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Презентация "Глагол be в Past Simple. Порядковые числительные" к УМК Spotlight 4"

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«Презентация "Глагол be в Past Simple. Порядковые числительные" к УМК Spotlight 4"»

Spotlight 4 Module 5

Spotlight 4

Module 5

When is Mary's birthday? Mary 17 June

When is Mary's birthday?


17 June

When is Mary's birthday? On the seventeen th of June.

When is Mary's birthday?

On the seventeen th of June.

When is Ann's birthday? Ann 30 October

When is Ann's birthday?


30 October

When is Ann's birthday? On the thirtie th of October.

When is Ann's birthday?

On the thirtie th of October.

When is David's birthday? David 1 May

When is David's birthday?


1 May

Was he happy?

Was he happy?

Was he happy? No, he was angry.

Was he happy?

No, he was angry.

Was she hungry?

Was she hungry?

Was she hungry? No, she was sad.

Was she hungry?

No, she was sad.

Were they scared?

Were they scared?

Were they scared? No, they were tired.

Were they scared?

No, they were tired.


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