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Презентация к уроку:"Food and drinks"

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«Презентация к уроку:"Food and drinks"»

«Food and drinks». Автор: Сенькина Вера Игоревна

«Food and drinks».

Автор: Сенькина Вера Игоревна



Cheese [tʃiːz]

Cheese [tʃiːz]

cornflakes [ˈkɔːrn,fleɪks ]

cornflakes [ˈkɔːrn,fleɪks ]

Ham [hæm]

Ham [hæm]

porridge [ˈpɔːrɪdʒ]  |

porridge [ˈpɔːrɪdʒ]


Sugar [ˈʃʊɡər]

Sugar [ˈʃʊɡər]

Milk [ milk ]

Milk [ milk ]

Bacon [ˈbeɪkən ]

Bacon [ˈbeɪkən ]

Fridge [ frɪdʒ ]

Fridge [ frɪdʒ ]

You eat it hot, usually for breakfast. They say it is good for you. Many children don’t often like it.

You eat it hot, usually for breakfast. They say it is good for you. Many children don’t often like it.

You eat them cold, often with milk or yogurt. Sometimes they are sweet and sometimes they are not.

You eat them cold, often with milk or yogurt. Sometimes they are sweet and sometimes they are not.

You put it in your sandwich. Its colour is light yellow. You usually have it for breakfast.

You put it in your sandwich. Its colour is light yellow. You usually have it for breakfast.

You put it in your sandwich too. Its colour is pink. You can put it into salads too.

You put it in your sandwich too. Its colour is pink. You can put it into salads too.

You usually eat it hot with eggs. It is good for breakfast but you can also eat it in the afternoon and in the evening.

You usually eat it hot with eggs. It is good for breakfast but you can also eat it in the afternoon and in the evening.

It’s white in colour and has a lot of fat. You can drink it or add it to your tea or coffee.

It’s white in colour and has a lot of fat. You can drink it or add it to your tea or coffee.

It’s very sweet and white in colour. We put it in our tea and coffee.

It’s very sweet and white in colour. We put it in our tea and coffee.

It’s a big box for food. You can see it in the kitchen.

It’s a big box for food. You can see it in the kitchen.

A:- Good morning. B:- Good morning. A:- Can I help you? B:- Yes, please! Can I have some bacon? A:- Here you are. B:- Thank you. Goodbye! A:- Goodbye!

A:- Good morning.

B:- Good morning.

A:- Can I help you?

B:- Yes, please! Can I have some bacon?

A:- Here you are.

B:- Thank you. Goodbye!

A:- Goodbye!

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

Список используемых источников. 1. Изображение- сыр https :// tuv.selhozproduct.ru/upload/usl/f_62498def86d52.jpg 2. Ветчина https :// ferma-derevnya.ru/upload/iblock/c88/c88c07932ab39d05f580dc0f63b876af.JPG 3. Хлопья https ://i.artfile.ru/3000x2000_1201799_[www.ArtFile.ru]. jpg 4. Каша https :// img.razrisyika.ru/kart/23/1200/89498-kasha-11.jpg 5. Молоко https :// wallbox.ru/wallpapers/main2/201716/149286003358fb3c813e5448.96611138.jpg 6. Сахар https :// vendeglatasmagazin.hu/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/48491476_l-scaled.jpg 7. Холодильник https :// pictures.pibig.info/uploads/posts/2023-04/1680464442_pictures-pibig-info-p-kholodilnik-risunok-dlya-detei-instagram-72.jpg 8. Пицца https :// yan-pizza.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/piczcza-detskaya-2.jpg 9. Бекон https:// fort.crimea.com/catering/uploads/fotos/ff6f3bb3-c572-11e9-9c76-54a05051519a_1.jpg 10. Смайлик https :// interesnoewmire.ru/wp-content/uploads/kartinki-smajliki-70-krasivyh-foto-nastroenij-687be8f.jpg

Список используемых источников.

1. Изображение- сыр

https :// tuv.selhozproduct.ru/upload/usl/f_62498def86d52.jpg

2. Ветчина

https :// ferma-derevnya.ru/upload/iblock/c88/c88c07932ab39d05f580dc0f63b876af.JPG

3. Хлопья

https ://i.artfile.ru/3000x2000_1201799_[www.ArtFile.ru]. jpg

4. Каша

https :// img.razrisyika.ru/kart/23/1200/89498-kasha-11.jpg

5. Молоко

https :// wallbox.ru/wallpapers/main2/201716/149286003358fb3c813e5448.96611138.jpg

6. Сахар

https :// vendeglatasmagazin.hu/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/48491476_l-scaled.jpg

7. Холодильник

https :// pictures.pibig.info/uploads/posts/2023-04/1680464442_pictures-pibig-info-p-kholodilnik-risunok-dlya-detei-instagram-72.jpg

8. Пицца

https :// yan-pizza.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/piczcza-detskaya-2.jpg

9. Бекон

https:// fort.crimea.com/catering/uploads/fotos/ff6f3bb3-c572-11e9-9c76-54a05051519a_1.jpg

10. Смайлик

https :// interesnoewmire.ru/wp-content/uploads/kartinki-smajliki-70-krasivyh-foto-nastroenij-687be8f.jpg


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