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Презентация на английском языке "Gamsutl- ghost village"

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«Презентация на английском языке "Gamsutl- ghost village"»



Gamsutl – ghost village. The ghost village of Gamsutl is located high in the mountains of Dagestan. The abandoned mountain village is located at an altitude of 1418 meters above sea level. I can't believe that people could live at such a height. Now you can only get to the high-mountain village on foot and it is hard to believe that some thirty years ago a road led here.

Gamsutl – ghost village.

The ghost village of Gamsutl is located high in the mountains of Dagestan. The abandoned mountain village is located at an altitude of 1418 meters above sea level. I can't believe that people could live at such a height. Now you can only get to the high-mountain village on foot and it is hard to believe that some thirty years ago a road led here.

Gamsutl – ghost village.

Gamsutl – ghost village.

History of ghost village. Probably, the founder of the village lived on the very top of the mountain, his army settled nearby, and gradually the village began to grow. In addition, not far from the settlement there was a forest rich in game, and very close to several springs. Near Gamsutl there is a miracle spring. The healing power of this spring is legendary. However, the miracle spring could not save people from the epidemic. The cholera literally wiped out the villagers. Of the 3,000 inhabitants of the village, only 40 people survived.

History of ghost village.

Probably, the founder of the village lived on the very top of the mountain, his army settled nearby, and gradually the village began to grow. In addition, not far from the settlement there was a forest rich in game, and very close to several springs. Near Gamsutl there is a miracle spring. The healing power of this spring is legendary. However, the miracle spring could not save people from the epidemic. The cholera literally wiped out the villagers. Of the 3,000 inhabitants of the village, only 40 people survived.

History of ghost village.

History of ghost village.

ARCHITECTURE OF THE VILLAGE. Most of all, the architecture in Gamsutl surprises. One can only guess how the ancient architects managed to build such arched vaults. Today, it is not safe to stay in the ancient village, the walls of the towers collapse from the slightest tremors.


Most of all, the architecture in Gamsutl surprises. One can only guess how the ancient architects managed to build such arched vaults. Today, it is not safe to stay in the ancient village, the walls of the towers collapse from the slightest tremors.



last resident of the village. Gamsutl became a large settlement. There was a kindergarten, a school, a polyclinic and a maternity hospital. But over time, people began to leave their native village in search of a better life in the big city. By the 2000s, there were about 250 more people living here, but the census says that the population of the village in 2002 was 17 people, in 2010 - 10 people, in 2014 there was 1 single resident. Abdulzhalil Abdulzhalilov left his hometown young, but returned and lived there for 20 years, becoming the only resident of Gamsutl. Unfortunately, he died in 2015. Abdulzhalil loved rare tourists, treated them to tea and told them the story of his native village.

last resident of the village.

Gamsutl became a large settlement. There was a kindergarten, a school, a polyclinic and a maternity hospital. But over time, people began to leave their native village in search of a better life in the big city. By the 2000s, there were about 250 more people living here, but the census says that the population of the village in 2002 was 17 people, in 2010 - 10 people, in 2014 there was 1 single resident.

Abdulzhalil Abdulzhalilov left his hometown young, but returned and lived there for 20 years, becoming the only resident of Gamsutl. Unfortunately, he died in 2015. Abdulzhalil loved rare tourists, treated them to tea and told them the story of his native village.

last resident of the village. Abdulzhalil Abdulzhalilov

last resident of the village.

  • Abdulzhalil Abdulzhalilov




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