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Презентация на тему: English Speaking Countries. Англоговорящие страны

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Презентация на тему: "English Speaking Countries. Англоговорящие страны" будет полезна при проведении серии уроков лингвострановедческой направленности среди студентов 1 курсов СПО, а также обучающихся страших классов школы.

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«Презентация на тему: English Speaking Countries. Англоговорящие страны»

English speaking countries

English speaking countries

Great Britain

Great Britain

The official name of the country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . There 4 parts of the kingdom : England (the capital is London ) Scotland  (the capital is Edinburgh ) Wales  (the capital is Cardiff ) Northern Ireland  (the capital is Belfast )

The official name of the country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .

There 4 parts of the kingdom :

  • England (the capital is London )
  • Scotland (the capital is Edinburgh )
  • Wales (the capital is Cardiff )
  • Northern Ireland (the capital is Belfast )
This is the flag of the United Kingdom

This is the flag of the United Kingdom

Each country has it's own symbol

Each country has it's own symbol



The official name of the country is The United States of America .

The official name of the country is The United States of America .

This is the flag of the United States of America

This is the flag of the United States of America

Each star on the flag symbolizes a state. There're 50 states in the country.

Each star on the flag symbolizes a state. There're 50 states in the country.

These are the symbols of the USA: The USA's National bird is a bald eagle

These are the symbols of the USA:

The USA's National bird is a bald eagle

The statue of Liberty

The statue of Liberty


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