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Презентация по английскому языку "Праздники в США".

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«Презентация по английскому языку "Праздники в США".»

Thanksgiving Day is a big festival in the USA and Canada to celebrate the harvest.

Thanksgiving Day is a big festival in the USA and Canada to celebrate the harvest.

Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on every fourth Thursday of November.  Some cities have parades.

Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on every fourth Thursday of November. Some cities have parades.

People in Canada celebrate Thanksgiving Day on every second Thursday of October.

People in Canada celebrate Thanksgiving Day on every second Thursday of October.

People  have family dinners.

People have family dinners.

Turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce are popular foods on this day and there’s always some sweet pumpkin pie for dessert.

Turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce are popular foods on this day and there’s always some sweet pumpkin pie for dessert.

Every year in Florida, USA, there is a fantastic strawberry festival. The festival is to celebrate the strawberry harvest.

Every year in Florida, USA, there is a fantastic strawberry festival. The festival is to celebrate the strawberry harvest.

It takes place in the spring.

It takes place in the spring.

The Florida festival is one of the best festivals in North America.

The Florida festival is one of the best festivals in North America.

During the festival people eat a lot of strawberries ice cream.

During the festival people eat a lot of strawberries ice cream.

There a lot of activities: voting for the festival Queen, competitions, parades and lots of music.

There a lot of activities: voting for the festival Queen, competitions, parades and lots of music.

Everyone has a good time.

Everyone has a good time.

People can buy strawberries, strawberry biscuits, strawberry cakes, strawberry jam to take home with them.

People can buy strawberries, strawberry biscuits, strawberry cakes, strawberry jam to take home with them.

Some people stay at the festival all day or even all weekend!

Some people stay at the festival all day or even all weekend!

1. Люди в костюмах клубники. https://monumentaltix.com/assets/uploads/monumentalevents/2017/05/a8f054099342c274e5d2233c19603306_m.jpg  2. Индейка с флагами. https://businessvisit.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Thanksgiving.jpg 3. Уличный парад. https://cnet3.cbsistatic.com/img/mljWLnHCxqmQfjvpO4Qh2pKdMpU=/1600x900/2016/11/17/9839e06c-b7a7-4cfe-8c22-28d1d7643de4/gettyimages-123635871.jpg 4. Флаг Канады. https://webplus.info/images/wpi.images/art_349_06.jpg 5. Семья за ужином. http://enclub.ru/files/images/thanksgiving-day-prayer.jpg 6.Праздничная еда. http:// betterbusiness.torkusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/144296532ft.jpg Картинка с едой к Дню Благодарения. https://www.vestnik.az/storage/2018/11/22/35272-cc_tgiving_2_2016.1100w.tn.jpg8.

1. Люди в костюмах клубники. https://monumentaltix.com/assets/uploads/monumentalevents/2017/05/a8f054099342c274e5d2233c19603306_m.jpg

2. Индейка с флагами. https://businessvisit.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Thanksgiving.jpg

3. Уличный парад. https://cnet3.cbsistatic.com/img/mljWLnHCxqmQfjvpO4Qh2pKdMpU=/1600x900/2016/11/17/9839e06c-b7a7-4cfe-8c22-28d1d7643de4/gettyimages-123635871.jpg

4. Флаг Канады. https://webplus.info/images/wpi.images/art_349_06.jpg

5. Семья за ужином. http://enclub.ru/files/images/thanksgiving-day-prayer.jpg

6.Праздничная еда. http:// betterbusiness.torkusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/144296532ft.jpg

  • Картинка с едой к Дню Благодарения. https://www.vestnik.az/storage/2018/11/22/35272-cc_tgiving_2_2016.1100w.tn.jpg8.


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