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Презентация на тему: "My Department is «Pharmacy»"

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«Презентация на тему: "My Department is «Pharmacy»"»

My Department is « Pharmacy » Taya Laushkina group 111 Pharmacy Department

My Department is « Pharmacy »

Taya Laushkina

group 111

Pharmacy Department

 My name is Taya Laushkina. I’m 17. I’m a student of the Gorlovka Medical College. Our college is one of the oldest educational establishments of Donetsk People’s Republic with its own traditions.  There are four departments in our college. I wound like to tell you about them.

My name is Taya Laushkina. I’m 17. I’m a student of the Gorlovka Medical College. Our college is one of the oldest educational establishments of Donetsk People’s Republic with its own traditions.

There are four departments in our college.

I wound like to tell you about them.

If you want to become a doctor assistant you  should study at the  Curative Affair Department . Its main task includes prescription and performance of preventive, curative and diagnostic measures. The graduates of this department are waited for at the stations of emergency medical help, in the country-side hospitals and in the military hospitals .

If you want to become a doctor assistant you should study at the Curative Affair Department . Its main task includes prescription and performance of preventive, curative and diagnostic measures. The graduates of this department are waited for at the stations of emergency medical help, in the country-side hospitals and in the military hospitals .

One of the departments of our college is Orthopedic Stomatology Department. A future specialist learns to make artificial teeth and crowns, plastics and porcelain teeth. On graduating from the college they usually work in the dental mechanic laboratories.

One of the departments of our college is Orthopedic Stomatology Department. A future specialist learns to make artificial teeth and crowns, plastics and porcelain teeth. On graduating from the college they usually work in the dental mechanic laboratories.

Nursing Affair Department is one of the departments of our college too. It gives qualification of a nurse of general practice. Medical nurse provides uninterrupted medical help, including preventive and rehabilitation measures. Our graduates work in the polyclinics, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and houses for aged people.

Nursing Affair Department is one of the departments of our college too. It gives qualification of a nurse of general practice. Medical nurse provides uninterrupted medical help, including preventive and rehabilitation measures. Our graduates work in the polyclinics, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and houses for aged people.

As for me I am a student of the Pharmacy Department. My future profession is pharmaceutist.

As for me I am a student of the Pharmacy Department. My future profession is pharmaceutist.

Pharmacy is the science which studies medicinal substances used for treating and preventing different diseases. Pharmacy studies recognizing, identifying, collecting, selecting, preparing, storing, testing all medical substances.

Pharmacy is the science which studies medicinal substances used for treating and preventing different diseases. Pharmacy studies recognizing, identifying, collecting, selecting, preparing, storing, testing all medical substances.

To become a pharmacist one should achieve knowledge of different subjects. Future specialists must know chemistry - the science explaining composition and transformation of matter, different fields of chemistry. Thus, General Chemistry deals with basic principles and inorganic substances, Organic Chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds, Analytical Chemistry studies qualitative and quantitative analyses of inorganic substances.

To become a pharmacist one should achieve knowledge of different subjects. Future specialists must know chemistry - the science explaining composition and transformation of matter, different fields of chemistry.

Thus, General Chemistry deals with basic principles and inorganic substances, Organic Chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds, Analytical Chemistry studies qualitative and quantitative analyses of inorganic substances.

Botany is the science of plants, their structure, functions and classification. Pharmacognozy is the science of drugs of animal, vegetable and mineral origin.

Botany is the science of plants, their structure, functions and classification. Pharmacognozy is the science of drugs of animal, vegetable and mineral origin.

Of course, my future speciality is closely connected with drugs, that is why future pharmacists must know Pharmacology which is defined as the science of drugs and their action and other sciences.

Of course, my future speciality is closely connected with drugs, that is why future pharmacists must know Pharmacology which is defined as the science of drugs and their action and other sciences.

To sum up, I can say that a pharmacist is a specialist with higher pharmaceutical education who is permitted by law to prepare drugs at chemist’s shops, pharmaceutical plants, to check the quality of the drugs, to dispense and supply them.

To sum up, I can say that a pharmacist is a specialist with higher pharmaceutical education who is permitted by law to prepare drugs at chemist’s shops, pharmaceutical plants, to check the quality of the drugs, to dispense and supply them.


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