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Презентация к уроку Culture corner- 2 "Charity begins at home" к учебнику "Spotlight-8"

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Презентация к уроку Culture corner- 2 "Charity begins at home" к учебнику "Spotlight-8"

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«Презентация к уроку Culture corner- 2 "Charity begins at home" к учебнику "Spotlight-8"»

READ night language bright engineer slight knowledge light advantage tight change right legend flight bridge sight magic


night language

bright engineer

slight knowledge

light advantage

tight change

right legend

flight bridge

sight magic

charity enthusiasm exist donate run charity shops goods bargain staff volunteer thrift store to put words into practice





run charity shops





thrift store

to put words into practice

How can you characterize British people according to the article? What is the result of their enthusiasm for helping others? How many charity organizations are there in the UK? What are the most famous of them? What do the charity organizations usually run? What goods do they sell? Who is the staff of the charity shops? What is another name of charity shops in the UK?
  • How can you characterize British people according to the article?
  • What is the result of their enthusiasm for helping others?
  • How many charity organizations are there in the UK?
  • What are the most famous of them?
  • What do the charity organizations usually run?
  • What goods do they sell?
  • Who is the staff of the charity shops?
  • What is another name of charity shops in the UK?
It is said that charity begins at home, but people in Russia seem to have put these words into practice very rarely. There are only 40 charity organizations that work in the country. Some of the most famous ones are Give a Life, The Naked Hearts and CAF Russia. People donate money to charity organizations or volunteer to help them raise money. Many of the Russian organizations run charity shops. The first shop in Russia is “Thanks”. It has been working since May 2010. Today they have raised 2 million rubles for charity. In our country charity is not as popular as in the UK, but some people try to help those who really need it. People help volunteers to raise money. The items for sale in charity shops are usually second-hand: clothes, furniture, shoes. Your money will be donated to charity organizations!

It is said that charity begins at home, but people in Russia seem

to have put these words into practice very rarely. There are only

40 charity organizations that work in the country. Some of the most

famous ones are Give a Life, The Naked Hearts and CAF Russia.

People donate money to charity organizations or volunteer to help them raise money. Many of the Russian organizations run charity shops. The first shop in Russia is “Thanks”. It has been working since May 2010. Today they have raised 2 million rubles for charity. In our country charity is not as popular as in the UK, but some people try to help those who really need it.

People help volunteers to raise money. The items for sale in charity shops are usually second-hand: clothes, furniture, shoes. Your money will be donated to charity organizations!

The charity organization “Mercy” raises money in favor of people who are seriously ill , the disabled and orphans.

The charity organization “Mercy” raises money in favor of people who are seriously ill , the disabled and orphans.

“ Give me life” raises money for children with haematological problems.

“ Give me life” raises money for children with haematological problems.

“ Russian fund” has been working for 17 years, it has raised 126,6 million dollars, in 2013 1,059,566,723 rubles was donated to support orphans.

“ Russian fund” has been working for 17

years, it has raised 126,6 million dollars,

in 2013 1,059,566,723 rubles was

donated to support


“ Life Line” has saved more than 6240 children.

“ Life Line” has saved more than 6240 children.

Charity funds are aimed to save sick children and give them support. “ Our Children” helps orphans become  successful members of the society. Thanks to this organization children have an opportunity to live in a family.

Charity funds are aimed to save sick

children and give them support.

“ Our Children” helps orphans become

successful members of the society.

Thanks to this organization children

have an opportunity to live in a family.




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