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Презентация к уроку по теме "AMAZING CREATURES" к учебнику SPOTLIGHT 5. Unit 5A

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Презентация к уроку по теме "AMAZING CREATURES" к учебнику SPOTLIGHT 5. Unit 5A. Урок разработан в системно-деятельностном подходе. Использована технология формирующего оценивания.

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«Презентация к уроку по теме "AMAZING CREATURES" к учебнику SPOTLIGHT 5. Unit 5A»

Урок английского языка  в 5 классе Подготовила: учитель английского языка Бедарева Оксана Павловна, средняя школа № 1 г. Данилов, Ярославская область

Урок английского языка в 5 классе


учитель английского языка

Бедарева Оксана Павловна,

средняя школа № 1

г. Данилов, Ярославская область

Reading Rules creature picture future mixture

Reading Rules





Reading Rules crea ture pic ture /- ʧə/ fu ture mix ture

Reading Rules

crea ture

pic ture /- ʧə/

fu ture

mix ture

What will we speak about?

What will we speak about?

We will speak about animals.

We will speak about animals.

How can we tell about animals of Russia?  We can… create an Animal Map write a text about Russian animals shoot a video about Russian animals write an e-mail post in your social network (VK)

How can we tell about animals of Russia?

We can…

  • create an Animal Map
  • write a text about Russian animals
  • shoot a video about Russian animals
  • write an e-mail
  • post in your social network (VK)
CRITERIA for WRITTEN TEXT   relevance to the topic the amount of words structure must be informative without mistakes


  • relevance to the topic
  • the amount of words
  • structure
  • must be informative
  • without mistakes
Why do you want to do this? I want to get a good mark. I want to broaden my horizons. I want to please my mother. I want to find out new information. Because it is interesting.

Why do you want to do this?

  • I want to get a good mark.
  • I want to broaden my horizons.
  • I want to please my mother.
  • I want to find out new information.
  • Because it is interesting.
What is our aim today?  My aim is  to create a …. about Russian animals  to get a good mark.

What is our aim today?

My aim is

to create a …. about Russian animals

to get a good mark.

The structure of the text about animal Name the animal. Where does it live? (in the forest, in the water, in trees) Tell about its colour. Tell about its parts of the body (a big body, small ears, a short tail). Tell about its features or habits (hunts for big animals). Do you like this animal ? Why?

The structure of the text about animal

  • Name the animal.
  • Where does it live? (in the forest, in the water, in trees)
  • Tell about its colour.
  • Tell about its parts of the body (a big body, small ears, a short tail).
  • Tell about its features or habits (hunts for big animals).
  • Do you like this animal ? Why?
CRITERIA for WRITTEN TEXT   relevance to the topic the amount of words structure must be informative without mistakes


  • relevance to the topic
  • the amount of words
  • structure
  • must be informative
  • without mistakes
What is our aim today?  My aim is  to create a …. about Russian animals  to get a good mark.

What is our aim today?

My aim is

to create a …. about Russian animals

to get a good mark.

Have you succeeded at the lesson?  Have you reached your aim? Yes, I have. No, I haven`t . Work according to the plan again and do some exercises at home Well done!

Have you succeeded at the lesson? Have you reached your aim?

Yes, I have.

No, I haven`t .

Work according to the

plan again and

do some exercises

at home

Well done!

Now I can… Can`t name different types of animals (называть разные виды животных); use Present Simple in affirmative sentences (употреблять настоящее простое время в утвердительных предложениях); talk/write about animals of different countries (рассказывать/писать о животных разных стран); name the parts of the bodies of animals (называть части тела животных); use Present Simple in negative sentences (употреблять настоящее простое время в отрицательных предложениях); use Present Simple in questions (употреблять настоящее простое время в вопросах); use shot answers (употреблять короткие ответы); talk/write about pets (рассказывать/писать о домашних питомцах); write a post about a pet ( писать пост о питомце); talk about koalas (рассказывать о коалах); complete a fact file about an animal (составлять подборку фактов о животном); talk/write about an animal from my country (рассказывать/писать о животном моей страны); act out the dialog at the vet (инсценировать диалог у ветеринара); talk/write about insects (рассказывать/писать о насекомых). Not so good Can 

Now I can…


  • name different types of animals (называть разные виды животных);
  • use Present Simple in affirmative sentences (употреблять настоящее простое время в утвердительных предложениях);
  • talk/write about animals of different countries (рассказывать/писать о животных разных стран);
  • name the parts of the bodies of animals (называть части тела животных);
  • use Present Simple in negative sentences (употреблять настоящее простое время в отрицательных предложениях);
  • use Present Simple in questions (употреблять настоящее простое время в вопросах);
  • use shot answers (употреблять короткие ответы);
  • talk/write about pets (рассказывать/писать о домашних питомцах);
  • write a post about a pet ( писать пост о питомце);
  • talk about koalas (рассказывать о коалах);
  • complete a fact file about an animal (составлять подборку фактов о животном);
  • talk/write about an animal from my country (рассказывать/писать о животном моей страны);
  • act out the dialog at the vet (инсценировать диалог у ветеринара);
  • talk/write about insects (рассказывать/писать о насекомых).

Not so good


 What can you praise yourself for?  I can praise myself for….

What can you praise yourself for?

I can praise myself for….

Homework Student`s book , p.67, ex. 7,8  to learn new words using Quizlet Goodbye!


  • Student`s book , p.67, ex. 7,8
  • to learn new words using Quizlet



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