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Презентация-игра на тему "Sport" 5 класс

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«Презентация-игра на тему "Sport" 5 класс»

Sports and games

Sports and games

My favourite sport 1. There are different kinds of sports: aerobics, gymnastics, football... 2.My favourite sport is.... 3. I do/ go, play/ .... twice a week/ not very often/all the time. 4. I have been doing/going/playing it about a year. 5. I like it because it makes me strong, brave, healthy and beautiful. 6. I am good at .../not so good at it. 7. I prefer to do this sport in the gym /watch on TV. 8. I do sports just for fun/to be fit/for pleasure.

My favourite sport

  • 1. There are different kinds of sports: aerobics, gymnastics, football...
  • 2.My favourite sport is....
  • 3. I do/ go, play/ .... twice a week/ not very often/all the time.
  • 4. I have been doing/going/playing it about a year.
  • 5. I like it because it makes me strong, brave, healthy and beautiful.
  • 6. I am good at .../not so good at it.
  • 7. I prefer to do this sport in the gym /watch on TV.
  • 8. I do sports just for fun/to be fit/for pleasure.


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