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Презентация к открытому уроку на тему "Обычаи, традиции и праздники в Великобритании"

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«Презентация к открытому уроку на тему "Обычаи, традиции и праздники в Великобритании"»

Обычаи, традиции и праздники в Великобритании

Обычаи, традиции и праздники в Великобритании

 Цель урока: Знакомство с праздниками и традициями в Великобритании, создание словесного и культурного портрета страны.  Задачи урока: 1. Актуализация лексических единиц по теме «Праздники и традиции». 2. Актуализация грамматического материала по темам Настоящее длительное время, предлоги места, оборот there is/are. 3. Совершенствование речевых навыков и умений монологической и диалогической речи.  4. Развитие навыков аудирования с целью полного или частичного понимания информации.

Цель урока:

Знакомство с праздниками и традициями в Великобритании, создание словесного и культурного портрета страны.

Задачи урока:

  • 1. Актуализация лексических единиц по теме «Праздники и традиции».
  • 2. Актуализация грамматического материала по темам Настоящее длительное время, предлоги места, оборот there is/are.
  • 3. Совершенствование речевых навыков и умений монологической и диалогической речи.
  • 4. Развитие навыков аудирования с целью полного или частичного понимания информации.
On the left we can see … On the left we can see (there is/ are) … On the right … In the middle of the picture … In the background … In the foreground …
  • On the left we can see …
  • On the left we can see (there is/ are) …
  • On the right …
  • In the middle of the picture …
  • In the background …
  • In the foreground …
Christmas - Рождество New Year's Day – Новый год  Boxing Day – второй день Рождества Good Friday – Великая пятница Easter Monday - первый понедельник после Пасхи Spring Bank Holiday – весенний день отдыха Summer Bank Holiday – летний день отдыха Hogmanay – Хогманэй, канун Нового года в Шотландии Guy Fawkes - Гай Фокс, глава порохового заговора в 17 в. DUMMY - чучело Halloween - Хэллоуин Charity - благотворительность carol - рождественская песня turkey - индейка Holly – омела (вечнозеленое растение)
  • Christmas - Рождество
  • New Year's Day – Новый год
  • Boxing Day – второй день Рождества
  • Good Friday – Великая пятница
  • Easter Monday - первый понедельник после Пасхи
  • Spring Bank Holiday – весенний день отдыха
  • Summer Bank Holiday – летний день отдыха
  • Hogmanay – Хогманэй, канун Нового года в Шотландии
  • Guy Fawkes - Гай Фокс, глава порохового заговора в 17 в.
  • DUMMY - чучело
  • Halloween - Хэллоуин
  • Charity - благотворительность
  • carol - рождественская песня
  • turkey - индейка
  • Holly – омела (вечнозеленое растение)
Mistletoe - остролистник Stocking - чулок  Hot cross buns – горячие булочки с выпеченным крестом  Lent - Пост  Shrove Tuesday – вторник Масленицы  Feast - пир  Race - состязание  Toss - подбрасывать  Pumpkin - тыква  Lantern - фонарик  Ghost - привидение  Witch - ведьма  Trick or treat - Угостите или подшутим

Mistletoe - остролистник

Stocking - чулок

Hot cross buns – горячие булочки с выпеченным крестом

Lent - Пост

Shrove Tuesday – вторник Масленицы

Feast - пир

Race - состязание

Toss - подбрасывать

Pumpkin - тыква

Lantern - фонарик

Ghost - привидение

Witch - ведьма

Trick or treat - Угостите или подшутим

CHRISTMAS The most popular holiday is Christmas . Every year the people of Norway give London a present. It is a big Christmas tree, and it stands in Trafalgar square. Central streets are beautifully decorated. The British decorates trees with tinsel, various baubles and coloured lights. They decorate their trees with holly and mistletoe. Children hang their stockings hoping that Santa Clause will come down with toys and sweets. Before Christmas groups of people go from house to house. They sing Christmas carols and collect money for charity. Christmas is a family holiday. The family usually meets for a traditional dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding.


The most popular holiday is Christmas . Every year the people of Norway give London a present. It is a big Christmas tree, and it stands in Trafalgar square. Central streets are beautifully decorated. The British decorates trees with tinsel, various baubles and coloured lights. They decorate their trees with holly and mistletoe. Children hang their stockings hoping that Santa Clause will come down with toys and sweets.

Before Christmas groups of people go from house to house. They sing Christmas carols and collect money for charity.

Christmas is a family holiday. The family usually meets for a traditional dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding.

NEW YEAR‘S DAY New Year‘s Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But in Scotland Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year. Preparations for the celebrations start early on December 31st. People clean their houses and throw out old things. They also bake special shortbread biscuits and a rich fruit cake called ‘Black Bun’, to share with family and friends on the big day. There is a tradition of first footing. This is the first visitor to enter a house on New Years morning. The First Foot must be a man because it is believed that if it is a woman, she brings bad luck into the house. The first visitor must bring coal, brown bread and a silver coin. They are symbols of good luck.


New Year‘s Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But in Scotland Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year.

Preparations for the celebrations start early on December 31st. People clean their houses and throw out old things. They also bake special shortbread biscuits and a rich fruit cake called ‘Black Bun’, to share with family and friends on the big day.

There is a tradition of first footing. This is the first visitor to enter a house on New Years morning. The First Foot must be a man because it is believed that if it is a woman, she brings bad luck into the house. The first visitor must bring coal, brown bread and a silver coin. They are symbols of good luck.

GUY FAWKES' NIGHT Bonfire Night is on November 5 th . On that day in 1605 Roman Catholics made a plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament. One of them was Guy Fawkes. The King discovered the plan, his soldiers found Guy Fawkes and executed him. Since then British people mark this day by burning a dummy made of straw and old clothes on a bonfire. This dummy is called “guy” (like Guy Fawkes).


