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«Презентация к уроку "Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Day" -»



LET'S TALK ABOUT CELEBRATIONS set off fireworks dress up light bonfires have street parades


set off fireworks

dress up

light bonfires

have street parades

History of the Gunpowder Plot Around 400 years ago, there was a man named Guy Fawkes who was a part of the group, which was plotting to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London, with the help of gunpowder. Their mission was to kill King James I and his ministers. James I had passed strict laws against the Catholics. They had to practice their religion in secret and were punished if they would not attend the Protestant church. A group of twelve protestors decided to blow up the House of Parliament with gunpowder and Guy Fawkes had to keep a watch over the 36 barrels of gunpowder and light them up when it was time. However, fate had something else in store. On the morning of November 5, soldiers discovered Guy Fawkes. They arrested him. That night, people lit bonfires to celebrate King James I’s escape.

History of the Gunpowder Plot

Around 400 years ago, there was a man named Guy Fawkes who was a part of the group, which was plotting to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London, with the help of gunpowder. Their mission was to kill King James I and his ministers.

James I had passed strict laws against the Catholics. They had to practice their religion in secret and were punished if they would not attend the Protestant church.

A group of twelve protestors decided to blow up the House of Parliament with gunpowder and Guy Fawkes had to keep a watch over the 36 barrels of gunpowder and light them up when it was time. However, fate had something else in store.

On the morning of November 5, soldiers discovered Guy Fawkes. They arrested him.

That night, people lit bonfires to celebrate King James I’s escape.

When is Guy Fawkes, or Bonfire Night day? Guy Fawkes Day, or Bonfire Night, is celebrated in the United Kingdom on November 5 every year.

When is Guy Fawkes, or Bonfire Night day?

Guy Fawkes Day, or Bonfire Night, is celebrated in the United Kingdom on November 5 every year.

James the First was a Protestant and didn't like Catholics. In 1604 a group of Catholics decided to kill the King. Guy Fawkes was one of them.

James the First was a Protestant and didn't like Catholics.

In 1604 a group of Catholics decided to kill the King.

Guy Fawkes was one of them.

But Guy Fawkes was unable to realize his plan and was caught and later, hanged.

But Guy Fawkes was unable to realize his plan and was caught and later, hanged.

How to Celebrate Guy Fawkes Day? Now, every year, people in UK light huge bonfires on the night of 5 November, to burn the ‘Guy,’ the scarecrow type figure made out of old clothes, stuffed paper and straw. Fireworks are set off, as a reminder of the gunpowder hidden in the cellar by the protestors. Torch lit processions go on the roads leading to the firework displays. The bonfires are used to cook soup and bake potatoes for the crowds that come to watch the fireworks. Children sometimes blacken their faces to look like Guy Fawkes. Before Guy Fawkes Day, some children carry out homemade effigies of Guy Fawkes on the street and ask passersby for ‘a penny for the Guy.’ This money is then used to buy fireworks for Bonfire Night.

How to Celebrate Guy Fawkes Day?

Now, every year, people in UK light huge bonfires on the night of 5 November, to burn the ‘Guy,’ the scarecrow type figure made out of old clothes, stuffed paper and straw.

Fireworks are set off, as a reminder of the gunpowder hidden in the cellar by the protestors.

Torch lit processions go on the roads leading to the firework displays.

The bonfires are used to cook soup and bake potatoes for the crowds that come to watch the fireworks.

Children sometimes blacken their faces to look like Guy Fawkes. Before Guy Fawkes Day, some children carry out homemade effigies of Guy Fawkes on the street and ask passersby for ‘a penny for the Guy.’ This money is then used to buy fireworks for Bonfire Night.

Since that time English people have been celebrating Guy Fawkes Night as a day of thanksgiving for

Since that time English people have been celebrating Guy Fawkes Night as a day of thanksgiving for "the joyful day of deliverance."

The rhymes and chants accompany the celebration of bonfire night

The rhymes and chants accompany the celebration of bonfire night

During the days before Bonfire Night, children take their home-made guys out on the street and ask for

During the days before Bonfire Night, children take their home-made guys out on the street and ask for "a penny for the Guy"

for fireworks. 

Also known as

Also known as "Firework Night" and "Bonfire Night,” The event is accompanied by firework displays, the lighting of bonfires and the ceremonial burning of one Guy Fawkes.

TO SUM UP I know… (about Bonfire Night) Now I can… (talk about celebrations) It was interesting to… (read about Guy Fawkes day) It was difficult to… (learn new words) I was good at…  (doing exercises)


  • I know… (about Bonfire Night)
  • Now I can… (talk about celebrations)
  • It was interesting to… (read about Guy Fawkes day)
  • It was difficult to… (learn new words)
  • I was good at… (doing exercises)




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