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Презентация к уроку английского языка

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка»

Famous people

Famous people

 Beckham’s facts  Full name : David Robert Joseph Beckham  Is from:  Leytonstone, England  Date of birth:   2 May  Family: married to Victoria Spice, has three children  Hobbies : fast cars and shopping  Can:  drive very well and speak a bit of Spanish

Beckham’s facts Full name : David Robert Joseph Beckham Is from:  Leytonstone, England Date of birth:   2 May Family: married to Victoria Spice, has three children Hobbies : fast cars and shopping Can:  drive very well and speak a bit of Spanish

 Pushkin’s facts   Full name : Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin  Is from:  Moscow, Russia  Date of birth:  6 June, 1799  Family: married to Natalya Nikolayevna Goncharova,  had a son and 2 daughters  Can: speak French  Hobbies: writing poems, reading books

Pushkin’s facts  Full name : Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin Is from:  Moscow, Russia Date of birth:  6 June, 1799 Family: married to Natalya Nikolayevna Goncharova, had a son and 2 daughters Can: speak French Hobbies: writing poems, reading books

Finish the sentences:   Now I know…  Now I can…  It was interesting…  It was difficult…

Finish the sentences: Now I know… Now I can… It was interesting… It was difficult…

H / w   p. 61 SB  read and translate the text

H / w p. 61 SB read and translate the text


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