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Презентация по английскому языку "Особенности русской национальной кухни".

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«Презентация по английскому языку "Особенности русской национальной кухни".»

МБОУ «Жердевская СОШ» Russian cuisine Презентация по теме »Русская национальная кухня» Выполнила учитель иностранных языков Лысикова Ирина Сергеевна Жердевка 2019

МБОУ «Жердевская СОШ»

Russian cuisine

Презентация по теме »Русская национальная кухня»

Выполнила учитель иностранных языков

Лысикова Ирина Сергеевна

Жердевка 2019

What sort of food do Russians eat in general?   Russian people generally eat a rich and varied diet. However they do eat a lot of dairy products. Some of these include a sick sour cream called smetana . A cream cheese called tvorog  and the drink called kefir .

What sort of food do Russians eat in general? Russian people generally eat a rich and varied diet. However they do eat a lot of dairy products. Some of these include a sick sour cream called smetana . A cream cheese called tvorog and the drink called kefir .

Tvorog and smetana

Tvorog and smetana

What sort of food do people serve on their tables? They serve a wide variety of traditional Russian dishes. There’s draniki which are potato pancakes, salo which is tender pork fat , pelmeni  which is pasta stuffed with pork and onions and  different sorts of porridge with milk, meat or butter.

What sort of food do people serve on their tables?

They serve a wide variety of traditional Russian dishes. There’s draniki which are potato pancakes, salo which is tender pork fat , pelmeni which is pasta stuffed with pork and onions and different sorts of porridge with milk, meat or butter.











Salo with potatoes and cucumbers

Salo with potatoes and cucumbers



What sort of dishes are popular appetizers? Well, appetizers are usually fish or meat dishes. Popular festive fish dishes are salmon , herring and smoked sturgeon . Many people like eating fried crucians , pikes , carps etc. Of the meat appetizers buzhenina and holodetz which are lean boiled pork with spices as well as jellied tongue served with horseradish sauce. Russian people like mushrooms , vinaigrette ( or Russian salad) very much too.

What sort of dishes are popular appetizers?

Well, appetizers are usually fish or meat dishes. Popular festive fish dishes are salmon , herring and smoked sturgeon . Many people like eating fried crucians , pikes , carps etc. Of the meat appetizers buzhenina and holodetz which are lean boiled pork with spices as well as jellied tongue served with horseradish sauce. Russian people like mushrooms , vinaigrette ( or Russian salad) very much too.

Red fish

Red fish

Salted herring / ’Herring under furcoat’

Salted herring / ’Herring under furcoat’

Smoked sturgeon

Smoked sturgeon

Fried crucians

Fried crucians

Buzhenina, jellied tongue

Buzhenina, jellied tongue



Vinaigrette (Russian salad)

Vinaigrette (Russian salad)



          Borsch, shchi, solyanka, rassolnik and okroshka from kvas  or kefir are very popular . Okroshka from kefir

  • Borsch, shchi, solyanka, rassolnik and okroshka from kvas or kefir are very popular .

Okroshka from kefir



Okroshka from kvas

Okroshka from kvas

Solyanka can be made from meat or fish or mushrooms.

Solyanka can be made from meat or fish or mushrooms.

Borsch is made from beets, salo , cabbage and with smetana .

Borsch is made from beets, salo , cabbage and with smetana .

Shchi is made from cabbage and potato. Everyone loves Shchi .

Shchi is made from cabbage and potato. Everyone loves Shchi .

Fish soup or ukha

Fish soup or ukha

What are some special main courses?

What are some special main courses?

Golubtsy is minced lamb, pork and rice wrapped in cabbage and topped with a cream sauce ( smetana )-delicious!

Golubtsy is minced lamb, pork and rice wrapped in cabbage and topped with a cream sauce ( smetana )-delicious!

Grilled piglet

Grilled piglet

Desserts Backed apple and baked pumpkin are popular desserts as is fruit and berry kisel which is a sort of sour fruit jelly. Russian people like drinking tea with jam , blini, and a wide selection of freshly baked pies, pirozhki, ponchiki etc .


  • Backed apple and baked pumpkin are popular desserts as is fruit and berry kisel which is a sort of sour fruit jelly.
  • Russian people like drinking tea with jam , blini, and a wide selection of freshly baked pies, pirozhki, ponchiki etc .

Baked apples

Baked apples

Baked pumpkin

Baked pumpkin







Pickling is very popular in Russia. Ingredients : Ingredients : Ingredients : Ingredients : Ingredients : Ingredients : Ingredients : Ingredients :

Pickling is very popular in Russia.

