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Презентация на английском языке "Северная Ирландия"

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«Презентация на английском языке "Северная Ирландия"»

Northern Ireland The work was performed by students of the 8th

Northern Ireland

The work was performed by students of the 8th "A" class: Polina Pirozhkova and Sofia Kononova

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland The territory of the country is divided into 6 counties – Down, Tyrone, Londonderry, Fermanagh, Armagh and Antrim.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

The territory of the country is divided into 6 counties – Down, Tyrone, Londonderry, Fermanagh, Armagh and Antrim.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland The highest point of the country is Sliv-Donard, whose height is 848 m. It is located on the territory of County Down.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

The highest point of the country is Sliv-Donard, whose height is 848 m. It is located on the territory of County Down.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland A large number of lakes are concentrated in the country. The biggest one is Loch Ney. This is the largest lake in Europe by area.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

A large number of lakes are concentrated in the country. The biggest one is Loch Ney. This is the largest lake in Europe by area.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland The Bridge of Giants is a natural monument of about 40,000 interconnected basalt columns formed as a result of an ancient eruption of an underwater volcano. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

The Bridge of Giants is a natural monument of about 40,000 interconnected basalt columns formed as a result of an ancient eruption of an underwater volcano. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland Belfast is home to one of the largest ports in Europe. It was here that the legendary cruise liner Titanic was built and then launched.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

Belfast is home to one of the largest ports in Europe. It was here that the legendary cruise liner Titanic was built and then launched.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland The Obeli Tower is the tallest building in Ireland, located in Belfast. Its height is 85 meters.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

The Obeli Tower is the tallest building in Ireland, located in Belfast. Its height is 85 meters.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland On the territory of Ireland, many architectural monuments have become locations for filming eleven episodes of the series

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

On the territory of Ireland, many architectural monuments have become locations for filming eleven episodes of the series "Game of Thrones".

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland Northern Ireland is the poorest region. The reason for this is the

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is the poorest region. The reason for this is the "Potato famine" of 1845-1849. From 800 thousand to 1 million people died.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland In terms of the amount of alcohol consumed, the country ranks second in the world, second only to the Czech Republic.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

In terms of the amount of alcohol consumed, the country ranks second in the world, second only to the Czech Republic.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland On February 29, once every 4 years, Irish women can propose to their significant other. If they are refused, the man is obliged to pay a fine.

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

On February 29, once every 4 years, Irish women can propose to their significant other. If they are refused, the man is obliged to pay a fine.

Northern Ireland The work was performed by students of the 8th

Northern Ireland

The work was performed by students of the 8th "A" class: Polina Pirozhkova and Sofia Kononova


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