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Презентация к уроку по теме: "The British Royal Family". О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. "Rainbow English" 10 класс.

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«Презентация к уроку по теме: "The British Royal Family". О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. "Rainbow English" 10 класс.»

The British Royal Family МКОУ “Тимская СОШ им.Н.В.Черных” учитель иностранных языков Мусоева Ирина Леонидовна”

The British Royal Family

МКОУ “Тимская СОШ им.Н.В.Черных”

учитель иностранных языков

Мусоева Ирина Леонидовна”

“ The Observer” offered its own selection of the 99 best items in Great Britain

“ The Observer” offered its own selection of the 99 best items in Great Britain

Complete the Word Web.   Britain

Complete the Word Web.


The key words:   - traditions and customs; - ceremonies; - living symbols; - monarch; - Parliament.

The key words:

  • - traditions and customs;
  • - ceremonies;
  • - living symbols;
  • - monarch;
  • - Parliament.
The British Royal Family 1) The British Royal Family; 2) National parks; 3) The British Museum … 98) Dogs; 99) Double – deckers What do you think about the Royal Family being included in the list?

The British Royal Family

  • 1) The British Royal Family;
  • 2) National parks;
  • 3) The British Museum
  • 98) Dogs;
  • 99) Double – deckers
  • What do you think about the Royal Family being included in the list?
How long has the British monarchy been in this country? for many centuries known as a constitutional monarchy or parliamentary monarchy

How long has the British monarchy been in this country?

  • for many centuries
  • known as a constitutional monarchy or parliamentary monarchy
Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarch as not perfect – but the best that man had yet created.   ( 1874-1965) sir Winston  Churchill an English statesman
  • Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarch as not perfect – but the best that man had yet created.
  • ( 1874-1965) sir Winston

Churchill an English


Do ex.5, p.93. The House of Windsor Regina Duke of Edinburgh Westminster Abbey Corgi – dog breed Commonwealth, 1949 (of about 50 independent countries)

Do ex.5, p.93.

  • The House of Windsor
  • Regina
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Corgi – dog breed
  • Commonwealth, 1949 (of about 50 independent countries)
Test Yourself. Do this quiz on the British Royal Family Ex.10, p.96

Test Yourself. Do this quiz on the British Royal Family

  • Ex.10, p.96
Homework What does it reflect? What does the Lion represent?  The British Royal Coat of Arms What does the Unicorn represent?


  • What does it


  • What does the

Lion represent?

The British Royal Coat of Arms

  • What does the

Unicorn represent?


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