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Презентация на английском языке "Shalbuzdag"

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«Презентация на английском языке "Shalbuzdag"»

Natural attractions of Dagestan

Natural attractions of Dagestan

Dagestan is a mountainous region where every traveler can test their strength and conquer one of the local mountains. For experienced climbers, we recommend Shalbuzdag peak, which is 4,142 meters high.

Dagestan is a mountainous region where every traveler can test their strength and conquer one of the local mountains. For experienced climbers, we recommend Shalbuzdag peak, which is 4,142 meters high.

Mount Shalbuzdag is part of the Dagestan Nature Reserve

Mount Shalbuzdag is part of the Dagestan Nature Reserve

For many people, Shalbuz Dah is a sacred place. Most of the pilgrims come here in August and September, when the earth warms up a little.

For many people, Shalbuz Dah is a sacred place. Most of the pilgrims come here in August and September, when the earth warms up a little.

The most popular place is considered the

The most popular place is considered the "Tomb of Suleiman". The shrine is a grave that many Muslims come to to make a wish. Muslims believe that if you walk through the grave three times and touch your face three times, all your wishes will come true. From the grave you can climb to the "golden mosque".


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