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Презентация "Искусство Граффити"

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Презентация посвящена теме современного искусства граффити

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«Презентация "Искусство Граффити"»

Modern art. Graffiti

Modern art. Graffiti

Aims to determine the place of graffiti in modern urban culture; to have a look at the history of graffiti; to give the definitions of graffiti; to consider the basic styles; to describe the art of graffiti in Russia and in Ufa


  • to determine the place of graffiti in modern urban culture;
  • to have a look at the history of graffiti;
  • to give the definitions of graffiti;
  • to consider the basic styles;
  • to describe the art of graffiti in Russia and in Ufa

Art plays a great role in our life.  Art develops person’s inner world, allows us to open ourselves up to new and gives us a place for creativity and imagination. Art is expressed in various works. This can be music and pictures, installations and art objects, etc. Today one of the most popular art of painting is graffiti.

Art plays a great role in our life.  Art develops person’s inner world, allows us to open ourselves up to new and gives us a place for creativity and imagination. Art is expressed in various works. This can be music and pictures, installations and art objects, etc. Today one of the most popular art of painting is graffiti.

“ Graffiti   is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and it has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire.” (Wikipedia (The Free Encyclopedia) .

Graffiti   is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and it has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire.” (Wikipedia (The Free Encyclopedia)


 The term “Graffiti” 1) is derived from Greek work ‘graphein’, which means ‘to write 2) it comes from the Italian word ‘graffio’, which means ‘to scratch’.

The term “Graffiti” 1) is derived from Greek work ‘graphein’, which means ‘to write 2) it comes from the Italian word ‘graffio’, which means ‘to scratch’.

Graffiti was widespread in Antiquity. With its help the original declarations of love were made and wise aphorisms were recorded. In ancient Rome with the help of such drawings were created political cartoons and the first advertising of various services. graffiti in Pompeii

Graffiti was widespread in Antiquity. With its help the original declarations of love were made and wise aphorisms were recorded. In ancient Rome with the help of such drawings were created political cartoons and the first advertising of various services.

graffiti in Pompeii

The interest in graffiti is reborn in the late 1960-ies, when several writers began to paint the walls of the New-York houses by their names, hoping thereby to become famous. The drawings often reflected the musical preferences of the authors or their attitude to the political situation in the country.

The interest in graffiti is reborn in the late 1960-ies, when several writers began to paint the walls of the New-York houses by their names, hoping thereby to become famous. The drawings often reflected the musical preferences of the authors or their attitude to the political situation in the country.

Hip hop culture has contributed to the further development of the popularity of graffiti. In 1979 the first graffiti exhibition was organized in Rome, where anyone could get acquainted with the original drawings.

Hip hop culture has contributed to the further development of the popularity of graffiti. In 1979 the first graffiti exhibition was organized in Rome, where anyone could get acquainted with the original drawings.

Graffiti has many styles and directions. One of them is called tagging. Such images are similar to the mysterious message. In addition, the initials of the artist are depicted by tagging . Quite often it is possible to see on walls of houses the intricate symbols drawn on all surface. Just such graffiti is a tagging.

Graffiti has many styles and directions. One of them is called tagging. Such images are similar to the mysterious message. In addition, the initials of the artist are depicted by tagging . Quite often it is possible to see on walls of houses the intricate symbols drawn on all surface. Just such graffiti is a tagging.

 Another type of graffiti is bombing . Such images are characterized by the fact that they contain only two or three colors. The purpose of such graffiti is to cover a large surface. Therefore it can be attributed to the hooligan drawings.

Another type of graffiti is bombing . Such images are characterized by the fact that they contain only two or three colors. The purpose of such graffiti is to cover a large surface. Therefore it can be attributed to the hooligan drawings.

Wildstyle is the most complex style of graffiti. The main characteristic of such images is the plexus of letters and pointed corners. The figures include wild, explosive items. Letters become unreadable and the artist often makes some original additions, which leads to a lack of understanding.

Wildstyle is the most complex style of graffiti. The main characteristic of such images is the plexus of letters and pointed corners. The figures include wild, explosive items. Letters become unreadable and the artist often makes some original additions, which leads to a lack of understanding.

 One of the brightest representatives of the new trend is 3D-graffiti. 3D writers transform space in such a way that at first glance it is difficult to determine where the truth is and where the artistic lies are. Their talent and imagination turn the world upside down. Their art is striking and fascinating.

One of the brightest representatives of the new trend is 3D-graffiti. 3D writers transform space in such a way that at first glance it is difficult to determine where the truth is and where the artistic lies are. Their talent and imagination turn the world upside down. Their art is striking and fascinating.

There are many self-taught artists in graffiti, who create, guided only by their imagination. Therefore, modern graffiti is not able to attract a large number of people and interest them. The development of graffiti as a separate type of fine art will come soon.

There are many self-taught artists in graffiti, who create, guided only by their imagination. Therefore, modern graffiti is not able to attract a large number of people and interest them. The development of graffiti as a separate type of fine art will come soon.

 In our country graffiti appeared relatively recently, in the year 1985. At this time young people became interested in break dance, which is a part of the culture of hip-hop.

In our country graffiti appeared relatively recently, in the year 1985. At this time young people became interested in break dance, which is a part of the culture of hip-hop.

There are some graffiti-writers in Ufa, too. They created their masterpieces with great enthusiasm and love. Inors. Madonna.

There are some graffiti-writers in Ufa, too. They created their masterpieces with great enthusiasm and love.

Inors. Madonna.

Sipaylovo. A portrait of Gagarin.

Sipaylovo. A portrait of Gagarin.

Lenin street. The Patriotic war of 1812.

Lenin street.

The Patriotic war of 1812.

Dema. An owl - a symbol of wisdom.

Dema. An owl - a symbol of wisdom.

In my opinion, skill of graffiti is amazing workmanship. Painters of graffiti have wonderful imagination and a big space for art. They can share their art with the entire city and present people their beautiful creations. People should develop graffiti and use as decoration of their everyday life. Tsyurupy street

In my opinion, skill of graffiti is amazing workmanship. Painters of graffiti have wonderful imagination and a big space for art. They can share their art with the entire city and present people their beautiful creations. People should develop graffiti and use as decoration of their everyday life.

Tsyurupy street

Literature https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language https://ppt4web.ru/anglijjskijj-jazyk/graffiti-art-or-vandalism.html https://www.en365.ru/graffiti.htm https://pandia.ru/text/77/197/63190.php http://regesty.ru/graffiti/ http://anysite.ru/publication/graffity Illustrations  https://ru.depositphotos.com/14873927/stock-photo-ancient-graffiti.html https://www.ufa.kp.ru/daily/26301.2/3181490/ https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ https://pikabu.ru/story/graffiti_probuzhdenie_drevnikh_bogo https://www.google.ru/


  • https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language
  • https://ppt4web.ru/anglijjskijj-jazyk/graffiti-art-or-vandalism.html
  • https://www.en365.ru/graffiti.htm
  • https://pandia.ru/text/77/197/63190.php
  • http://regesty.ru/graffiti/
  • http://anysite.ru/publication/graffity








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