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Презентация к игре на английском языке " Шаги к успеху"

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«Презентация к игре на английском языке " Шаги к успеху"»

Steps to the success

Steps to the success

Here is the game
  • Here is the game "STEPS TO THE SUCCESS", which will be a great way to get acquainted with the world of finance.

Dear students!

Each participant (from 3 to 5 people) in turn, he throws a game cube and
  • Each participant (from 3 to 5 people) in turn, he throws a game cube and "steps" on coins, depending on the number of points dropped.

Game cube, step

If the player stops at a gold coin next to an image, he moves the arrow back or forward. After that, the participant must explain how he understands this picture. Cards will help you! Move  back or forward
  • If the player stops at a gold coin next to an image, he moves the arrow back or forward. After that, the participant must explain how he understands this picture. Cards will help you!

Move back or forward

The winner is the participant who first legalizes the financial journey. The winner
  • The winner is the participant who first legalizes the financial journey.

The winner

Good luck!

Good luck!


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