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Презентация "Our birthdays" (6 класс)

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Результат  проектной  деятельности учащихся. Рассказы  детей  о  своих  днях  рождения.

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«Презентация "Our birthdays" (6 класс)»

      W e are:  Viktoriya,Yana,  Dima,Gleb,  Luiza,Alyona

W e are: Viktoriya,Yana, Dima,Gleb, Luiza,Alyona

          I was born on 30 th of December. My birthday is in the New Year’s Eve. Every year my friends come to my place to celebrate. They bring me both birthday presents and New Year presents. We have merry, funny parties around the New Year tree.  Vika

I was born on 30 th of December. My birthday is in the New Year’s Eve. Every year my friends come to my place to celebrate. They bring me both birthday presents and New Year presents. We have merry, funny parties around the New Year tree.


 We were born in winter .In January it is very cold, but the 12 and the 13 of January are the most wonderful days for us. We have funny parties, nice presents on these days. Luiza and Dima

We were born in winter .In January it is very cold, but the 12 and the 13 of January are the most wonderful days for us. We have funny parties, nice presents on these days.

Luiza and Dima

My birthday is on the 31 st of July. Early in the morning my mother comes to my room and gives me her present. My little sister sings “ Happy Birthday” for me and we play together. In the evening my father turns on the colourful lights in the garden and my friends come to my birthday party. Gleb ♥ ♥ ♥

My birthday is on the 31 st of July. Early in the morning my mother comes to my room and gives me her present. My little sister sings “ Happy Birthday” for me and we play together. In the evening my father turns on the colourful lights in the garden and my friends come to my birthday party. Gleb

Yana’s birthday    ♥  I was born late in autumn/  ♥  My birthday is on the  24 of November. I have many relatives  and friends. During my birthday party  we all have great fun, we dance,  ♥  play games, eat many tasty  ♥  ♥ things.

Yana’s birthday

♥ I was born late in autumn/

♥ My birthday is on the

24 of November. I have many relatives

and friends. During my birthday party

we all have great fun, we dance,

♥ play games, eat many tasty

♥ ♥ things.

I was born in spring. My birthday is on 3d May. . On this day all my family is very joyful and happy. They give me presents, we play computer games, eat a big cake, have tea. I love my family very much.

I was born in spring. My birthday is on 3d May. . On this day all my family is very joyful and happy. They give me presents, we play computer games, eat a big cake, have tea. I love my family very much.


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