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Презентация к уроку английского языка

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка»

wake up wash my face and hands brush my teeth go to school have breakfast go jogging in the morning

wake up

wash my face and hands

brush my teeth

go to school

have breakfast

go jogging

in the morning

have lunch do homework have a cup of tea work on computer read a book play different games listen to music in the afternoon

have lunch

do homework

have a cup of tea

work on computer

read a book

play different games

listen to music

in the


watch films/cartoons go in for sport eat dinner do the shopping go to bed talk on the phone help my mum in the  evening

watch films/cartoons

go in for sport

eat dinner

do the shopping

go to bed

talk on the phone

help my mum

in the evening


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