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Презентация "Известные композиторы. Рахманинов"

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«Презентация "Известные композиторы. Рахманинов"»

Sergei Rachmaninov

Sergei Rachmaninov

From the first symphony to

From the first symphony to "symphonic dances"

  • Young Rachmaninov quickly became a favorite of the Moscow public: he was known as a talented pianist, composer and conductor. But in 1897, the musician was overtaken by a real failure: the composer Alexander Glazunov performed his First Symphony in St. Petersburg extremely unsuccessfully. The reviews were devastating. Rachmaninov's innovative work was not accepted by either critics or the public. The composer became depressed and for almost four years did not compose anything and practically did not leave the house.
A new stage in his life and career came in 1901, when the composer completed his Second Piano Concerto. The composition restored Rachmaninov to the status of a famous Russian musician: he wrote a lot, conducted performances organized by the Zealots, went to Europe, America and Canada with concerts. The composer took the position of conductor at the Bolshoi Theater, where he directed the entire Russian opera repertoire for several seasons, and headed the artistic council of the Russian Music Publishing House.
  • A new stage in his life and career came in 1901, when the composer completed his Second Piano Concerto. The composition restored Rachmaninov to the status of a famous Russian musician: he wrote a lot, conducted performances organized by the Zealots, went to Europe, America and Canada with concerts. The composer took the position of conductor at the Bolshoi Theater, where he directed the entire Russian opera repertoire for several seasons, and headed the artistic council of the Russian Music Publishing House.
In 1902, Sergei Rachmaninoff married his cousin, the daughter of the state councilor Natalia Satina. They had two daughters, Tatiana and Irina.

In 1902, Sergei Rachmaninoff married his cousin, the daughter of the state councilor Natalia Satina. They had two daughters, Tatiana and Irina.

Shortly after the 1917 revolution, the composer was invited to perform at a concert in Stockholm. Rachmaninov left Russia — together with his family, practically without means of livelihood. The revolution, the death of imperial Russia, the destruction of the foundations became a real tragedy for him. However, Rachmaninoff had to provide for his family and pay off his debts, so he began playing the piano again and performing concerts. The pianist conquered the European audience, and in 1918 he left for America, where he continued to give concerts. Critics and listeners recognized him as one of the greatest pianists and conductors of the era.
  • Shortly after the 1917 revolution, the composer was invited to perform at a concert in Stockholm. Rachmaninov left Russia — together with his family, practically without means of livelihood. The revolution, the death of imperial Russia, the destruction of the foundations became a real tragedy for him. However, Rachmaninoff had to provide for his family and pay off his debts, so he began playing the piano again and performing concerts. The pianist conquered the European audience, and in 1918 he left for America, where he continued to give concerts. Critics and listeners recognized him as one of the greatest pianists and conductors of the era.


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