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Презентация на английском языке "Моnt Saint-Michel"

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«Презентация на английском языке "Моnt Saint-Michel"»

Project   «Mont Saint-Michel»  Made by the year 10student

Project «Mont Saint-Michel»

Made by the

year 10student

Mont Saint-Michel is a small rocky island that has been converted into a fortress. Located in France

Mont Saint-Michel is a small rocky island that has been converted into a fortress. Located in France

It is considered the second attraction in France after the Eiffel Tower

It is considered the second attraction in France after the Eiffel Tower

The island of extraordinary beauty is recognized as a historical monument. Later, it was recognized as a UNESCO Word Heritage Site

The island of extraordinary beauty is recognized as a historical monument. Later, it was recognized as a UNESCO Word Heritage Site

The «game »of water allowed it to remain impregnable. Fog also serves as a natural protection

The «game »of water allowed it to remain impregnable. Fog also serves as a natural protection

Today, the island is visited by many tourists

Today, the island is visited by many tourists

I really want everyone to have the opportunity to visit an unusually beautiful island...

I really want everyone to have the opportunity to visit an unusually beautiful island...

That's it! Thanks for your attention…

That's it! Thanks for your attention…


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