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Презентация на английском языке "Natural attractions of Dagestan"

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«Презентация на английском языке "Natural attractions of Dagestan"»

Natural attractions of Dagestan

Natural attractions of Dagestan

The Sulak Canyon is cut in the mountains by the Sulak River. Over the centuries, it has washed a 53-kilometer-long canyon into the sandstone and limestone strata. In some places, it widens to 3.5 kilometers, in others it narrows to such an extent that a narrow strip of the river, which is one of the most full-flowing in the region, is barely visible below.

The Sulak Canyon is cut in the mountains by the Sulak River. Over the centuries, it has washed a 53-kilometer-long canyon into the sandstone and limestone strata. In some places, it widens to 3.5 kilometers, in others it narrows to such an extent that a narrow strip of the river, which is one of the most full-flowing in the region, is barely visible below.

The history of Derbent and the Derbent Fortress began 5 thousand years ago, when the Maskut tribes lived on the territory of the present city, and the city belonged to the kings of Caucasian Albania. The inhabitants were forced to fortify the settlement with a fortress called Chola to protect themselves from constant raids.

The history of Derbent and the Derbent Fortress began 5 thousand years ago, when the Maskut tribes lived on the territory of the present city, and the city belonged to the kings of Caucasian Albania. The inhabitants were forced to fortify the settlement with a fortress called Chola to protect themselves from constant raids.

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