Bonfire Night is on November 5 th . On that day in 1605 Roman Catholics made a plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament. One of them was Guy Fawkes. The King discovered the plan, his soldiers found Guy Fawkes and executed him. Since then British people mark this day by burning a dummy made of straw and old clothes on a bonfire. This dummy is called “guy” (like Guy Fawkes).

BOXING DAY December 26 th is Boxing Day. People usually visit their friends, go for a drive or for a long walk, or just sit around and watch TV recovering from too much food after Christmas dinner. In the country there is fox hunting.


December 26 th is Boxing Day. People usually visit their friends, go for a drive or for a long walk, or just sit around and watch TV recovering from too much food after Christmas dinner. In the country there is fox hunting.

PANCAKE DAY Pancake Day is the day preceding the first day of Lent. In medieval times the day was characterised by merrymaking and feasting, and the main meal was pancakes. In some villages and towns in England there is a pancake race every year. In all these races one has to make the pancake first and then run, tossing the pancake.


Pancake Day is the day preceding the first day of Lent. In medieval times the day was characterised by merrymaking and feasting, and the main meal was pancakes.

In some villages and towns in England there is a pancake race every year. In all these races one has to make the pancake first and then run, tossing the pancake.

 mistletoe Christmas carols first-footer  fireworks pancake races Christmas pudding

mistletoe Christmas carols first-footer

fireworks pancake races Christmas pudding

  Задание 1. Отметьте утверждения как верные (True) или неверные (False). Неверные утверждения исправьте.  All holidays in GB are movable. 2)  A female first-foot is thought to be a disaster. 3)  The banks don’t close on the public holidays in GB. 4)  In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st. 5)  At Easter people organize bonfires. 6)  Children dress up as witches on Guy Fawkes’ Night. 7)  Hallowe’en is a public holiday. 8)  Hogmanay is celebrated in March. 9)  In England, they do not celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas. 10)  They sing carols on New Years Day.

Задание 1. Отметьте утверждения как верные (True) или неверные (False). Неверные утверждения исправьте.

  • All holidays in GB are movable.

2) A female first-foot is thought to be a disaster.

3) The banks don’t close on the public holidays in GB.

4) In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st.

5) At Easter people organize bonfires.

6) Children dress up as witches on Guy Fawkes’ Night.

7) Hallowe’en is a public holiday.

8) Hogmanay is celebrated in March.

9) In England, they do not celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas.

10) They sing carols on New Years Day.

 Задание 2. Сопоставьте праздник с его датой.  The 25 th of December is a) New Years Day The first Monday after May,1 st is b) Guy Fawkes‘ Night The 1 st of January is c) Summer Bank Holiday The last Monday of August is d) April fool’s Day The 14th of February is e) Christmas Day The 26th of December is f) Hallowe’en The 5th of November is g) May Day The 1st of April is h) St. Valentine’s Day The last Monday in May is i) Spring Bank Holiday The 31st of October is j) Boxing Day

Задание 2. Сопоставьте праздник с его датой.

  • The 25 th of December is a) New Years Day
  • The first Monday after May,1 st is b) Guy Fawkes‘ Night
  • The 1 st of January is c) Summer Bank Holiday
  • The last Monday of August is d) April fool’s Day
  • The 14th of February is e) Christmas Day
  • The 26th of December is f) Hallowe’en
  • The 5th of November is g) May Day
  • The 1st of April is h) St. Valentine’s Day
  • The last Monday in May is i) Spring Bank Holiday
  • The 31st of October is j) Boxing Day
 ОТВЕТЫ К ЗАДАНИЯМ Задание 1.  1.All holidays in GB are movable. (F) 2.A female first-foot is thought to be a disaster. (T) 3.The banks don’t close on the public holidays in GB. (F) 4.In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st. (T) 5.At Easter people organize bonfires. (F) 6.Children dress up as witches on Guy Fawkes’ Night. (F) 7.Hallowe’en is a public holiday. (F) 8.Hogmanay is celebrated in March. (F) 9.In England, they do not celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas. (T) 10. They sing carols on New Years Day. (F)


Задание 1.

1.All holidays in GB are movable. (F)

2.A female first-foot is thought to be a disaster. (T)

3.The banks don’t close on the public holidays in GB. (F)

4.In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st. (T)

5.At Easter people organize bonfires. (F)

6.Children dress up as witches on Guy Fawkes’ Night. (F)

7.Hallowe’en is a public holiday. (F)

8.Hogmanay is celebrated in March. (F)

9.In England, they do not celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas. (T)

10. They sing carols on New Years Day. (F)

 Задание 2.  1)  The 25th of December is (e) 2)  The first Monday after May 1 is (g) 3)  The 1st of January is (a) 4)  The last Monday in August is (c) 5)  The 14th of February is (h) 6)  The 26th of December is (j) 7)  The 5th of November is (b) 8)  The 1st of April is (d) 9)  The last Monday in May is (i) 10)  The 31st of October is (f)

Задание 2.

1) The 25th of December is (e)

2) The first Monday after May 1 is (g)

3) The 1st of January is (a)

4) The last Monday in August is (c)

5) The 14th of February is (h)

6) The 26th of December is (j)

7) The 5th of November is (b)

8) The 1st of April is (d)

9) The last Monday in May is (i)

10) The 31st of October is (f)

 РЕФЛЕКСИЯ  Today I have learnt … (Сегодня я узнал …) It was interesting to know about … (Было интересно узнать о…) I want to know more about … (Я хочу узнать больше…)


Today I have learnt …

(Сегодня я узнал …)

It was interesting to know about …

(Было интересно узнать о…)

I want to know more about …

(Я хочу узнать больше…)


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