  • Ingredients :
  • Ingredients :
  • Ingredients :
  • Ingredients :
  • Ingredients :
  • Ingredients :
  • Ingredients :
  • Ingredients :

Here is the recipe of pickled tomatoes. Ingredients : Tomatoes/Dill/Horseradish leaves/Cherry leaves/Blackcurrant leaves/garlic/summer savoury/coarse grain salt/water Sterilised jars Рreparation: 1. Sort tomatoes by size and ripeness, wash in cold water.  2 . For every 5 kg tomatoes use 75 g dill/ 30 g horseradish greens, cherry leaves, blackcurrant leaves (don’t worry if you can’t find all of these leaves:while all are desirable, any one of three will do fine), 6-7 garlic cloves (peeled), as well as a half spring each of tarragon and savoury. 3 . The amount of salt required for pickling depends on the ripeness of the tomatoes. Green or brown tomatoes need 70-80 g of salt per litre of water. Red tomatoes need 100 g of salt per litre. 4 . Line the bottom of a sterilised jar with one third of the spice/herb/garlic mixture, with dill at the bottom. 5 . Place tomatoes neatly on top of the spices until the jar is half full. 6 . Place another layer of spice mixture on top of tomatoes, and then add one more layer of tomatoes. Place remaining spice mixture on top. 7 . Add salted water, making sure tomatoes are completely covered, and seal jar. 8 . Store for 2-3 months at 5 C. 9 . Open and enjoy.

Here is the recipe of pickled tomatoes.

  • Ingredients :
  • Tomatoes/Dill/Horseradish leaves/Cherry leaves/Blackcurrant leaves/garlic/summer savoury/coarse grain salt/water
  • Sterilised jars
  • Рreparation:
  • 1. Sort tomatoes by size and ripeness, wash in cold water.
  • 2 . For every 5 kg tomatoes use 75 g dill/ 30 g horseradish greens, cherry leaves, blackcurrant leaves (don’t worry if you can’t find all of these leaves:while all are desirable, any one of three will do fine), 6-7 garlic cloves (peeled), as well as a half spring each of tarragon and savoury.
  • 3 . The amount of salt required for pickling depends on the ripeness of the tomatoes. Green or brown tomatoes need 70-80 g of salt per litre of water. Red tomatoes need 100 g of salt per litre.
  • 4 . Line the bottom of a sterilised jar with one third of the spice/herb/garlic mixture, with dill at the bottom.
  • 5 . Place tomatoes neatly on top of the spices until the jar is half full.
  • 6 . Place another layer of spice mixture on top of tomatoes, and then add one more layer of tomatoes. Place remaining spice mixture on top.
  • 7 . Add salted water, making sure tomatoes are completely covered, and seal jar.
  • 8 . Store for 2-3 months at 5 C.
  • 9 . Open and enjoy.
Список источников иллюстраций: Щи. http:// ruvera.ru/data/img/content/1513923266.8213shi_russkie_8.jpg  Молоко Творог Сметана. https:// img3.badfon.ru/original/1680x1050/1/c5/moloko-tvorog-syr-molochnye.jpg Творог Сметана. http:// planetakartinok.net/photo/0-0/10356_tvorog-so-smetanoy.jpg  Пельмени. https:// ruspekh.ru/images/articles/78421/2019_02_16-035-06_002.jpg  Сало. https:// static.tildacdn.com/tild6539-3863-4062-a166-353765303361/Yvdx5QFlul8.jpg  Картофель. http:// club-korona.ru/sites/default/files/img/dishes/782/skartofel.jpg  Огурцы. http:// img.lenagold.ru/o/ogur/ogur32.png  Каша. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/- zD1qsMlPOgs/V_z6Dg7HReI/AAAAAAAA5GA/4B7nKBYpGXA_6_zr642YBQb0FIuZj2hnwCLcB/s1600/17.jpg

Список источников иллюстраций:

