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Презентация о джоан роулинг на английском

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«Презентация о джоан роулинг на английском»

Life and Works of  J. K. Rowling

Life and Works of J. K. Rowling

Introduction Joanne Rowling, a British writer known as the author of the Harry Potter book series. The Potter books sold over 400 million copies, making them the best-selling book series in history and the basis for a film franchise that became the highest-grossing film series in history.


  • Joanne Rowling, a British writer known as the author of the Harry Potter book series. The Potter books sold over 400 million copies, making them the best-selling book series in history and the basis for a film franchise that became the highest-grossing film series in history.
Childhood and Early Life Rowling was born on July 31, 1965, in the county of Gloucestershire, England, 16 kilometers from Bristol. She also has a sister named Diane.

Childhood and Early Life

Rowling was born on July 31, 1965, in the county of Gloucestershire, England, 16 kilometers from Bristol. She also has a sister named Diane.

Joanne had very few friends, practically none, except for her sister Diane. She would read her fairy tales and create her own stories. She wrote her first story – called Rabbit – age six, and wrote her first novel at age 11. It was about “seven cursed diamonds and the people who owned them”.
  • Joanne had very few friends, practically none, except for her sister Diane. She would read her fairy tales and create her own stories.
  • She wrote her first story – called Rabbit – age six, and wrote her first novel at age 11. It was about “seven cursed diamonds and the people who owned them”.
When the girl turned fifteen, her mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And at the end of 1990, she died. After finishing school, Rowling attempted to enter Oxford University but failed the exams and became a student at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Exeter.
  • When the girl turned fifteen, her mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And at the end of 1990, she died.
  • After finishing school, Rowling attempted to enter Oxford University but failed the exams and became a student at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Exeter.
Tough time Deciding to start her life anew, Joanne moved to Portugal, and a year and a half later, she met Jorge Arantes, whom she married in October 1992. On July 27, 1993, little Jessica Isabel came into the world.

Tough time

  • Deciding to start her life anew, Joanne moved to Portugal, and a year and a half later, she met Jorge Arantes, whom she married in October 1992.
  • On July 27, 1993, little Jessica Isabel came into the world.
. Joanne left her husband, taking her five-month-old daughter and a suitcase with manuscripts. On the eve of the new year in 1994, she moved to her sister's place in Edinburgh. Initially, she relied on welfare and was in the deepest depression. She filed for divorce, and in 1994, she dissolved the marriage. Around the same time, she finished her first novel and started on her second, which she had to write in a nearby café.


  • Joanne left her husband, taking her five-month-old daughter and a suitcase with manuscripts. On the eve of the new year in 1994, she moved to her sister's place in Edinburgh. Initially, she relied on welfare and was in the deepest depression.
  • She filed for divorce, and in 1994, she dissolved the marriage. Around the same time, she finished her first novel and started on her second, which she had to write in a nearby café.
Creation of Harry Potter The character of Harry was conceived by Joanne when her train was delayed for four hours. In 1995, after completing work on her first novel, 'Philosopher's Stone,' Joan sent manuscript copies to twelve publishers and received rejections from all of them. It was only a year later that an editor at a London-based publishing house agreed to publish the book, and that happened only after his eight-year-old daughter showed interest in it.

Creation of Harry Potter

  • The character of Harry was conceived by Joanne when her train was delayed for four hours.
  • In 1995, after completing work on her first novel, 'Philosopher's Stone,' Joan sent manuscript copies to twelve publishers and received rejections from all of them. It was only a year later that an editor at a London-based publishing house agreed to publish the book, and that happened only after his eight-year-old daughter showed interest in it.
Post-Harry Potter In the autumn of 2012, the social novel 'The Casual Vacancy' was released, followed by a series of detective novels published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

Post-Harry Potter

  • In the autumn of 2012, the social novel 'The Casual Vacancy' was released, followed by a series of detective novels published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.
Personal Life Due to the bitter experience of her first failed marriage, Rowling hesitated for a long time to remarry. However, her life took a turn after meeting English anesthetist Dr. Neil Michael Murray. Joan finally found personal happiness and became the mother of two more children.

Personal Life

  • Due to the bitter experience of her first failed marriage, Rowling hesitated for a long time to remarry. However, her life took a turn after meeting English anesthetist Dr. Neil Michael Murray. Joan finally found personal happiness and became the mother of two more children.
Philanthropic Works Today, Rowling lives in Scotland with her family, actively engages in charity work, and funds a foundation to combat multiple sclerosis, the disease that took her mother's life. She provides significant assistance to underprivileged families, single mothers, and abandoned children, remembering the difficult times when she struggled to survive on meager welfare with her young daughter.

Philanthropic Works

  • Today, Rowling lives in Scotland with her family, actively engages in charity work, and funds a foundation to combat multiple sclerosis, the disease that took her mother's life. She provides significant assistance to underprivileged families, single mothers, and abandoned children, remembering the difficult times when she struggled to survive on meager welfare with her young daughter.


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