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Презентация к викторине "Party for everybody"

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Good afternoon, dear guests, boys and girls! Today we’ll have an unusual game among the eighth, tenth and eleventh forms. We shall see which team will be the best among you. Let’s start the game called ‘’Party for everybody’’ СЛАЙД2


Two teams will take part in the game. It is time to introduce yourselves. СЛАЙД3


Who is the captain of the first team?



I am the captain of the team. The name of our team is “?”. Our motto is “Small steps, Big results. It is all about us! ”


Who is the captain of the second team?



I am the captain of the team. The name of our team is “?”. Our motto is “Bright brains, quick legs, skillful hands. We are the best!



Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English and musical skills. Now I have invited a jury to count the points. The members of our jury are …




I hope you’ll enjoy our English party and be friendly to each other. I wish you a good luck! Let’s start.


The first task

T: Sometimes some people like to look through photo albums of the hosts of the party when everybody relaxes. Let’s try to guess these photos of the hosts of our today’s party.

Tell me please Who’s this?      СЛАЙД4    

I think these names help you. СЛАЙД5-15



1 tour (Photo tour) Who’s this? (5 min) СЛАЙД4

I think these names help you. СЛАЙД5-15

David Beckham, Beatles, Princess Diana, Horatio Nelson, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespear, Elithabeth II, Harry Potter, Isaak Newton.

(9 points)




The second task СЛАЙД16

Listen to the song ‘’ LEMON TREE’’ by Fool’s Garden and fill in the gaps.


(36 points)



The third task  СЛАЙД17

Listen to the song ‘’ Fairytale’’ by Alexander Rybak. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box in Past Simple. And order the lines in chorus.

(12 points and 4points)


The forth task СЛАЙД18

Sing a song

(5 points)


The fifth task СЛАЙД19

Listen to the song ‘’ PPAP’’  and write the text of this song.




P – P – A - P

I have a pen

I have an apple

Oh, Apple Pen

I have a pen

I have pineapple

Oh, Pineapple Pen

Apple Pen

Pineapple Pen


Pen – Pineapple – Apple - Pen

Pen – Pineapple – Apple - Pen





The sixth task  СЛАЙД20

Отгадайте зашифрованное предложение

The first letters of these words make a new sentence. What is it?



(18 points)



Our game is over.

And now, dear jury, tell us about results of the game. Which team is the best and the most musical?СЛАЙД21

Жюри подводят итоги игры.



Our Congratulations

Thank you very much.

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«Презентация к викторине "Party for everybody"»



Photo tour Who’s this?

Photo tour

  • Who’s this?
David Beckham Beatles Princess Diana Horatio Nelson Sherlock Holmes William Shakespear Elithabeth II Harry Potter Isaak Newton Charlie Chaplin
  • David Beckham
  • Beatles
  • Princess Diana
  • Horatio Nelson
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • William Shakespear
  • Elithabeth II
  • Harry Potter
  • Isaak Newton
  • Charlie Chaplin
Charlie chaplin

Charlie chaplin

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Princess Diana

Princess Diana

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

David Beckham

David Beckham

Isaak Newton

Isaak Newton

Horatio Nelson

Horatio Nelson

William Shakespear

William Shakespear



Elithabeth II

Elithabeth II

Sing a song Deep in the wood a yule was born, And in the wood grew tall. In summer, winter and the fall The greenest tree of all.  An old man looks for wood to chop And put it in his sleigh. The pony gallops clip, clop, clop, And takes our yule away.  The yule tree to our party’s come And on this winter night It brings much joy to everyone Oh, what a lovely sight!  

Sing a song

Deep in the wood a yule was born,

And in the wood grew tall.

In summer, winter and the fall

The greenest tree of all.

An old man looks for wood to chop

And put it in his sleigh.

The pony gallops clip, clop, clop,

And takes our yule away.

The yule tree to our party’s come

And on this winter night

It brings much joy to everyone

Oh, what a lovely sight!


Repeat the song

Repeat the song

The first letters of these words make a new sentence. What is it?

The first letters of these words make a new sentence. What is it?


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