  • Щи. http:// ruvera.ru/data/img/content/1513923266.8213shi_russkie_8.jpg
  • Молоко Творог Сметана. https:// img3.badfon.ru/original/1680x1050/1/c5/moloko-tvorog-syr-molochnye.jpg
  • Творог Сметана. http:// planetakartinok.net/photo/0-0/10356_tvorog-so-smetanoy.jpg
  • Пельмени. https:// ruspekh.ru/images/articles/78421/2019_02_16-035-06_002.jpg
  • Сало. https:// static.tildacdn.com/tild6539-3863-4062-a166-353765303361/Yvdx5QFlul8.jpg
  • Картофель. http:// club-korona.ru/sites/default/files/img/dishes/782/skartofel.jpg
  • Огурцы. http:// img.lenagold.ru/o/ogur/ogur32.png
  • Каша. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/- zD1qsMlPOgs/V_z6Dg7HReI/AAAAAAAA5GA/4B7nKBYpGXA_6_zr642YBQb0FIuZj2hnwCLcB/s1600/17.jpg
Список источников иллюстраций (продолжение): Драники. https:// www.divomix.com/uploads/1470384975.jpg Красная рыба. https:// slovami.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/8-9.jpg Селёдка. http:// samlib.ru/img/w/wasilxewa_t_n/mama/172505.jpg Селёдка под шубой. https:// www.zmones.lt/photo/a9ee5e39-94c0-11e8-9f90-aa000054c883/1200x750p1183602/silke-pataluose-5858ec169be21.jpg  Копчёный осётр. https:// ru.all.biz/img/ru/catalog/6887916.jpg  Копчёный осётр_2. https:// zakoptili.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Smoked-Sturgeon-1.jpg  Жареные караси. https:// i.ytimg.com/vi/svbbyllj0vg/maxresdefault.jpg  Буженина. http:// cdn.iz.ru/sites/default/files/styles/900x506/public/news-2019-01/Depositphotos_67090803_xl-2015.jpg?itok=93XOC_Gi Заливное из языка. https:// vkusno-kak.com/recept/316/658.jpg  Холодец. https:// the-challenger.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/shutterstock_556179898.jpg

Список источников иллюстраций (продолжение):

  • Драники. https:// www.divomix.com/uploads/1470384975.jpg
  • Красная рыба. https:// slovami.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/8-9.jpg
  • Селёдка. http:// samlib.ru/img/w/wasilxewa_t_n/mama/172505.jpg
  • Селёдка под шубой. https:// www.zmones.lt/photo/a9ee5e39-94c0-11e8-9f90-aa000054c883/1200x750p1183602/silke-pataluose-5858ec169be21.jpg
  • Копчёный осётр. https:// ru.all.biz/img/ru/catalog/6887916.jpg
  • Копчёный осётр_2. https:// zakoptili.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Smoked-Sturgeon-1.jpg
  • Жареные караси. https:// i.ytimg.com/vi/svbbyllj0vg/maxresdefault.jpg
  • Буженина. http:// cdn.iz.ru/sites/default/files/styles/900x506/public/news-2019-01/Depositphotos_67090803_xl-2015.jpg?itok=93XOC_Gi
  • Заливное из языка. https:// vkusno-kak.com/recept/316/658.jpg
  • Холодец. https:// the-challenger.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/shutterstock_556179898.jpg
Список источников иллюстраций (продолжение): Винегрет. https:// media.gettyimages.com/photos/tradition-ukrainian-food-with-ripe-tomatoes-picture-id153157235  Грибы. http:// www.segodnya.ua/img/gallery/3827/31/396793_main.jpg  Окрошка. https:// craftlog.com/m/i/870189=s1280=h960  Квас. https:// pp.userapi.com/c851236/v851236206/58b14/xUn6gzphXWI.jpg Свекольный квас.  https://yandex.ru/images/search?p=2&text=русская%20кухня%2020фото%20с%20изображением%20квас Окрошка из кваса. https:// img.telecafe.ru/img/2010-09-06/fmt_96_kvas2.jpg Солянка. https:// newlivwall.ru/uploads/images/s/o/l/soljanka_sbornaja_mjasnaja_klassicheskaja_retsept_s_foto_iz_kolbas_7.jpg  Борщ. http:// s1.1zoom.me/b5050/217/Soups_Tomatoes_Vegetables_Garlic_Borscht_Plate_521758_1920x1200.jpg  Борщ с салом. https:// pp.vk.me/c836636/v836636788/3111/whmtFVRCB8w.jpg

Список источников иллюстраций (продолжение):

