теме «Страхи и фобии» в 9 классе по учебнику Spotlight (модуль 7)

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«Презентация "Fears and phobias" Spotlight 9, module 7 a»

Fears and phobias Подготовила: учитель английского языка Максимова Анна Дмитриевна

Fears and phobias

Подготовила: учитель английского языка

Максимова Анна Дмитриевна

Common fears Heights Thunderstorms The dark Spiders Bees, wasps & snakes Flying Going to the dentist Needles (injections) Being alone Taking exams Making public speech

Common fears



The dark


Bees, wasps & snakes


Going to the dentist

Needles (injections)

Being alone

Taking exams

Making public speech

What is Fear? Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. We need it to survive. Fear helps protect us. It can be like a warning, a signal for us to be careful. The brain reacts instantly on danger, sending signals that activate the nervous system. Blood pumps to muscle groups to prepare the body for physical reaction – Fight or flight

What is Fear?

Fear is one of the most basic human

emotions. We need it to survive.

Fear helps protect us. It can be like a warning,

a signal for us to be careful.

The brain reacts instantly on danger, sending

signals that activate the nervous system.

Blood pumps to muscle groups to prepare the

body for physical reaction – Fight or flight

What is a phobia? A phobia is an intense fear reaction to a  particular thing or situation. Some phobias develop when someone has a scary experience and every time a strong fear reaction is triggered. Having a phobia isn’t a sign of weakness or immaturity. It’s a response of the brain In an attempt to protect the person.

What is a phobia?

A phobia is an intense fear reaction to a

particular thing or situation.

Some phobias develop when someone

has a scary experience and every time

a strong fear reaction is triggered.

Having a phobia isn’t a sign of weakness

or immaturity. It’s a response of the brain

In an attempt to protect the person.

Agoraphobia Agoraphobia is a fear  of being in crowded  places or open spaces


Agoraphobia is a fear of being in crowded places or open spaces

Claustrophobia Claustrophobia is a fear  of being in enclosed spaces


Claustrophobia is a fear of being in enclosed spaces

Aviophobia Aviophobia is a fear  of flying


Aviophobia is a fear of flying

Brontophobia Brontophobia is the fear of thunder and lightning


Brontophobia is the fear of thunder and lightning

Arachnophobia Arachnophobia  is a fear of spiders


Arachnophobia is a fear of spiders

Acrophobia Acrophobia is a fear of heights


Acrophobia is a fear of heights

Overcoming phobias People can learn to overcome  phobias by gradually facing  the fears .  As somebody gets used to a  feared object or situation, the brain adjusts how it responds and the  phobia is overcome.

Overcoming phobias

People can learn to overcome phobias by gradually facing the fears . As somebody gets used to a feared object or situation, the brain adjusts how it responds and the phobia is overcome.

Exercise 5 Use these words to complete the sentences: fight, beats, scream,human,public, nervous,shake Every time I see a mouse, I ………… loudly and run away. When my friend went into the lift, she was so afraid, that she began to ………….. like a leaf. Fear is a natural …………. emotion that warns us of danger. When we are afraid, our …………. system reacts. If we want to ……….. our fears, we need to face them. My heart ………… faster and I start to breathe quicker whenever I go into the lift. My cousin has a fear of ………. places and she rarely goes out of the house.

Exercise 5

Use these words to complete the sentences: fight, beats, scream,human,public, nervous,shake

Every time I see a mouse, I ………… loudly and run away.

When my friend went into the lift, she was so afraid, that she

began to ………….. like a leaf.

Fear is a natural …………. emotion that warns us of danger.

When we are afraid, our …………. system reacts.

If we want to ……….. our fears, we need to face them.

My heart ………… faster and I start to breathe quicker whenever I go into the lift.

My cousin has a fear of ………. places and she rarely goes out of

the house.

Exercise 5 Every time I see a mouse, I scream loudly and run away. When my friend went into the lift, she was so afraid, that she began to shake like a leaf. Fear is a natural human emotion that warns us of danger. When we are afraid, our nervous system reacts. If we want to fight our fears, we need to face them. My heart beats faster and I start to breathe quicker whenever I go into the lift. My cousin has a fear of public places and she rarely goes out of the house.

Exercise 5

Every time I see a mouse, I scream loudly and run away.

When my friend went into the lift, she was so afraid, that she

began to shake like a leaf.

Fear is a natural human emotion that warns us of danger.

When we are afraid, our nervous system reacts.

If we want to fight our fears, we need to face them.

My heart beats faster and I start to breathe quicker whenever I go into the lift.

My cousin has a fear of public places and she rarely goes out of

the house.

Exercise 8 - New idioms  To be scared to death – Быть напуганным до смерти  To have a long face – испытывать грусть  To become bright red – смутиться  To be over the moon – испытывать счастье  To be green with envy – завидовать, ревновать  To go through the roof – быть рассерженным  To have butterflies in one’s stomach – нервничать

Exercise 8 - New idioms To be scared to death – Быть напуганным до смерти To have a long face – испытывать грусть To become bright red – смутиться To be over the moon – испытывать счастье To be green with envy – завидовать, ревновать To go through the roof – быть рассерженным To have butterflies in one’s stomach – нервничать

Match the words with their synonyms: to be extremely angry, feel sadness/depression, to be terrified, to be nervous, to be embarrassed, to be envious (jealous), to feel joy   To be scared to death  To have a long face  To become bright red  To be over the moon  To be green with envy  To go through the roof  To have butterflies in one’s stomach   Make 3 sentences using these idioms

Match the words with their synonyms: to be extremely angry, feel sadness/depression, to be terrified, to be nervous, to be embarrassed, to be envious (jealous), to feel joy To be scared to death To have a long face To become bright red To be over the moon To be green with envy To go through the roof To have butterflies in one’s stomach Make 3 sentences using these idioms

The Conclusion Fear – a basic human emotion – helps alert us to danger – brain sends us signals to nervous system – body reacts, e.g. sweating , shaking, heart beats faster – more blood to muscles – prepares us for “fight or flight” Phobias – extreme fears – can develop as a result of a scary experience, e.g. bitten by a dog in childhood –brain remembers the experience – now afraid of seeing any dog How to overcome phobias – don’t avoid scary situations – make the list of your fears, starting from the least serious – deal with them one at a time.

The Conclusion

Fear – a basic human emotion – helps alert us to danger – brain sends us signals to nervous system – body reacts, e.g. sweating , shaking, heart beats faster – more blood to muscles – prepares us for “fight or flight”

Phobias – extreme fears – can develop as a result of a scary experience, e.g. bitten by a dog in childhood –brain remembers the experience – now afraid of seeing any dog

How to overcome phobias – don’t avoid scary situations – make the list of your fears, starting from the least serious – deal with them one at a time.


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