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Презентация к уроку "Would you like to spirit of adventure?"

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Данная презентация подготовлена к уроку для закрепления лексики по теме "Would you like to spirit of adventure?"

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«Презентация к уроку "Would you like to spirit of adventure?"»

Game Guess the words


Guess the words

It shows you the way in the forest?

It shows you the way in the forest?

A compass

A compass

You can use it at night

You can use it at night

A flashlight

A flashlight

You collect your  things in it

You collect your things in it

A backpack

A backpack

You sleep in this bag in a tent

You sleep in this bag in a tent

A sleeping bag

A sleeping bag

You put it in the forest to live in it

You put it in the forest to live in it

A tent

A tent

It is a piece of paper which helps you to get to the place

It is a piece of paper which helps you to get to the place

A map

A map


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