  • Винегрет. https:// media.gettyimages.com/photos/tradition-ukrainian-food-with-ripe-tomatoes-picture-id153157235
  • Грибы. http:// www.segodnya.ua/img/gallery/3827/31/396793_main.jpg
  • Окрошка. https:// craftlog.com/m/i/870189=s1280=h960
  • Квас. https:// pp.userapi.com/c851236/v851236206/58b14/xUn6gzphXWI.jpg
  • Свекольный квас. https://yandex.ru/images/search?p=2&text=русская%20кухня%2020фото%20с%20изображением%20квас
  • Окрошка из кваса. https:// img.telecafe.ru/img/2010-09-06/fmt_96_kvas2.jpg
  • Солянка. https:// newlivwall.ru/uploads/images/s/o/l/soljanka_sbornaja_mjasnaja_klassicheskaja_retsept_s_foto_iz_kolbas_7.jpg
  • Борщ. http:// s1.1zoom.me/b5050/217/Soups_Tomatoes_Vegetables_Garlic_Borscht_Plate_521758_1920x1200.jpg
  • Борщ с салом. https:// pp.vk.me/c836636/v836636788/3111/whmtFVRCB8w.jpg
Список источников иллюстраций (продолжение): Щи в чугунке. https:// img.povar.ru/main/5f/f9/b7/3d/shi_v_chugunke-262444.jpg  Уха. http:// static.wixstatic.com/media/ee5dbb_44e09d66d00b44739c960518e6e18ecc.jpg  Бефстроганов. https:// avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/985791/caad521c-766a-4ecb-934b-e5e54770aba5/s1200  Голубцы. https:// img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/15510/88584892.10d/0_11ad5b_6e3ab5bb_orig  Жареный поросёнок. https:// s00.yaplakal.com/pics/pics_original/7/8/2/12783287.jpg  Печёные яблоки. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/- q3kXq0PEEvc/Wlfl2Fh7IdI/AAAAAAAAfTw/g7UOKAzQS8gpfgh_7GSx_baf7qmRxfQPACLcBGAs/s1600/baked%2Ba%2B1-11-18%2Bb.jpg  Запечённая тыква. https:// eda-land.ru/images/article/orig/2018/09/tykva-i-tykvennye-semechki-pri-grudnom-vskarmlivanii-polza-i-vred-rekomendacii-po-upotrebleniyu-14.jpg

Список источников иллюстраций (продолжение):

  • Щи в чугунке. https:// img.povar.ru/main/5f/f9/b7/3d/shi_v_chugunke-262444.jpg
  • Уха. http:// static.wixstatic.com/media/ee5dbb_44e09d66d00b44739c960518e6e18ecc.jpg
  • Бефстроганов. https:// avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/985791/caad521c-766a-4ecb-934b-e5e54770aba5/s1200
  • Голубцы. https:// img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/15510/88584892.10d/0_11ad5b_6e3ab5bb_orig
  • Жареный поросёнок. https:// s00.yaplakal.com/pics/pics_original/7/8/2/12783287.jpg
  • Печёные яблоки. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/- q3kXq0PEEvc/Wlfl2Fh7IdI/AAAAAAAAfTw/g7UOKAzQS8gpfgh_7GSx_baf7qmRxfQPACLcBGAs/s1600/baked%2Ba%2B1-11-18%2Bb.jpg
  • Запечённая тыква. https:// eda-land.ru/images/article/orig/2018/09/tykva-i-tykvennye-semechki-pri-grudnom-vskarmlivanii-polza-i-vred-rekomendacii-po-upotrebleniyu-14.jpg
Список источников иллюстраций (продолжение): Кисель. http:// img.povar.ru/uploads/e3/97/9e/62/kisel_iz_yagod-314273.jpg  Блины. https:// i.pinimg.com/originals/db/4f/ae/db4fae9facd09187f40474b28e6825d9.jpg  Чайный столик. https:// images.wallpaperscraft.com/image/tea_samovar_bread_pastry_75407_1600x1200.jpg  Маринованные помидоры. https:// avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/69339/3b5ece2e-e884-4110-b4fe-616b0681fdee/orig  Укроп.  https://yandex.ru/search / https://yandex.ru/search/?text=русская%20национальная%20кухня%20укроп Чаепитие. http:// zabavnik.club/wp-content/uploads/Kartinki_pro_chaepitie_1_29173437-1024x682.jpg

Список источников иллюстраций (продолжение):

  • Кисель. http:// img.povar.ru/uploads/e3/97/9e/62/kisel_iz_yagod-314273.jpg
  • Блины. https:// i.pinimg.com/originals/db/4f/ae/db4fae9facd09187f40474b28e6825d9.jpg
  • Чайный столик. https:// images.wallpaperscraft.com/image/tea_samovar_bread_pastry_75407_1600x1200.jpg
  • Маринованные помидоры. https:// avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/69339/3b5ece2e-e884-4110-b4fe-616b0681fdee/orig
  • Укроп. https://yandex.ru/search / https://yandex.ru/search/?text=русская%20национальная%20кухня%20укроп
  • Чаепитие. http:// zabavnik.club/wp-content/uploads/Kartinki_pro_chaepitie_1_29173437-1024x682.jpg
Thank you very much for your attention!

Thank you very much for your attention!


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